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Tests 1. Viferon belongs to:
A. Glucocorticoids
B. * Interferon
C. Antibiotics
D. Antihystamines
E. Antiinflammatory
2. What are the signs of hypotonic biliary dyskinesia in sonogram (USE)?
A. Increased liver
B. Contracted gallbladder
C. * Dilated gallbladder
D. Reduced liver
E. Normal gallbladder
3. What are the signs of hypertonic biliary dyskinesia in sonogram (USE)?
A. * Contracted gallbladder
B. Increased liver
C. Reduced liver
D. Dilated gallbladder
E. Normal gallbladder
4. What is the treatment of hypotonic biliary dyskinesia?
A. Analgesics
B. Antispasmodic
C. Hepatoprotectors
D. Sedative
E. * Choleretics and cholekinetics
5. What is used in the treatment of hypertonic biliary dyskinesia?
A. Analgesics
B. Antibiotics
C. Hepatoprotectors
D. Cholekynetics
E. * Antispasmodic and sedatives
6. What are the leading clinical syndromes in chronic
A. Pain, dysuria
B. Toxic, hemorrhagic
C. Dyspeptic, dysuria
D. Dyspeptic, hemorrhagic
E. * Pain, dyspeptic
7. The presence of vascular asterisks is characteristic for:
A. Gastritis
B. Duodenitis
C. * Biliary dyskinesia
D. Gastroenterocolitis
E. Pancreatitis
8. What determines the pain character in cholecystocholangitis?
A. age of the patient
B. sex of the patient
C. the state of the nervous system
D. * type of dyskinesia
E. the duration of the disease
9. What is the diet in the early days of pancreatitis?
A. * Hunger
B. Diet N 1
C. Diet N 5
D. Diet N 7
E. Diet N 9
10. What is the leading etiologic factor of chronic hepatitis?
A. bacteria
B. parasites
C. fungi
D. prions
E. * viruses
11. Which investigations are necessary for patients with hepatobilliary
system diseases?
A. PH-meters, ultrasound, duodenal probing
B. PH-metry, EGDS, ultrasound
C. EGDS, ultrasound, laparoscopy
D. PH-metry, EGDS, duodenal probing, ultrasound
E. * Ultrasound, laparoscopy, duodenal probing
12. Which factor is most weighty in the etiology of glomerulonephritis?
A. S aureus
B. E. c?l?
C. Influenza virus
D. hepatitis A
E. * Streptococci
13. What level of proteinuria is a criterion for nephrotic variant of acute
A. more than 1 g / day
B. less than 1 g /day
C. more than 3 g / l
D. up to 1 g / l
E. * more than 3 g / day
14. Name the main way of the infection entering at pneumonia:
A. hematogenic
B. lymphogenic
C. mixed
D. urogenic
E. * bronchogenic
15. In pneumonia etiology prevails:
A. candida
B. klebsiella
C. staphylococci
D. streptococci
E. * pneumococci
16. At the early childhood an acute pneumonia most often is:
A. interstitial
B. croupous (lobar)
C. segmental
D. polysegmental
E. * microfocal
17. The chest X-ray sign typical for acute pneumonia is:
A. strengthening of pulmonary picture (lung pattern)
B. emphysema
C. dilation of lungs' roots
D. pneumosclerosis
E. * infiltrative shadows
18. In most cases an acute pneumonia at children of the early age develops
as a result of:
A. overheat
B. super cooling
C. violation of the regime
D. upper respiratory tract microbial infection
E. * upper respiratory tract viral infection
19. To bronchopneumonia are not typical such laboratory changes:
A. leucocytosis
B. neutrophylosis
C. elevated ESR
D. anemia
E. * reticulocitosis
20. Mostly destructive pneumonia is caused by:
A. pneumococci
B. proteus
C. klebsiella
D. streptococci
E. * staphylococci
21. In definition of pneumonia IS ABSENT the following position:
A. pneumonia is diagnosed at presence of respiratory disorders
B. pneumonia is diagnosed at presence of tachypnea
C. pneumonia is diagnosed at presence of infiltrative changes on x-ray
D. pneumonia is diagnosed at presence of respiratory insufficiency
E. * it is an noninfectious disease of pulmonary parenchyma
22. Among the forms of pneumonia is absent:
A. community acquired
B. hospital
C. ventilator associated
D. bronchopneumonia
E. * teenagers' pneumonia
23. More often the etiology of community acquired pneumonia in children
from 6 months to 6 years is:
A. chlamydia
B. mycoplasm
C. staphylococcus
D. E. coli
E. * pneumococcus
24. More often the etiology of community acquired pneumonia in children
from 7 to 15 years is:
A. streptococcus
B. Listeria monocytogenes
C. hemophilus influenza
D. E. coli
E. * pneumococcus
25. To the most frequent etiological agents of hospital pneumonia does not
A. E. coli
B. proteus
C. enterobacter
D. virus
E. * pneumococcus
26. Medicine of choice to treat typical community acquired pneumonias is:
A. carbapenems
B. fluorquinolones
C. antibiotics of other groups
D. tetracycline's
E. * aminopenicillins
27. Inconstant perioral cyanosis is observed at such respiratory
insufficiency stage:
A. At the second
B. At the third
C. At all stages
D. Does not have the diagnostic value
E. * At the first
28. More often the reason of obstructive bronchitis is:
A. Parasites
B. Fungi's
C. Bacterial - fungi's flora
D. Viral - fungi's flora
E. * Viral - bacterial flora
29. The beginning of obstructive bronchitis is:
A. Allergic reactions
B. Inspiration dyspnea
C. Expiration dyspnea
D. Tonsillitis
E. * Catarrhal syndrome
30. At the acute phase of obstructive bronchitis is prevailing:
A. Intoxication
B. Dyspnea
C. Wheezing
D. Tonsillitis
E. * Cough
31. Percussion sound during the acute phase of obstructive bronchitis is:
A. Clear lung sound
B. Dullness of lung sound
C. Dullness of lung sound in lower parts
D. Dullness of lung sound in upper parts
E. * Box sound
32. Auscultatory sound during the acute phase of obstructive bronchitis is:
A. Prolonged inspiration
B. Decrease of breathing
C. Crepitation
D. Local moist rales
E. * Dry rales and moist diffuse rales
33. The chest falls on inspiration and rises on expiration. What type of
respiration is it?
