Názov vysokej ?koly, názov fakulty: Pedagogická fakulta

35. Literatura, filozofia, mit ..... Les exercices de Grammaire A1 avec corrigés ...
Grammaire progressive du français avec 440 exercices - niveau débutant + CD ...

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Name of university, Name of faculty: Faculty of Education | |
|Course description |
| |
|Code: |Title: Ethopedy - theory of education (compulsory) |
|Course of study: |Pre-school and elementary pedagogy and pedagogy of |
| |psycho-socially handicapped |
|Guaranteed by: Mgr. Jarmila |Lecturer: Mgr. Jarmila ?olnová, PhD. |
|?olnová, PhD. | |
|Study period |Form of teaching: |Number of |
|of the course:|lecture, seminar |credits: |
|4 |Recommended extent of the teaching (in hours): |2 |
| |Weekly: 2/-/1/- For the period of study: | |
| |24/-/12/- | |
|Prerequisite courses:| |
|Evaluation method and requirements for the course fulfilment: exam |
|Progressive evaluation (e.g. test, paper, essay...): study and presentation|
|of specialized publication (30 points), didactic test (30 points) |
|Final evaluation (e.g. exam, final paper...): depending on progressive |
|evaluation (60 points) 60%, oral exam (40 points) 40% |
|Course objective: To explain students theoretical knowledge about the |
|system of behaviour disorders secondary prevention with focus on |
|educational and re-educational process at special educational institutions.|
|Course summary: |
|1. Aim, content, principles of education and re-education (PSN). |
|2. External and internal conditions of education. Particularities of |
|re-education. |
|3. Factors of education and re-education. Pedagogical situation. |
|4. Diagnostics and preparation of individual re-educational programs. |
|5. Educational group, team. Effectiveness of re-educational process. |
|6. Life-process re-education. Methods and techniques of special pedagogy. |
| |
|7. Cooperation with family. Management and pedagogical documentation. |
|8. Alternative trends in pedagogy of psycho-socially handicapped. |
|Bibliography|KUJA, J. - FLODER, J. 1989. Etopedie. Olomouc, PF UP 1989 |
|: |LABÁTH, V. a kol. 2001. Riziková mláde?. Praha, Slon 2001 |
| |KO?NÁR, J. 1990. Psychoterapeutické prístupy v prevýchove I, |
| |II . Banská Bystrica KPÚ 1990 |
| |SPOUSTA, V. 1995. Speciáln? pedagogická diagnostika |
| |etopedická. Brno, PF MU 1995 |
| |POKORNÁ, V. 1992. Poruchy chování u detí a jejich náprava. |
| |Praha, UK 1992 |
| |?KOVIERA, A. 2002. Emocionálne a sociálne naru?ené die?a a |
| |jeho in?titucionálna výchova. Bratislava, PF UK 2002 |
| |ZELINA, M. 1995. Stratégie a metódy rozvoja osobnosti die?a?a.|
| |Bratislava, Iris 1995 |
| |?ILÍNEK, M. 1997. Étos a utváranie mravnej identity osobnosti.|
| |Bratislava, Iris 1997 |
|Language of the course: Slovak |Guarantee signature and date of the |
| |course description last revision: |
| |12.09.2006 | |Name of university, Name of faculty: Faculty of Education |
|Course description |
| |
|Code: |Title: Ethopedy - theory of education (compulsory) |
|Course of study: |Pedagogy of socially and emotionally handicapped. |
|Guaranteed by: Mgr. Jarmila ?olnová,|Lecturer: Mgr. Jarmila ?olnová, PhD. |
|PhD. | |
|Study |Form of teaching: |Number |
|period of |lecture, seminar |of |
|the course:|Recommended extent of the teaching (in hours): |credits:|
|4 |Weekly: -/-/-/- For the period of study: 12 classes | |
| |per semester /-/-/- |3 |
|Prerequisite courses:| |
|Evaluation method and requirements for the course fulfilment: exam |
|Progressive evaluation (e.g. test, paper, essay...): study and presentation|
|of specialized publication (30 points), didactic test (30 points) |
|Final evaluation (e.g. exam, final paper...): depending on progressive |
|evaluation (60 points) 60%, oral exam (40 points) 40% |
|Course objective: To acquire knowledge about upbringing and education of |
|psycho-socially handicapped. |
|Course summary: |
|1. Aim, content of psycho-socially handicapped education. |
|2. Educational process - acquiring of knowledge, skills and habits. |
|3. Educational principles. |
|4. Educational methods. |
|5. Organisational forms. |
|6. Didactic tools. |
|7. Stimulative system in education of psycho-socially handicapped. |
|8. Pedagogic problems in education. |
|9. Education of children and youth with light brain dysfunction. |
|10. Individuality of ethopaedist. Pedagogic documentation of a teacher. |
|Bibliography|Blí?kovský,B.: Systémová pedagogika. MU Brno, 1998. |
|: |?ech,M.: Úvod do teorie výchovy a vyu?ování ve speciální |
| |pedagogice etopedické. PdF UP Olomouc, 1987. |
| |Kolá?,M.: Skrytý sv?t ?ikanování ve ?kolách. Praha, Portál |
| |1997. |
| |Komárik,E.: Pedagogika emocionálne a sociálne naru?ených. UK |
| |Bratislava, 1998. |
| |Labáth, V. a kol.: Riziková mláde?. Slon, Praha 2001. |
| |Martin,M. - Waltmanová-Greenwoodová,C.: Jak ?e?it problémy |
| |d?tí se ?kolou. Praha, Portál 1997. |
| |Mertin,V.: Individuální vzd?lávací program. Praha, Portál |
| |1995. |
| |Petlák,E.: V?eobecná didaktika. Iris, Bratislava. 1997 |
|Language of the course: Slovak |Guarantee signature and date of the |
| |course description last revision: |
| |08.09.2006 |
|Name of university, Name of faculty: Faculty of Education |
|Course description |
| |
|Code: |Title: Ethopedy - rudiments and history (compulsory)|
|Course of study: |Pre-school and elementary pedagogy and pedagogy of |
| |psycho-socially handicapped |
|Guaranteed by: Mgr. Jarmila |Lecturer: Mgr. Jarmila ?olnová, PhD. |
|?olnová, PhD. | |
|Study period |Form of teaching: lecture |Number of |
|of the course:|Recommended extent of the teaching (in hours): |credits: |
|2 |Weekly: 1/-/-/- For the period of study: |2 |
| |12/-/-/- | |
|Prerequisite courses:| |
|Evaluation method and requirements for the course fulfilment: evaluated |
|credit |
|Progressive evaluation (e.g. test, paper, essay...): introductory test (20 |
|points) |
|didactic test (40 points + 40 points) |
|Final evaluation (e.g. exam, final paper...): |
|Depending on progressive evaluation (100 points) 100% |
|Course objectives: To introduce students into the problem of |
|psycho-socially handicapped by use of the basic theoretical knowledge. |
|Course summary: |
|Pedagogy of psycho-socially handicapped - Ethopedy: term, subject-matter, |
|aim, content, research. |
|2. Historical discursion into the history of care about individuals with |
|behaviour disorders in Slovakia. |
|3. Basic concepts, categories. |
|4. Classification of behaviour disorders. |
|5. Special pedagogic diagnostic in Ethopedy. |
|6. External and internal conditions of education. |
|7. Complex rehabilitation care