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Ratner's Theorems on Unipotent Flows - Deductive Press de l'Etàt; (Mônit., 15 février.) - A~. 2.,Vo!fi.cier de.la _sûr_e,té_d,è\?É~l!,t,8,<;: qµahté d offic,e:r; de pohce Jud1c1a1re/ aux1biüre ~.,.
concept2 indoor rowing foundation - instructor's manual Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice. Faculty of Kinesiology and randomized to EXER (8) and CON (4). Prior to HSCT, 3 EXER partici- pants
THE EFFECTIVE COMPUTATION OF ITERATED INTEGRALS AND ... Webster, 1984, A comparison of the physiological responses to rowing and cycling exercise using RPE as an indicator of exercise intensity. Sports & Exer, 8:3: