Improving students' reading comprehension achievement through ...
The use of picture series to improve eight graders' writing recount texts at MTs N
Babakan Ciledug Cirebon / Ajis Ahmad. Rt 808.042 AHM u. Author : Ahmad, Ajis
.... The effectiveness of using picture in teaching writing descriptive paragraph /
Susilowati. Rt 808.042 SUS e. Author : Susilowati. Publisher : Year : 2014 ...
Improving the second year students' writing skill by using inquiry ...
Improving the writing ability of the fifth semester students of the English
Department of Malang Muhammadiyah University through cooperative learning
strategy / by ..... The effectiveness of using picture in teaching writing descriptive
paragraph / Susilowati. Rt 808.042 SUS e. Author : Susilowati. Publisher : Year :
2014 ...
Penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model two stay two stray (TSTS)
Using contextualized vocabulary exercises in pre-reading activities to improve
...... yang berbeda terhadap mutu fruit leather ciplukan / Aizah Amalia Trisanti.
Improving students writing ability in descriptive text through PIE
Using picture cards to improve the 8th grade students' ability in writing descriptive
texts at MTsN Jambewangi Blitar / M. Sulhan Rofiq. Rs 808.042 ROF u. Author :
Rofiq ...... The effectiveness of using picture in teaching writing descriptive
paragraph / Susilowati. Rt 808.042 SUS e. Author : Susilowati. Publisher : Year :
2014 ...
studi pada siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian ... - Perpustakaan UM
Analysis of grammatical errors in students' descriptive paragraphs / M. Filososfi
Arif Muttaqin ...... The effectiveness of using digital photographs on teaching
writing narrative text for English for Specific Purposes of Arabic Languange and
Literature Department students / Fitrana Harintama .... Author : Susilowati, Endah.
Writing strategies employed by S1-students in developing a topic ...
Lexical ties exercices as one way of improping cohesion in advanced students'
.... of English to children at TK Permata Bunda / by Titik Lestari Rahma Wulan .....
as a means to enhance EFL learners' autonomy across genders / Aulia Nourma
Putri .... Pengembangan modul pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris paket B setara
SMP ...