A. Kussmaul's respiration
B. Normal respiration
C. Biot's respiration
D. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
E. * Paradoxical respiration
34. What is tachypnea?
A. The distress during breathing
B. The decrease of the respiratory rate
C. The cessation of breathing
D. The increase of the respiratory depth
E. * The increase of the respiratory rate
35. What is an average respiratory rate in 1-year old child?
A. 20
B. 18
C. 50
D. 60
E. * 30
36. What is apnea?
A. The increase of the respiratory rate
B. The distress during breathing
C. The decrease of the respiratory rate
D. The increase of the respiratory depth
E. * The cessation of breathing
37. What is an average respiratory rate in children after 12 years?
A. 22
B. 32
C. 25
D. 45
E. * 18
38. What is bradypnea?
A. The increase of the respiratory rate
B. The distress during breathing
C. The cessation of breathing
D. The decrease of the respiratory depth
E. * The decrease of the respiratory rate
39. What is usual ratio of breaths to heartbeats?
A. 1:1
B. 1:2
C. 1:3
D. 1:5
E. * 1:4
40. What is an average respiratory rate in newborn?
A. 22
B. 30
C. 18
D. 64
E. * 45
41. What main X-ray features are useful in the diagnosis of acute
A. Particularly clear lung field
B. Hyperinflation
C. Occasional scattered areas of consolidation
D. Local infiltration of lung tissue
E. * Perivascular and peribronchial infiltration
42. What examination is most important in the case of bronchitis?
A. Complete blood count
B. Culture of sputum
C. Culture of alveolar fluid
D. Biochemical examination of the blood
E. * Chest X-ray
43. Bronchitis is caused most often by:
A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Parasites
D. Mixed flora
E. * Viruses
44. All factors can lead to bronchitis, except:
A. Cooling
B. Allergies
C. Genetically predilection
D. Bad ecology
E. * Poor feeding
45. The main symptom of acute bronchitis is:
A. Wheezing
B. Pain in throat
C. Dyspnea
D. Hyperthermia
E. * Cough
46. The auscultation date during bronchitis is:
A. Puerile breathing
B. Decrease breathing
C. Moist local rales
D. Crepitus rales
E. * Rough breathing
47. Broncho obstructive syndrome is characterized by:
A. Paroxysmal breathing
B. Stridor breathing
C. Silent breathing
D. Diminished breathing
E. * Noisy breathing
48. What main clinical features are useful in the diagnosis of bronchial
A. Chest pain
B. Tachycardia
C. Vomiting
D. Wet cough
E. * Dyspnea
49. What examination is the most important at bronchial asthma?
A. Stools examination
B. Culture of sputum
C. Biochemical examination of the blood
D. Chest X-ray
E. * Immunoglobulin E
50. What special substances may be found in sputum in case of bronchial
A. Erythrocytes
B. Neuthrophyls
C. Leucocytes
D. Monocytes
E. * Eosinophyls
51. What will be the therapeutic management of acute attacks of asthma?
A. Anti-inflammatory agents
B. Commonly sodium
C. Inhalation of corticosteroids
D. Prednizolon orally
E. * Bronchodilators
52. There is necessary to use for control the effect of treatment of
bronchial asthma:
A. IgE
C. Allergic tests
D. X-ray
E. * Peak Flow Meter
53. More often the reason of bronchial asthma is the:
A. Drugs
B. Food
C. Bacteria
D. Viruses
E. * Dust
54. Attack of rheumatic fever is more frequent after the:
A. flu
B. sinusitis
C. measles
D. rhinitis
E. * scarlet fever
55. Etiology of rheumatic fever is:
A. pneumococcus
B. the virus of influenza
C. fungi