3.1. Creation and development history of the issuer
Puzenko exercises functions of the chief accountant of IDGC of Centre, JSC ......
On 20 March 2008 the Federal Financial Markets Service registered 21 (twenty
..... of the Russian Federation of 24 November 2003 N 105n as amended by
order of .... bowels (extraction of fresh underground waters at the site of Pochep
QUARTERLY REPORT "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of ...
Structure of the issuer's accounts payable 20 .... Puzenko, Director for the
accounting policy of IDGC of Center, JSC, exercises functions of the Chief ...... of
Finance of the Russian Federation of 24 November 2003 N 105n in edition of
order of the .... resources (production of fresh ground waters at Pochepskoe
deposit site).