OPTIQUE. Exercice 1. On a l'habitude d'exprimer les puissances dans une ...
gordon shapiro td avec corrigée correction TD sureté de fonctionnement EXERCICES CORRIGES RMN ET INFRA ROUGE exercices corrigés de rmn JAADIBEJO Harisanti Take a tomato producing company with automated product harvesting, handling and packing. Unit operations practiced: Harvesting using mechanical harvester, belt conveying for cleaning, sorting, and packing, packing in to polyethylene bag and transportation putting the paced tomato into plastic crates Describe and elaborate the possible forces which each tomato fruit could be exposed to. Explain the principles and/or methods used to quantify them. Explain possible measures to be taken so that damages on the tomato could be minimized. 2. Take a tomato producing company with automated product harvesting, handling and packing. Unit operations practiced: Harvesting -using mechanical harvester, belt conveying for cleaning, sorting, and packing, packing- in to polyethylene bag and transportation - putting the paced tomato into plastic crates Describe and elaborate the possible forces which each tomato fruit could be exposed to. Explain the principles and/or methods used to quantify them. Explain possible measures to be taken so that damages on the tomato could be minimized. bilan financier