... date with the financial statements of the parent with a December 31 closing
date. 18 The acquisition of shares held by noncontrolling stockholders does not
constitute a business combination. It is not possible, by definition, to acquire a
controlling interest from noncontrolling stockholders. SOLUTIONS TO

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES. Solution E5-1. 1 a 5 c. 2 d 6 a. 3 a 7 a. 4 c 8 c.
Solution E5-2 [AICPA adapted]. 1 a. 2 c. Unrealized profits from intercompany
sales with Kent are eliminated from the ending inventory: $320,000 combined
current assets less $12,000 unrealized profit ($60,000 ´ 20%). 3 c. Combined
cost of sales ...

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Apply several basic financial statement analysis techniques ... Business analysis
is the evaluation of a company's prospects and risks for business decisions.

ch04.doc -

ch04.doc -

CHAPTER 4 Income Statement and Related Information ASSIGNMENT
CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY TOPIC) Topics Questions Brief Exercises
Exercises Problems 1. Income measurement concepts. 2. Computation of net
income. 3. Single-step income statements. 11, 19 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 7 2, 4, 5 1, 4, 5 4.
Multiple-step income ...

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