devoir 1 - English in NDBA - Free
Souligne et corrige ses fautes (elle en a fait 10). Hello Carole ! ..... Puis fais les
exercices de la page suivante. ...... interests : U2, Nirvana, Michael Jackson.
Part of the document
4ème - 3ème
(leçon + exercices)
(leçon + exercices)
(leçon + exercices)
Appréciation du travail (1ère correction) :
Appréciation du travail (2ème correction) :
I. Compréhension
Lis ce texte à haute voix
GLADYS: Welcome to Adventure International. My name is Gladys Taylor. I'm
the camp supervisor. I'm also a nurse and my job is to look after you and
to see that everything goes well. Hello to all of you!
VOICES: Hello, Mrs Taylor!
GLADYS: Now, I'd like you to meet the lady next to me.
LIZ MOOR: Hello! My name is Elisabeth Moor. I'm your swimming instructor.
You can call me Liz or Butterfly. That's my nickname. I'm from Birmingham.
I'm 24 years old, I'm a gym teacher and I'm training for the Olympic Games.
BOY: What sport?
LIZ: Swimming, of course! The two hundred metres butterfly. What else can I
tell you about myself?
BOY: Are you married?
LIZ: No, I'm single but I'm going to get married next year. Sorry boys.
(laughter) Now I suggest you introduce yourselves. Let's start with you.
DEBORAH: Well, my name is Deborah Douglas but people call me Deb. I'm from
Glasgow. My father owns a pub there. I've got three sisters and two
brothers. I'm fond of pop music, I love sport and I hate school! I'm 15.
That's all!
LIZ: Have you got a nickname, Deb?
DEB: Yes, but it's a secret.
Copie le vocabulaire souligné et donne la traduction en français
Introduce Gladys Taylor.
Introduce Liz Moor
Introduce Deborah Douglas
II. Vocabulary
Apprends ce vocabulaire et révise-le souvent
Family relationships:
Grown-up(s) : adulte(s)
Child(ren) : enfant(s)
Kid : gamin
Parents : parents
Mother : mère Father : père
Son : fils Brother : frère
Daughter : fille Sister : soeur
Elder/Older sister : s?ur aînée
Little brother : petit frère
Great grandparents : arrière grand-parents
Grandparents : grand-parents
Grandmother : grand-mère Grandfather : grand-père
Grandchildren : petits-enfants
Grandson : petit-fils Granddaughter : petite-fille
Aunt : tante Uncle : oncle
Niece : nièce Nephew :neveu
Husband : mari
Wife : femme, épouse
Mother in law : belle mère (mère du conjoint)
Father in law
Brother / sister in law
Stepfather / mother : beau père / belle mère
Halfbrother / sister : demi(e) frère / soeur
To be single : être célibataire
To be married : être marié(e)
To get married : se marier
(Wedding : mariage - la cérémonie)
To expect a baby : attendre un bébé
To be pregnant : être enceinte
Apprends par c?ur ces 12 adjectifs après avoir écris leur traduction :
Messy :
Patient :
Lazy :
Talkative :
Selfish :
Shy :
Pessimistic :
Rude :
Hardworking :
Clumsy :
Absent-minded :
Jealous :
III. Expression Personnelle
Lis cette feuille plusieurs fois.
Aide-toi du lexique donné et cherche si nécessaire le sens des autres mots
que tu ne connais pas.
What about you ?
|1. Identity |2. Physical appearance|3. Family |4. Environment |
| |and personality |There are ... people |I live in a house / in|
| | |in my family |a flat |
|My first name is... |I am 1 m ... tall |I've got... brothers /|I've got a room of my |
| | |sisters |own |
|My surname is... |I'm right-handed |I'm an only child |I share a room with...|
| | left-handed | | |
|Place of birth | |I have got a |There are ... TV sets |
| | |step-father/step-mothe|in my home |
| | |r | |
|I was born |I'm interested in | | |
|in France |politics / video | |I've got pets |
| |games | | |
|abroad |fashion | |I haven't got any pets|
| |science fiction | | |
| | | | |
|Date of birth |I'm fond of | | |
|I was born |animals / | | |
|in...(year) |nature | | |
|in...(month) |reading | | |
|in...(season) |cycling | | |
|on the ...(date) | | | |
|I'm ... years old |I'm afraid of | |Words |
| |spiders / injections | |surname : family name |
| |the dark / tests | |season : the 4 seasons|
| | | |are spring, summer, |
| | | |autumn, winter |
| | | |fashion : la mode |
| |I'm good at | |spider : araignée |
| |languages / maths | |injection : piqûre |
| |cooking / drawing | | |
Introduce yourself ( Présente-toi )
Sers-toi du vocabulaire étudié, des adjectifs, et des expressions données
sur la feuille précédente ainsi que de tes connaissances bien sûr !
Fais un brouillon et recopie ton travail.
IV. Compétence Linguistique (Grammaire)
Relis la conjugaison de to be et de to have aux présent et prétérit.
To Be :
Présent Prétérit
|I am | |I was | |
|You are | |You were | |
|He is | |He was | |
|She is | |She was | |
|It is | |It was | |
|We are | |We were | |
|You are | |You were | |
|They are | |They were | |
To have :
Présent Prétérit
|I have | |I had | |
|You have | |You had | |
|He has | |He had | |
|She has | |She had | |
|It has | |It had | |
|We have | |We had | |
|You have | |You had | |
|They have | |They had | |
Remplis la colonne vide de ces tableaux par la forme négative des 2 verbes.
Fais les exercices demandés :
Complète les phrases par Be ou have en fonction du sens :
1. .................................. your brother interested in science ?
1. .................................. you in your room ?
1. .................................. Andrew got a sister ?
4. Where .................................. your books ?
5. There .................................. 2 TV sets in my house.
6. My parents .................................. got two cars.
7. How many pairs of jeans .................................. you got ?
8. I .................................. no good at cooking.
Attention !
Ne confonds pas :
He's (il est) et his (son, sa, ses,....à lui)
They're (ils, elles sont) avec their (leur, leurs) et there is / there are
(il y a).
Souviens-toi : l'apostrophe remplace (et donc supprime) une lettre.
Peux-tu corriger les fautes ?
Emilie est en Angleterre d'où elle a envoyé une lettre à son amie Carole.
Pour s'amuser, elle l'a écrite en anglais. Mais elle a encore beaucoup de
progrès à faire. Souligne et corrige ses fautes (elle en a fait 10).
Hello Carole !
I'am in London with my english penfriend. She are nice. She is got two
sister and one brothers.
There is four TV set in they're house. It has great !...and her brother Tom
is cute ! (ça veut dire mignon !)
I' m very happy here !
Le schéma des questions :
Les yes/no questions :
Complète la grille ci dessous en associant les questions et les réponses
correspondantes :
1. Are there lots of posters in your room ? a. No, he hasn't.
1. Are your teachers very s