Directions for the Prayer of Contentment -

Contents: Volume One ..... Yasuf b. al-Ahmar, inserted in an anthology of
contemporary poets, entitled .... In 449 [1057/58], there died in Sevilla Abu
Muslim 'Amr ('Umar?) b. ... one is described as a haughty poet in a couplet by Ibn
Kisra al-Malagi (d. ...... Much of its value lies in the light it sheds upon details in
Ibn Khaldun's ...

Part of the document

most proper to cure in the very root its disorders, do stand in need of
protection, you
cannot in justice, as it seems to me, refuse yours to this, the composing
and publishing whereof at this time was an effect of your V. R.
Paternities' order and
commands. Now those very commands, with so much advice and zeal unanimously
made, are a very strong proof that this book (for as much as concerns the
substantial doctrine therein contained) is such an one, so perfectly good
and medicinal, as that I need not doubt, and indeed should be sorry, it
should have any other
fate than the hatred of all those who love darkness more than light. As for
whatsoever faults may have happened through my want of skill in the
compiling, I do not
desire such patrons to them. Yet truly there hath not been wanting all the
diligence and care that I was capable of, to provide that so excellent
instructions should not
be too much disparaged by the second copying and new fashion and dress upon
them. The pains herein taken will appear to be not very ordinary to any one
shall consider how difficult a matter it is out of such a world of
Treatises (written upon particular subjects for the special necessities and
use of certain devout
persons, without any eye or design in the author of affording materials for
an entire body of spirituality) to frame such a body not at all defective,
and with parts not
unproportionable. Now I must confess that though conscience alone and duty
to your VV. RR. Paternities would have had sufficient influence on me to
negligence, yet I had moreover one motive besides to heighten my diligence
which was gratitude. For to the admiration and love of these excellent instructions I owe not
only the hastening of my reconciliation to the Catholic Church (as on this
very day, being the
Vigil of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, in the Office of the Holy
Inquisition at Rome), but also the happiness of being a member (though
unworthy) of your holy
congregation. It may notwithstanding fall out, that with all my endeavours
I may fail of giving satisfaction in the point of art; but that I have not
been wanting in the
principal condition of faithfulness, besides the testimony of my own
conscience, I have that also of persons learned and pious, to whom the
writings of the venerable
author have been perfectly known and familiar. It will doubtless seem strange to others, but not to your Paternity (V. R.
F. President) that so perfect instructions for contemplation should proceed
from one that had
spent almost his whole life in the laborious employment of the Apostolic
Mission. But your V. R. Paternity by experience knows that those who
sincerely give
themselves to seek Almighty God by pure spiritual prayer, whatever their
employments be, will, without any prejudice to them, never want
opportunities to meet and
converse with Him in solitude. Now from such conversations it is that there
do proceed from the Father of Lights such illustrations as not only give a
splendour to the
persons themselves, but by reflection also serve to guide others. The solitude that our Venerable Author enjoyed was, by his own election,
among friends, penitents, and disciples. But God's Holy Spirit led your V.
R. Paternity into
a desert far more full of horror indeed, but withal far more instructive :
a solitude of prisons and dungeons, among enemies to religion and humanity,
where yet by the
light and force not only of your learning, but also your devotion, &c., you
could found churches of converts. A more sufficient and proper patron, therefore, anal judge, could not be
found than your V. R. Paternity of instructions of this nature. So that
from you it is that all
others, your religious subjects, receiving them, will through God's grace
daily with their increasing fervour, by their good practice and example,
recommend them to
others also. VV. RR. Fathers, Your VV. RR. Paternities' in all duty and service in our Lord, Br. SLRENUS
CRESSY. From my cell in the Convent of St. Gregory's in Doway, this 21st of July
1657. Nos, .F LAURENTIUs REYNER, Congregationis Anblicanm Ordinis S. Benedicti
Prieses Generalis, visis testimoniis et approbationibus ER.. PP.'Congregationis nostrT, BENEDICTI STAPLETON[, S. Theologise
Doctoris et Definitoris dictae Congregationis, &c., et LEANDRI & S.
Augustino S.
Theologise Professoris; &c., quibus cura examinandi librum quemdam
Spiritualem Anglice scriptum, cui Titulus, Sancta Sophia, or Directions,
&c., a nobis
demandata fuerat : ad Dei honorem et gloriam, Ecclesioe Sanctae CathollCT
bonum, animarumque, uti speramus, in sancto Dei amore profectum notabilem,
