""literaturas "(2012 "+" ", ". celui-ci ". "0" "1 "1" "1"(professeurs "12345 ...

""literaturas "(2012 "+" ", ". celui-ci ". "0" "1 "1" "1"(professeurs "12345 ...

... alimso aline aline.cardona@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr alinéa alisé alizada
aliène ... amor amorce amorcent amorcer amorces amorcé amorcée amorcées
amore ... amoureux amours amphi amphis amphithèâtre amphithéâtre
amphithéâtres ... 2 annexés année anne?cécile annick annie annihilant
anniversaire annnées ...

Emgu CV / Tesseract Ocr Svn2Git clone (obsolete) / [d8e049 ...

Emgu CV / Tesseract Ocr Svn2Git clone (obsolete) / [d8e049 ...

... 56023 ANGUILE 65073 ANGUILLA 61230 ANIEL 63894 ANIM 55924 ANIMA
62716 ANIMAL 58132 ANIMALE 57371 ANIMALERIE 62468 ANIMALES 62468 ...

Etimologie_en_lite ? SiC A Pisce

Etimologie_en_lite ? SiC A Pisce

O.E. acan "to ache, suffer pain," from P.Gmc. *akanan, perhaps from a PIE ...... Ale
and beer were synonymous until growing of hops began in England early 15c.
...... Introduced as a term in bacteriology 1853 by Ger. botanist Ferdinand Cohn
...... a certain standing were "called" to it to take part in the important exercises of

German :: English wordlist # Version :: 1.1 # Copyright (c) :: Frank ...

German :: English wordlist # Version :: 1.1 # Copyright (c) :: Frank ...

... {m} :: mad gunman Amor {m} :: Cupid Amortisation {f} :: amortization Ampel {f}
...... respirator mask Atemübung {f} :: breathing exercises Atemzüge {f} :: breaths
...... {n}; Wiederkehr {f} eines Gedenktages :: anniversary Jahresüberschuss {m} ...

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