Content List - Ecclesiastical History Society

Jury : P. Aigrain, J.P. Beaufils, J.L. Motchane, D. St-James et .... 27. Structural
features of magnetism in amorphous materials. J.-C.S. Lévy. J. Mag. Mag .... 123,
52 (1993). 44. ... Reports in Mathematical Physics 38, 201-210 (1996). 52. .....
Propriétés thermodynamiques de la matière, Thermochime, cours et exercices

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Studies in Church History vol. 1, ed. C. W. Dugmore and Charles Duggan
C. N. L. Brooke Problems of the church historian
T. M. Parker Arminianism and Laudianism in seventeenth-century
England 20-34
M. D. Knowles, O.S.B. Some recent work on early Benedictine history
(presidential address) 35-46
Aubrey Gwynn, S.J. The Irish missal of Corpus Christi College, Oxford
James Parkes Jews and Christians in the Constantinian Empire
E. F. Jacob Reflections upon the study of general councils in the
fifteenth century 80-97
R. McL. Wilson The gospel of Philip
Gerald Bonner Augustine's visit to Caesarea in 418
Geoffrey G. Willis What is Mediana week?
R. A. Markus Donatism: the last phase
Eric Fletcher, M.P. Birinus and the church at Wing
Charles Duggan Primitive decretal collections in the British Museum
C. J. Godfrey The archbishopric of Lichfield
P. J. Dunning, C.M. The letters of Pope Innocent III to Ireland
D. M. Nicol Mixed marriages in Byzantium in the thirteenth century
Decima L. Douie Archbishop Pecham's register
Dorothy M. Owen Ely diocesan records
C. M. D. Crowder Correspondence between England and the Council of
Constance, 1414-18 184-206
Patrick Collinson The beginnings of English sabbatarianism
H. A. Lloyd Jukes Peter Gunning, 1613-84: scholar, churchman,
controversialist 222-32
W. R. Ward Oxford and the origins of liberal Catholicism in the
Church of England 233-52
Peter Hinchliff The theology of graduation: an experiment in
training colonial clergy 253-7

Studies in Church History vol. 2, ed. G. J. Cuming (1965)
C. W. Dugmore The study of the origins of the Eucharist:
retrospect and revaluation (presidential address)
E. C. Ratcliff The Old Syrian baptismal tradition and its
resettlement under the influence of
Jerusalem in the fourth century
Steven Runciman The Greek church under the Ottoman Turks
J. N. Bakhuizen van den Brink Ratramm's eucharistic doctrine and its
influence in sixteenth-century England 54-77
Walter Ullmann The papacy as an institution of government in the
Middle Ages 78-101
S. L. Greenslade The unit of pastoral care in the early church
Joel Hurstfield Church and State, 1558-1612: the task of the Cecils
W. H. C. Frend A note on the Great Persecution in the West
G. G. Willis Cursus in the Roman canon
P. H. Brieger Bible illustration and Gregorian reform
Anne Heslin The coronation of the Young King in 1170
Charles Duggan A Durham canonical manuscript of the late twelfth
century 179-85
H. M. R. E. Mayr-Harting Master Silvester and the compilation of early
English decretal collections 186-96
J. A. Watt Mediaeval deposition theory: a neglected canonist consultatio
from the First Council of
Lyons 197-214
J. W. Gray Archbishop Pecham and the decrees of Boniface
Michael Wilks Predestination, property, and power: Wyclif's theory
of dominion and grace 220-36
Robert Peters Who compiled the sixteenth-century patristic
handbook Unio dissidentium? 237-50
J. A. F. Thomson John Foxe and some sources for Lollard history:
notes for a critical appraisal 251-7
Patrick Collinson The role of women in the English Reformation
illustrated by the life and friendships
of Anne Locke
M. C. Cross An example of lay intervention in the Elizabethan church
Basil Hall Puritanism: the problem of definition
Leland H, Carlson A corpus of Elizabethan nonconformist writings
A. C. Carter Two interesting documents found in the register of
the consistory at the English church
in Amsterdam
Graham Howes Dr Arnold and Bishop Stanley

