1 MVIMAEDIVM MESSAGE ARCHIVE - 2006-2009- Republished by ...

exercise of no-thinking, even for a minute or more remains as an experience; and
...... 3e - receptive frequency: the low vibration of propaganda 3f - optimum ......
exercises may prove difficult or impossible, but for the initiate advanced in the .....
is taken by Jupiter, SA Blue by Mercury, & SA Red by Sol, ? Indigo and Violet ...

Part of the document


- 2006-2009-

Republished by the Sinister 101 Syndicate

[ To Remove your ID - contact Sinister101@y7mail.com ]


These messages form the three years 2006-2009 during which I was
priviledged to be surrounded by exceptional minds and dozens of different
persons with their own approach in the civil atmosphere of Mvimaedivm as
the founder of the Temple of THEM and by proxy a self-appointed external
representative for the ONA.

I have inserted dates where various important events require chronological

I've added page numbers and arbitrary breaks.

Mvimaedivm is pronounced MUH-VIM-AH-DAY-UM

It means, 'Know Now My Way'



Re: [mvimaedivm] STAR GAME #Chart 1
#1. friend D11 (sul/sul) to D8 (sal/sal) *taking white sul/sul*

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 1
***Forfeit confirmed***
#6. f D9 (sul/sal) to N7 (sul/mer)
niger_lupus wrote:

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 1
#8. f D3 (sul/sal) to N5 (sul/mer)

[mvimaedivm] STAR GAME #Chart 2
#11. NL N12 (sul/sul) to Ant5 (sal/sal) *taken black mer/sul*

> #10. f R1 (mer/mer) to N9 (mer/sul)

Re: [mvimaedivm] STAR GAME #Chart 2
#12. f N3 (sul/sal) to N11 (sul/mer)

Re: [mvimaedivm] STAR GAME #Chart 2
#12. f N3 (sul/sal) to N11 (sul/mer)

[mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 2
| |

#13. NL D10 (sul/sal) to N14 (sul/mer)

#12. f N3 (sul/sal) to N11 (sul/mer)

#11. NL N12 (sul/sul) to Ant5 (sal/sal) *taken black mer/sul*

#10. f R1 (mer/mer) to N9 (mer/sul)

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 2
#14. f R3 (mer/sal) to N2 (mer/mer)

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 2
#14. f R3 (mer/sal) to N2 (mer/mer)

[mvimaedivm] New poll for mvimaedivm
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
mvimaedivm group:

Which of the following Masses embodies the greater heresy? A Mass that
involves the icons of National Socialism such as Mein Kampf and the
Or a Mass that involves burning the American Flag? [By heresy it is meant
which performance subjects the performee to the greatest danger and which
mass is considered to be most effective form for presencing the Sinister
Dialectic in current times.]

o I think a Mass involving National Socialism embodies the greater heresy.
o I think a Mass involving the burning of an American Flag is the greater
o National Socialism - the Traditional Mass of Heresy using National
Socialism is still a valid, working system for presencing the Sinister.
o The American Flag: I think the Sinister should evolve to reflect the
changing poltical climate to maintain effectiveness for presencing the

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 3
#22. f R11 (sul/sal) to N13 (sul/mer)

[Note: Move 21 associated with Chart #3.] [[This correction does not
constitute a penalty]]

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 3
#24. f D8 (sal/sal) to N8 (sal/mer)

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 3

Very nice spotting NL.

An1 (mer/mer) has been removed. And N8 is not allowed to proceed, and must
be returned to D8. The removal of multiple pieces applies only to Sul/Sul

For the benefit of others: In order to complete the winning combination
which requires placing salt pieces on Opposite colours [ a move that is
usually forbidden] it was decided to allow Salt pieces to move onto
opposite coloured squares on Mira, only to form the correct combination,
and only on the squares that formed it. To prevent Salt squares taking
liberties elsewhere on the boards this rule was confined to operation on
Mira, and somewhat ambiguously stated: any other moves by a salt piece to
an *Opposite* {note NL} colour would be penalized.

