F0 0 3 60 1800F 1 1 B2 POS PART ONE - All Hallows Catholic High ...
Page 39 B 5 Recording. Page 42 B 6 Reporting. Page 44 B 7 Continuity and
Progression. Page 46 B 8 Differentiation. Page 51 B 9 Homework. Page 54 B10
Marking. Page 56 B11 Use of exercise books and files. Page 58 B12 Cross-
Curricular Links within the School ? including Citizenship. Page 59 B13
Community Links.
Part of the document
Contents Page 1 - 2 Contents Section A. Introduction
Page 4 A 1 Introduction
Page 5 A 2 Handbook aims
Section B. Curriculum
Page 6 B 1 Curriculum Area Aims
Page 10 B 2 Curriculum :
- Introduction
Page 12 - The National Curriculum
Page 14 - Methodology : Communicating in the Target Language
Page 16 : Understanding and
Responding : Listening
Page 18 -
: Reading
Page 21 - : Developing Language Learning
Skills and
Awareness of Language
Page 23 - : Developing Cultural Awareness
Page 25 - : Developing the Ability to Work with
Page 28 - : Developing the Ability to Learn
Page 31 - : Information Technology
Page 34 B 3 Rationale for the SOW
Page 35 B 4 Assessment
Page 39 B 5 Recording
Page 42 B 6 Reporting
Page 44 B 7 Continuity and Progression
Page 46 B 8 Differentiation
Page 51 B 9 Homework
Page 54 B10 Marking
Page 56 B11 Use of exercise books and files
Page 58 B12 Cross-Curricular Links within the School - including
Page 59 B13 Community Links
Section C. Organisation
Page 61 C 1 Staffing and responsibilities / Whole School Meetings
Page 63 C 2 Development plan
Page 65 C 3 Communication
Page 67 C 4 Discipline procedures
Page 74 C 5 Foreign Language Assistants
Page 76 C 6 Resources
Page 83 C 7 Monitoring of pupil performance
Page 85 C 8 Review and evaluation
Page 87 C 9 Technical Support
Page 88 C 10 Staff Absence
Page 89 C 11 Educational Visits
Section D. General Policies
Page 92 D 1 Staff Development / NQTs / INSET / Observation &
Page 95 D 2 Special Educational Needs
Page 101 D 3 Equal Opportunities (Gender)
All Hallows R C High School
MODERN LANGUAGES HANDBOOK Contents Section A. Introduction Section B. Curriculum Section C. Organisation Section D. General Policies
Section A Introduction A1 Introduction INTRODUCTION This handbook sets out the general philosophy, policies and procedures
followed within the Curriculum Area of Modern Languages. It has been
collated by the curriculum co-ordinator and contributed to by members of
the curriculum area. It is a working document which supports the
school's staff handbook and is reviewed and updated regularly by members
of the curriculum area staff. As each policy statement is reviewed, a
revised dated copy will replace each original statement.
It is intended that the handbook will be of use to both new and
established members of the curriculum area, as well as providing an
overview for others.