ut dictus
Tiber praeli beneficio mundo publicetur per praesentes licentiam damus. In cujus rei testimonium his subscripsimus, et sigillum nostrum apposuimus.
- Parisiis in Monasterio nostro S. Edmundi Regis et Martyris, in suburbiis S.
Jacobi, Maii 4, A.D. 1657. Fr. LAUREVTIUS REYNER, Proeses qui supra licet indignus. De Mandato R. Adm. P. Praesidis, Locus sigilli. Fr. AUGUSTINUS CONSTABLE, Secretarius. Legi diligenter Librum cui titulus Sancta Sophia. or Directions, &c.:
Anglice scriptum : in eoque nillil reperi quod orthodoxae Fidei aut bonis
moribus adversetur :
Testor etiam nihil in hoc libro contineri prseter regulas et praecepta ad
vitae contemplativae perfectionem ducentia : Ea vero tame doctrinae
soliditate, perspicuitate,
tamque insigni methodo tractari, ut non solum piissimi Auctoris Sanctitas,
et in conductu Animarum ad perfectionis apicem peritia, necnon ipsius
collectoris diligentia
et styli nitor abunde comprobentur ; verum etiam summo cum perfectioris
vitae studiosorumfructu in lucem emittendum hullo modo dubitem. Insuper
mentem videtur adeo assecutus praefatus collector, ut qui in Auctoris
doctrine suet versati genuinum illius foetum necessario agnoscere debeant. Datum in Monasterio nostro S. Gregorii, Duaci, 21 April A.D. 1657. Fr. BENEDICTUS STAPLETON, Sac. Theol. Doctor. Perlegi librum cui titulus Sancta Sophia, &c., Anglice scriptum testorque in eo nihil reperiri, quod orthodoxae Fidei aut bonis mori.bus
adversetur; Rut quod ad statum, regimen, vel negotia cujusvis Reipublicae
quovis modo
pertineat. Sed unaquaeque paging solam nietatem Theoricam spirat, quam
sublimi quidem, modestisaime tamen ac tutissime via accurate docet; et a
SS. Patrum
vestigiis aunquam recedit. Its testor. In Conventu nostro S. Greg. Duaci, 20 Apr. A.D. 165? Fr. LEANDER n S. AUCUSTINO, S. Theol Professor in Couegio Vedaetino, Duaci. Cum liber hie cui titulus ,Sancta Sophia, &c., Anglice scriptus diligenter
perlectus fuerit ab eximio et R. Patre Benedicto Stapleton, S. Theologise
Doctore, et R. P.
Leandro a, S. Augustino, S. Theologise in Collegio Vedastino Duaci
Professore : iidemque idiomatis Anglicani optime periti fidem faciant nihil
in eodem hoc libro
reperiri, quod orthodome fidei, aut bonis moribus adversetur, vel quod ad
statum, regimen, a.ut negotia cujusvis regni aut reipublicaa quovis modo
pertinet : sed
solummodo contineri sanctissimas regulas, et solidissima praecepta ad vitae
contemplativae perfectionem conducentia : ideo eundem hunc librum praelo
dignum esse,
et publici boni causa, in lucem emitti posse censui. Duaci, 28 Aprilis A.D. 1657. MAILTINUs DENYS, S. Theol. Doctor, ejusdemque regius et ordinarius DuaUi
Professor. Idem censeo. NICOLAUS LE LoNO, S. Theologise Doctor, ejusdemque, et regius et ordinarius
Professor. Many grave authors have written of this subject, but in my opinion none
more clearly (and with such brevity) than the R. Father Aug uStine Baker,
of the holy Order
of St. Benedict, sometime spiritual director to the English Benedictine
Dames at Cambray. Who in his several treatises abridged in this book,
entitled Sancta Sophia,
probably out of his own experience, hath methodically, solidly, clearly,
and piously set forth such efficacious instructions for the attaining of
true perfection, that all
devout souls aspiring thereto, especially religious persons (whose daily
practice of meditation and continual exercises tending to that end will, if
well applied, much
advance them, by their practice with great facility, may attain great
perfection. Let them, therefore, read diligently the preface and first
treatise, and practise exactly
what is contained in the second; and I dare promise them by God's grace a
happy progress in the third. Wherefore I judge the work worthy to be published, as containing nothing
opposite to the doctrine of the Church ; but on the contrary, very
profitable rules and rare
instructions of piety and true devotion. Given at Doway, in the Convent of the English Recollects, this 2d of July
1657. Br. ANGELUS FRANCIS, Lector Jubilate, and Episcopal Censurer of Books. I have read three treatises of that V. F. A. Baker, of an Internal Life,
Mortification, and Prayer; and do approve and esteem of it as of a work that may much promote the perfection of a religious state and
lead others to a competent reasonable participation of it, though living in
the world. And,
reader, if thou art seriously resolved to attempt this principal and main
work of thy salvation, thou wilt find nothing to displease thee; but very
many advices and
instructions to advance thee in the way to perfection... But if spiritual
conversation internally with Almighty God be either insipid or unsavoury to
thy ill-affected
palate, tliou wilt easily find little straws, motes, or hairs to pick
quarrel with, and cast away such food as this; and I wish thee to take
heed, thou dost not cast more
away. Given this 21st of July, in our English College of Doway, A.D. 1657. T. PRODGER, Prof. of Divinity. To the foregoing approbations I e