Studies in Church History vol. 3, ed. G. J. Cuming (Leiden, 1966)
S. L. Greenslade Reflections on early Christian topography
(presidential address) 1-22
D. H. Newsome The churchmanship of Samuel Wilberforce
J. W. Gray Canon law in England: some reflections on the Stubbs-
Maitland controversy 48-68
Torben Christensen F. D. Maurice and the contemporary religious
world 69-90
Patrick Collinson Episcopacy and reform in England in the later
sixteenth century 91-125
Rosalind Hill Christianity and geography in early Northumbria
R. A. Markus Reflections on religious dissent in North Africa in
the Byzantine period 140-9
G. S. M. Walker Erigena's conception of the sacraments
C. R. Cheney A recent view of the general interdict on England,
1208-1214 159-68
A. J. Cosgrove The elections to the bishopric of Winchester, 1290-2
C. T. Allmand Some effects of the last phase of the Hundred Years
War upon the maintenance of
J. F. Davis Lollard survival and the textile industry in the south-
east of England 191-201
Basil Hall John Calvin, the jurisconsults and the ius civile
D. M. Owen Synods in the diocese of Ely in the latter Middle Ages and
the sixteenth century 217-22
Robert Peters The notion of the Church in the writings attributed
to King James VI & I 223-31
A. M. C. Carter John Robinson and the Dutch Reformed Church
H. A. L. Jukes A tribute to Bishop Skinner
G. J. Cuming Two fragments of a lost liturgy
G. G. Willis In earth, as it is in heaven
G. V. Bennett An unpublished diary of Archbishop William Wake
R. B. Knox The Wesleys and Howell Harris
W. R. Ward The cost of Establishment: some reflections on church
building in Manchester 277-89

Studies in Church History vol. 4: The Province of York, ed. G. J. Cuming
(Leiden, 1967)
J. S. Purvis The archives of York
H. M. R. E. Mayr-Harting Paulinus of York
R. B. Dobson The foundation of perpetual chantries by the
citizens of medieval York 22-38
A. G. Dickens Secular and religious motivations in the Pilgrimage
of Grace (presidential address) 39-64
D. M. Loades The collegiate churches of Durham at the time of the
Dissolution 65-75
Philip Tyler The status of the Elizabethan parochial clergy
Hugh Aveling Some aspects of Yorkshire Catholic recusant history,
1558-1791 98-121
Claire Cross Achieving the Millennium: the church in York during
the Commonwealth 122-42
A. M. G. Stephenson Archbishop Vernon Harcourt

Studies in Church History vol. 5: The Church and Academic Learning, ed. G.
J. Cuming (Leiden, 1969)
A. B. Cobban Episcopal control in the medieval universities of
northern Europe 1-22
D. M. Nicol The Byzantine church and Hellenistic learning in the
fourteenth century 23-57
J. R. Wright The supposed illiteracy of Archbishop Walter
Reynolds 58-68
M. J. Wilks The early Oxford Wyclif: papalist or nominalist?
F. D. Logan Another cry of heresy at Oxford: the case of Dr John
Holand, 1416 99-113
Basil Hall The trilingual college of San Ildefonso and the making of
the Complutensian polyglot
J. S. Purvis The literacy of the later Tudor clergy in Yorkshire
R. M. Haines Some arguments in favour of plurality in the
Elizabethan church 166-92
H. A. Lloyd Jukes Degory Wheare's contribution to the study and
teaching of ecclesiastical history in
England in the seventeenth century

Studies in Church History vol. 6: The Mission of the Church and the
Propagation of the Faith, ed. G. J. Cuming (Cambridge, 1970)
A. P. Vlasto The mission of SS. Cyril and Methodius and its
aftermath in Central Europe 1-16
L. G. D. Baker The shadow of the Christian symbol
R. A. Markus Gregory the Great and a papal missionary strategy
G. S. M. Walker St Columban: monk or missionary?
C. H. Talbot St Boniface and the German mission
C. N. L. Brooke The missionary at home: the church in the towns,
1000-1250 (presidential address) 59-84
C. R. Boxer The problem of the native clergy in the Portuguese and
Spanish Empires from the
sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries
A. F. Walls A Christian experiment: the early Sierra Leone colony
Peter Hinchliff The selection and training of missionaries in the
early nineteenth century 131-6
G. Huelin The church's response to the c