compréhension - Aix - Marseille

Miriam and George were not observant people. Miriam et Georges n'étaient pas
très observateurs. 2. Besides, they ... Réalisation de l'exercice. et traitement du ...

Part of the document

1. In which country is the story set? Justify (2 quotes) 2 points
in Great-Britain : Costwolds/ Torquay et aussi Bournemouth. 2. What sort of narrative is this? 2 points
It is a third person narrative (1 pt) told by an omniscient narrator (1
pt). 3. Fill in the grid about the main character. (1pt x 7) 7 points |Name |Angela |
|Former job |worked in a bank |
|Present job |a general carer |
|Marital status |single |
|Love life |none |
|Friends |one, another single woman. |
|Hobbies |knitting, reading. | 4. What does her current job consist in? (1pt x 5) 5 points
She walks dogs, feeds pets, baby-sits, waters plants, cares for elderly
parents. 5. What else does she do when she is in her neighbours' houses? (1pt x 5)
5 points She opens the cupboards, has a look at the clothes, goes through the
drawers, reads the letters, looks at the photographs.
6. "Letters were a treat" (l. 13). In the following list, find at least one
synonym that fits the use of the word treat in this context :
entertainment, source of gratification, delectable dish, surprise,
amusement, gift. Then justify your choice by quoting the text. (4pts+4pts
quotation) 8 points
Delectable dish (l. 15 : "savouring them.")
Accepter aussi source of gratification (l. 13 : "she rarely came upon any
in her exploration of other people's houses"). 7. Find at least two examples in the text showing that her clients had
confidence in her.
(4pt + 4pt) 8 points
l. 1: "they had given her a key, as most did";
l. 17-18: "Her clients [...] thought her absolutely reliable and
également : l. 21: "Besides, they trusted her"; 8. Read again from line 22 to 27. Choose the adjective that best describes
Angela's life. Explain your choice in your own words. 12 points
|exciting |hectic |uneventful |busy | She has an uneventful life.
She seldom goes out, she doesn't have any friends, she's alone, she
follows the same routine: a yearly trip to Torquay or Bournemouth, a
monthly stay with her aunt.
(2 pts pour uneventful + 10 pts pour le reste) 9. Pick out the two sentences that show that her new job makes her feel
(3pts + 3pts) 6 points
l. 37: "She liked her neighbours' dependence on her."
l. 38: "She had become indispensable and that gave her pleasure." 10. Which of the two jobs does she prefer: her former job or the new one?
Quote the text to justify your answer. (2pts + 2pts) 4 points
She left her former job and decided to work as a house carer on a
permanent basis.
"Caring for them... had become her only paid employment, she had given up
her job". (l. 34-35) 11. Did she become a house explorer by accident or did she plan it? Quote
the text to justify your answer. (2pts + 2pts) 4 points
It happened by accident.
"... her footsteps, as if independently of her will... took her along the
passage to the parents' bedroom. And so it began." (l. 41-42) 12. In the last paragraph, find the sentence that shows why she has become
addicted to looking through other people's lives. 8 points
l. 46: "It educated her".
Accepter aussi :
l. 45 : "all this showed her what life was." et l. 47-48 : "There had not
been... to that". 13. Does she feel guilty about it? Quote the text to justify your answer.
(2pts + 2pts) 4 points
No, she doesn't.
The fact that it was the life of other people and not hers didn't much
trouble her (l.45-46). 14. Quote the text to show that she had become eager to learn more about
people's lives. 5 points
"Searching for it... was something to look forward to." (l. 46-47) 15. Translate into French:
from "No one had ever suspected..." (l. 18) to "trusted her" (l.21) 20
points |Texte anglais |Traduction proposée |points |
|No one had ever suspected|Aucun d'entre eux n'avait jamais |2 |
| |soupçonné | |
|that she explored their |qu'elle explorait leur maison |1 |
|houses | | |
|while alone in them. |lorsqu'elle y était seule. |2 |
|After all, it had never |Après tout, il n'était jamais venu à|3 |
|occurred to Peter and |l'idée de Peter et de Louise | |
|Louise | | |
|to place hairs across |de coller des cheveux sur les |4 |
|drawer handles; |poignées de tiroir (accepter toute | |
| |traduction plausible); | |
|Elizabeth would hardly |Elizabeth aurait eu bien du mal à |4 |
|have known how to examine|savoir repérer des empreintes | |
|objects for fingerprints;|digitales sur des objets; | |
|Miriam and George were |Miriam et Georges n'étaient pas très|2 |
|not observant people. |observateurs. | |
|Besides, they trusted |Qui plus est, il lui faisaient |2 |
|her. |confiance. | |
|Total traduction | |20 |
Traitez les deux sujets. 1. Modern technology enables anyone to invade people's privacy. Does
this worry you? Explain. (150 words) 2. One of Angela's clients discovers the truth. Imagine their
conversation. (150 words)
Guide pour l'évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais
Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2
Suggestions du groupe d'anglais de L'Inspection Générale des Langues
Vivantes Candidat : copie N° _________________ |Réalisation de l'exercice |Recevabilité linguistique |Total |
|et traitement du sujet |6 points |des |
|4 points | |points |
| | | |
|0.5 point |0.5 - 1 - 1.5 point | |
| | | |
|présentation inacceptable |inintelligible | |
|écriture illisible |lexique indigent | |
|consignes non respectées |erreurs récurrentes de | |
|hors sujet |grammaire élémentaire | |
|contresens | | |
| | | |
|1 - 1.5 - 2 points |2 - 2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points | |
| | | |
|recopiage du support |compréhension possible malgré| |
|hors sujet partiel |des erreurs fréquentes | |
|sujet compris mais traitement |lexique limité | |
|plat et superficiel |syntaxe peu élaborée | |
|construction vague | | |
| | | |
|2.5 - 3 - 3.5 points |4 - 4.5 - 5 points | |
| | | |
|existence d'une problématique |erreurs occasionnelles | |
|effort de construction |vocabulaire adapté | |
| |syntaxe adéquate | |
| | | |
|4 points |5.5 - 6 points | |
| | | |
|enchaînement des idées |erreurs rares | |
|développement organisé |vocabulaire riche | |
|références culturelles |syntaxe élaborée | |
|conviction, humour |capacité à nuancer | |
|Dans un esprit d'évaluation positive, on n'hésitera pas à bonifier - en|
|seconde lecture et selon une échelle + 0.5 / + 1 / +1.5 - les copies |
|qui se lisent relativement facilement, avec intérêt, voire avec |
|plaisir. |
|On tiendra compte du soin apporté à la présentation et à la rédaction. |
|On valorisera tout particulièrement les copies dont les auteurs ont |
|réagi au sujet proposé en s'engageant et en exprimant un point de vue |
|personnel. | Barème : |Questions |Points |
|1. |2 |
|2. |2 |
|3. |7 |
|4. |5 |
|5. |5 |
|6. |8 |
|7. |8 |
|8. |12 |
|9. |6 |
|10. |4 |
|11. |4 |
|12. |8 |
|13. |4 |
|14. |5 |
|15. |20 |
|Total compréhension |100 |
|Total expression |100 |
|Total général |200 |