title and stuff goes here - Northwest Power & Conservation Council

This document starts with a table of the proposals that provides some basic
information on the proposal, the ISRP's preliminary recommendation, and the
page number for comments on ...... The model can serve as a valuable
conceptual framework rather than an exercise in precise mathematical
formulation and prediction.

Part of the document

|[pic] | |
| |Independent Scientific Review Panel |
| |for the Northwest Power & Conservation |
| |Council |
| |851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100 |
| |Portland, Oregon 97204 |
| |isrp@nwcouncil.org | Preliminary Review of Proposals
Submitted for Fiscal Years 2007-2009 Funding through the
Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program PART 2. Recommendations and
Comments on Individual Proposals
ISRP 2006-4B
June 2, 2006 ISRP Preliminary Review of FY 2007-2009 Proposals Part 2: Recommendations and Comments on Individual Proposals This document is the second part of the ISRP's Preliminary Review of FY
2007-2009 Proposals. It contains ISRP comments and recommendations for
each of the 540 proposals submitted. Part 1 of the report describes the
ISRP's review process and criteria, recommendation categories, and other
information needed to best understand and use this portion of the report.
Part 1 also identifies programmatic issues that cut across the set of
proposals and are intended to inform Fish and Wildlife Program development.
This document starts with a table of the proposals that provides some basic
information on the proposal, the ISRP's preliminary recommendation, and the
page number for comments on the proposal. The table is organized by
proposal number. Summary comments on each proposal follow the table. These
start with mainstem and systemwide proposals (organized by topic) and then
are organized by province (from the Estuary upstream to the Mountain
Columbia), subbasin (alphabetical), and topic/program (roughly artificial
production, wildlife, monitoring and habitat). This organization is
intended to give a picture of all the proposed activity in a subbasin or
systemwide. The ISRP's comments and recommendations are also available on-line through
a table that can be sorted various ways; see
www.nwcouncil.org/library/isrp/isrp2006-4.htm. A page index by proposal number is at end of document.
Table of Contents Table of proposals and recommendations 4
Proposals, recommendations and comments 50
Mainstem and Systemwide 50
Artificial Production Related Proposals for Salmonids 50
Population Structure, Diversity, and Life History Studies for Salmonids
Coded-Wire Tag and Harvest 96
Mainstem Passage and Monitoring 112
Sturgeon 135
Lamprey 141
Smelt 147
Freshwater Mussels 148
Predator Control and Invasive Species 152
Bull Trout 159
Habitat 165
Regional Monitoring 187
Fish Passage Monitoring Data Analysis and Dissemination 195
Regional Databases 206
Public Information Resources 212
Regional Coordination 215
Ocean and Estuary 222
Lower Columbia 257
Mainstem and Tributaries 257
Willamette 282
Columbia Gorge 305
Fifteenmile 312
Hood 320
Klickitat 329
Wind 338
Columbia Plateau 341
Columbia Lower Middle 341
Crab 342
Deschutes 349
John Day 363
Lower Snake, Tucannon, and Plateau-wide 383
Umatilla 391
Walla Walla 412
Yakima 426
Blue Mountain 456
Asotin 456
Grande Ronde 464
Imnaha 493
Snake Hells Canyon 495
Lower Snake Multiprovince 497
Mountain Snake 500
Clearwater 500
Salmon 547
Columbia Cascade 569
Columbia Upper Middle 569
Entiat 581
Methow 590
Okanogan 605
Wenatchee 615
Intermountain 631
Coeur D'Alene 631
Columbia Upper 634
Pend Oreille 648
Sanpoil and Spokane 659
Middle Snake 663
Upper Snake 677
Mountain Columbia 682
Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Clark Fork, Columbia Upper 682
Flathead 687
Kootenai 694
Index of proposals and page numbers 709
Table of proposals and recommendations Click page numbers to jump to proposal reviews ID |Title |Sponsor |Province |Subbasin |FY07 |FY08 |FY09 |Recommendation
|Page | |198201301 |Coded-Wire Tag Recovery |Pacific States Marine
Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide |$2,783,640
|$2,894,985 |$3,010,785 |Fundable |96 | |198201302 |Annual Stock Assessment
- Coded Wire Tag Program (ODFW) |Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
(ODFW) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide |$245,680 |$250,593 |$255,604
|Fundable (Qualified) |98 | |198201303 |Coded Wire Tag - USFWS |US Fish &
Wildlife Service (USFWS) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide |$115,538
|$121,315 |$127,987 |Fundable (Qualified) |100 | |198201304 |Coded Wire Tag
- WDFW |Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) |Mainstem/
Systemwide |Systemwide |$386,607 |$389,092 |$412,992 |Fundable (Qualified)
|101 | |198331900 |New Marking & Monitoring Tech |National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide
|$768,685 |$1,357,243 |$1,596,791 |Fundable |112 | |198335000 |Nez Perce
Tribal Hatchery Operations & Maintenance |Nez Perce Tribe |Mountain Snake
|Clearwater |$2,033,220 |$2,094,217 |$2,177,986 |Response requested |502 |
|198335003 |Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery M&E |Nez Perce Tribe |Mountain Snake
|Clearwater |$1,996,183 |$2,031,097 |$2,066,835 |Fundable |504 | |198343500
|Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities O&M |Confederated Tribes of the
Umatilla Indian Reservation |Columbia Plateau |Umatilla |$1,059,166
|$1,102,743 |$1,143,182 |Fundable (Qualified) |391 | |198343600 |Umatilla
Passage O&M |Westland Irrigation District |Columbia Plateau |Umatilla
|$502,253 |$512,298 |$522,544 |Response requested |400 | |198402100
|Mainstem, Middle Fork, John Day Rivers Fish Habitat Enhancement Project
|Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Columbia Plateau |John Day
|$486,515 |$519,262 |$537,463 |Not fundable |364 | |198402500 |ODFW Blue
Mountain Oregon Fish Habitat Improvement |Oregon Department of Fish &
Wildlife (ODFW) |Blue Mountain |Grande Ronde |$377,900 |$391,600 |$410,300
|Response requested |483 | |198503800 |Colville Hatchery |Colville
Confederated Tribes |Intermountain |Columbia Upper |$1,015,504 |$1,056,124
|$1,098,369 |Fundable in part |638 | |198506200 |Juvenile Fish Screen
Evaluations in Columbia Plateau Province |Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory |Columbia Plateau |None Selected |$91,717 |$94,608 |$97,981
|Fundable |383 | |198605000 |White Sturgeon Mitigation and Restoration in
the Columbia and Snake Rivers Upstream from Bonneville Dam |Oregon
Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide
|$1,613,363 |$1,591,637 |$1,613,212 |Fundable |135 | |198710001 |Umatilla
Anadromous Fish Habitat - CTUIR |Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Reservation |Columbia Plateau |Umatilla |$372,245 |$385,085 |$405,960
|Response requested |410 | |198710002 |Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat
Improvement Project |Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Columbia
Plateau |Umatilla |$321,767 |$335,282 |$349,395 |Response requested |411 |
|198712700 |Smolt Monitoring By Non-Federal |Pacific States Marine
Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) |Mainstem/ Systemwide |Systemwide |$2,345,710
|$2,436,778 |$2,550,951 |Fundable (Qualified) |117 | |198802200 |Umatilla
Fish Passage Operations |Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Reservation |Columbia Plateau |Umatilla |$380,238 |$399,249 |$419,211
|Response requested |401 | |198805301 |Grande Ronde/Imnaha Endemic Spring
Chinook Supplementation - Northeast Oregon Hatchery |Nez Perce Tribe |Blue
Mountain |Grande Ronde |$9,809,858 |$3,478,059 |$1,014,268 |Response
requested |466 | |198805303 |Hood River Production M&E - Warm Springs
|Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon |Columbia Gorge
|Hood |$585,897 |$544,920 |$556,421 |Response requested |320 | |198805304
|Hood River Production Program - ODFW M&E |Oregon Department of Fish &
Wildlife (ODFW) |Columbia Gorge |Hood |$536,935 |$583,381 |$609,659
|Response requested |321 | |198805305 |Northeast Oregon (NEOH) Outplanting
Facilities Master Plan |Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Blue
Mountain |Grande Ronde |$18,870 |$18,870 |$18,870 |Response requested |473
| |198805307 |Hood River Production O&M - Warm Springs/ODFW |Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon |Columbia Gorge |Hood
|$270,282 |$277,906 |$285,530 |Response requested |323 | |198805308 |Hood
River Powerdale Dam Fish Trap/Oak Springs/Pelton Ladder -Operation and
Maintenance |Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Columbia Gorge
|Hood |$562,860 |$589,337 |$598,649 |Fundable |325 | |198805315 |Hood River
Adult Salmonid Trapping Facilities/Parkdale Fish Facility Expansion |Oregon
Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) |Columbia Gorge |Hood |$750,000
|$250,000 |$150,000 |Not fundable |325 | |198806400 |Kootenai River Native
Fish Restoration and Conservation Aquaculture |Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
|Mountain Columbia |Kootenai |$1,970,800 |$2,739,146 |$3,523,054 |Response
requested |695 | |198806500 |Kootenai R White Sturgeon Inventory |Idaho
Department of Fish & Game |Mountain Columbia |Kootenai |$1,165,360
|$1,169,924 |$1,179,198 |Fundable |699 | |198810804 |StreamNet (CIS/NED)
|Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) |Mainstem/ Systemwide
|Systemwide |$2,901,154 |$3,040,961 |$3,198,011 |Response requested |206 |
|198811525 |YKFP - Design & Construction (Nelson Springs replacement
facility) |Yakama Confederated Tribes |Columbia Plateau |Yakima |$628,701
|$0 |$0 |Fundable (Qualified) |428 | |198811535 |Klickitat