Let me take this opportunity to introduce a note. When the game is played
without that rule by which you have just forfeited me; Sulphur has the
power to perform an alchemical transmutation of the original salt
designation, taking salt from the causal into the acausal (esoteric) or
from black onto white (exoteric); forming salt pieces on opposite
coloured squares. This power of sulphur is a natural evolution of the
starboard - and essentially the creation of a new type of piece. In
StarGame #Black, the power of sulphur to create the new species has been

niger_lupus wrote:
You have moved your black salt's piece on WHITE square on Naos.
But, you can move your salt's pieces on white squares ONLY on Mira and
on the correct pattern. I destroy your mer/mer piece on Antares 1.
Now, your piece on N8 (sal/mer) stays on this square or is also it
removed ?

I wait your confirmation of forfeit and after I post my next move.

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 3
On another note NL - have you noticed yet what the salt rule has done? This
rule immobilizes sal/sal pieces indefinitely - discouraging use of the
sul/sul aggressor. Your white sal/sal pieces on Black Squares may move
neither to a black square, [which would repeat the same rule I have just
attempted to violate] nor a white one, because that would be an opposite
coloured square and salt may not move to it.

Re: [mvimaedivm] Re: STAR GAME #Chart 3
If you have white sal/sal on white squares, there is no problem, as the
piece, square you are on, and square you are moving to are all the same
colour. If you have white sal/sal pieces on black squares that can move
directly to Mira from Rigel or Arcturus into the correct position, this is
also allowed. But If you have white sal/sal on black squares - on Deneb for
instance, they cannot move to Mira; to another black square, as this would
repeat the same violation I have attempted to make and have been penalized
for; or a white square, because salt cannot move to different coloured
squares unless it is directly to Mira to form the winning combination.

[mvimaedivm] A Mastery of Esoteric Abstraction
[pic]A Mastery of Esoteric Abstraction

The Star Game is an enigma for many. Even its seemingly simple
exoteric board game - composed of a richly layered
mathematical/ symbolic miasma of shifting energies and alchemy, a
miasma that conceals many hidden levels and insights - is difficult
for some to understand. The intricacies of the Game increase even
more when played via an electronic format - where synchronicity and
understanding of the rules and orientation are sometimes at odds
between players causing chaos and confusion.
Although it will be but briefly commented on here: the rewards for
understanding the Star Game have been substantial to me. The
archetypal roles that persons assume unconsciously in Role-Playing
Games, Chess, or other games of strategy and competition - are also
assumed in the players of the Star Game, and I believe can reveal to
an intuitive mind, many things about the nature of one's opponent and
offer valuable insight into how that individual approaches, solves,
and deals with obstacles in a variety of situations that impose
stress, over-confidence, etc.

It is my belief that there are occurring patterns, from the smallest
to the largest that represent the totality of causal being. The
elusive nature of the universe and its substance is represented in
the human being who acts as a higher/lower tier of its essence - much
like the atomic structure of the tetrahedron mimics its physical,
larger quartz counterpart, and the magician then repeats this
magnification process reproducing its geometrical essence in ever
increasing macro [and micro] forms.

I believe that certain inner things such as psychological neuroses,
emotions, agendas, and motivations that are hidden from sight, repeat
themselves in both larger and smaller forms. Therefore, observing the
movement of the pieces, is akin to observing the alchemy of a minor
field manifesting on a larger macro scale - viz. the reactions of
those playing to situations that arise, the discussions that ensue,
and the interaction between the players is as much a part of the Star
Game as is forming a sequence on Mira. There are many levels on which
the SG operates, and one of these is as a mirror on the outer, for
what is occurring on the inner - the exoteric board game as a means
of psychological analysis.

Mathematically, and using standard ONA rules - the exoteric star
game can be played to a draw every single time by following a simple
rule, or even just by mirroring one's opponent; it is [unless human
error is used as an element of chaos as per the rules of THEM]
logically impossible to win the SG for either opponent if both
opponents are equally matched. If white and black both play by this
rule, both players will systematically reduce each others pieces down
until neither player has enough pieces to form the winning sequence.
Thus winning the exoteric game is a hollow victory, being
mathematically pre-determined. And even played in this format
esoterically, whereby each players maps out their opponents psyche in
order to change it - is again, loaded, and a hollow victory because
it immediately places one player at a distinct advantage.
And this leads me to an interesting conclusion - that for effective
black magick there can be no opponents /- and that the Star Game is
better used as a tool of black magick when two or more persons unite
on the same "side" [as a collective player in solidarity] to effect
changes as a team in a separate external target; each playing a part
in altering the boards.

For this to occur; it is first necessary to map out the esoteric
values of the target and then to manipulat