Reviewed: February 1994/Summer 1998/Spring 2005/Spring 2011/Spring 2012
Section A Introduction A2 Handbook Aims MODERN LANGUAGES HANDBOOK AIMS
1. To ensure that all members of the curriculum area have access to
current policies, procedures etc. 2. To ensure that visitors to the curriculum area have access to current
policies, procedures etc. 3. To encourage a consistent approach towards the delivery of Modern
Languages, so assisting continuity and progression. 4. To assist in the development, review and evaluation of the curriculum
Section B Curriculum B1 Curriculum Area Aims CURRICULUM AREA AIMS The Curriculum Area aims are drawn directly from the school's aims and
goals. Aim One: To support and contribute towards the school aim of sharing the
responsibility for educating children within the context of the Catholic
community. Goals:
1. To foster an awareness of Christian practices and traditions in the
country/countries being studied. Objectives:
a) To make pupils aware of how Christian festivals are celebrated in the
relevant country/countries b) To draw, where appropriate, comparisons between (1) above and
celebrations in our own community c) To ensure that pupils have the necessary vocabulary and linguistic
structures to state their own religion and family status in the
foreign language
2. To foster Christian worship in all aspects of school life including
extra-curricular activities. Objectives:
a) To ensure that pupils on visits abroad are given the opportunity to
experience worship in a foreign country b) To support, as appropriate, Christian worship within the school Aim Two: To support and contribute towards the further development and
maintaining of a caring and happy community within an "ordered"
environment Goals:
1. To foster the self-respect of pupils and to value each pupil as an
individual and as a member of the community. Objectives:
a) To encourage individual pupils to express themselves in a foreign
language b) To develop self-awareness by enabling pupils to give information
about themselves in a foreign language c) To develop awareness of others as individuals by encouraging the use
of a foreign language to elicit information d) To provide pupils with opportunities to work with others as part of a
pair, group or team 2. To contribute to the pupils' growth towards autonomy. Objectives: a) To encourage pupils to think and act independently by placing them in
simulated everyday situations in which they may need to use the
foreign language b) To provide pupils with opportunities for independent learning c) To foster in pupils a sense of responsibility for and pride in their
own learning d) To develop in pupils the necessary study and revision skills to
prepare them for the demands of their courses of study, assessments and
public examinations
3. To enhance the personal and professional development of all staff. Objectives: a) To hold regular meetings for the development and exchange of ideas,
materials and resources and the sharing of good practice b) To provide opportunities for all staff to meet with the HoD regularly
to discuss INSET needs and to undertake Performance Management. c) To encourage attendance on relevant courses
4. To foster relationships built upon the principles of justice, peace
and reconciliation. a) To encourage the values of respect, tolerance, understanding, honesty
and fairness and to lead by example in these areas Aim Three: To support and contribute towards the delivery of a broad, balanced,
relevant and differentiated curriculum within the context of Modern
Foreign Language teaching. Goals: 1. To provide for the teaching of one, or where appropriate, two modern
foreign language(s) throughout the school. 2. To contribute to the development of cross-curricular skills and
initiatives. 3. To provide a structure to the curriculum which recognises and
supports the different learning needs of individual pupils. Objectives: a) To create a differentiated scheme of work, in keeping with the
requirements of the National Curriculum, which will fulfil the needs
of pupils of all ages and abilities within the school environment Aim Four: To encourage the development of all the pupils' talents to the full
extent of their potential. Goals:
To provide a differentiated structure to the curriculum which
recognises and develops to the full the linguistic skills of all
pupils. Objectives: a) To provide opportunities for pupils to hear the foreign language(s)
spoken by native and/or fluent speakers in order to develop their
aural skills and understanding b) To encourage pupils to communicate effectively in the target language
whenever possible in situations valid and relevant to their age,
ability, experience and needs c) To provide a variety of opportunities for pupils to read and
understand printed materials in the target language d) To encourage pupils to develop the skills necessary to express
themselves in writing in the target language in situations appropriate
to their age, ability, experience and needs 2. To provide a variety of learning opportunities which effectively
involve the pupils in their own development. 3. To develop in pupils enquiring minds by encouraging them to apply
acquired knowledge and skills to a variety of situations. 4. To encourage pupils to take an active interest in their own
educational experiences. Objectives: a) To assist pupils in the process of self-evaluation i.e. Assessment
for Learning, end of unit reviews etc b) To encourage pupils to apply given information in order to draw
comparisons between different ways of life and cultures c) To further the development of European and Global Awareness in pupils
by the use of
appropriate reference materials e.g. FLA, foreign visitors, trips,
exchanges, events and visits, media, library, recipes, timetables,
brochures etc.
Aim Five:
To foster the development in all pupils of the skills, knowledge,
attitudes and confidence necessary to enable them to take their place
in society.