Mar 21, 2012 ... It will build an adapted trainee exercise sequence from the curricula objective or
for ...... UC2.6E n,e ? E Pursuit drive (2 scenarios) ..... as well as a myriad
of different intersection design characteristics? [[Ref 12], p.417].

Part of the document

TRAIN-ALL Integrated System for driver Training and Assessment using Interactive
education tools and New training curricula
for ALL modes of road transport [pic]
Contract no. 031517 Training Needs, Scenario and Curricula Definition and Specification of
Tools and Curricula |Deliverable No.: |D1.2 |
|Dissemination Level |Public |
|Workpackage No.|WP1 |Workpackage |Training needs and scenarios |
| | |Title |definition |
|Activity No. |A1.5 |Activity Title: |Training requirements, scenarios|
| | | |and curricula |
| | |Activity Leader:|IFADO |
|Workpackage Leader |IFADO |
|Authors (per company, if |S. Poschadel (editor), J. Kapplusch, P. M. |
|more than one company |Lindberg Kristiansen (IFADO), P. Vanhulle |
|provide it together) |(THALES), E. Bekiaris, M. Panou (HIT) |
| |J. Pfaffenzeller, Ch. Kainz (BPP), S. Espié |
| |(INRETS), B. Peters (VTI) |
|Status (Final; Draft; |Final |
|Revised Draft): | |
|File Name: |TRAIN-ALL Deliverable 1.2_final.doc |
|Project start date and |01 November 2006, 36 Months |
|duration: | |
|Submission date: |8 February 2008 |
|Version Number: |V3 |
|Pages Number: |305 |
|Distribution |TRAIN-ALL Consortium |
Version history
|Version |Date |Modifications |
|V1 |13.01.08 |Draft version (not finished). Executive summary, |
| | |introduction and small parts of the chapter 5 |
| | |(theoretical training) to be written. |
|V2 |22.01.08 |Introduction and setting of the document |
|V3 |28.02.08 |Quality review of the document |
| | |(see TRAIN-ALL Review Report D1.2 V6.doc) | Executive Summary The objective of the Deliverable 1.2 within the TRAIN-ALL project is to
develop simulator based training curricula for various novice driver groups
throughout Europe that can help decrease the number of traffic accidents
caused by human beings. In fact "TRAIN-ALL aims to develop a computer-based training system for
different land-based drivers' cohorts, which integrates multimedia s/w,
driving simulator, virtual driving simulator and on-board vehicle sensors
into a single modular platform. The new system will be cost-effective
(create viable business), adequate both for training and assessment. The
core development will be focused on driving simulators, with the
realisation of several prototypes. New simulation tools will be developed
for motorcycle riding, passenger car (both for novices and emergency
drivers) and truck driving. The new tools include also VR-based immersive
simulation tools, as well as a common architecture (ontologies-based) and a
modular simulator design process for multi-user, group training." [Ref 44] This document defines a common training and assessment framework, which
will be a strong basis for successful training based on the developed TRAIN-
ALL applications. The special demands of the driving abilities of different driver types and
especially the novice drivers will be categorized in this report, according
to the GADGET-Matrix and the DRIVABILITY-model. The goal is to identify
overlaps and differences between the training needs of different driver
groups and identifying certain tasks, which should be trained. This document completes the Workpackage 1, Training needs and scenarios
definition, production. It constitutes:
a review of the state-of-art in CBT curricula and trainee performance
see chapter 2, Benchmarking and clustering of training and assessment
curricula; This is an inventory of the present European training and assessment
curricula for novice motorcycle riders, novice drivers of private cars
and drivers of trucks and emergency vehicles. The results show that the use of driving simulators for driver
training is very limited at present. Instead of this the methods of
driving in the real traffic, classroom teaching and driving on closed
tracks are more frequently used. In conclusion, the use of driving
simulators in particular and multimedia tools has definitely potential
to increase in the near future.
a common framework definition for the training of different driver types
from the training needs,
see chapter 3, Common training and assessment model;
This is a systematic analysis of the training needs of different
driver groups, using the Goals for Driver-Education (GDE)
framework[1]. The needs will be classified into two groups: training
needs that are common for two or more TRAIN-ALL driver groups and
training needs that are exclusive for one group.
The analysis of the training needs for the four different groups
confirms that there should be two different training groups with
different demands in principle. The simulator training model is
designed for these two training groups:
- Group 1: Novice car drivers, novice motorcycle drivers and novice
truck drivers;
- Group 2: Novice (young) emergency car drivers.
To measure the requirements mentioned in the GADGET-Matrix and
cognitive factors mentioned in the DRIVABILITY-model, the measurement
system consists in two parts:
- the objective amount of mistakes, while giving direct feedback to
the trainee;
- "workload", "experienced complexity of the situation", "subjective
performance" and "subjective risk".
0. a set of Uses Cases (UCs) to implement the scenarios,
see chapter 4, Consolidation of Use Cases and implementation
The UCs enable the TRAIN-ALL tools requirements and the scenarios
implementation into the TRAIN-ALL demonstrators.
This chapter presents the detailed Use Cases and implementation
scenarios of TRAIN-ALL. A Use Case is a set of several scenarios,
which is partially based upon the aims of the ten modules of WP3 (see
their description in the Table 1). All in all 54 Use Cases are
described within the chapter 4. Each WP3 module is covered directly by
at least three UCs.
a common training curricula for the different drivers groups,
see chapter 5, Training requirements, scenarios and curricula.
The appropriate training media and curricula are specified for the
different sets of simulator scenarios. Training curricula and
technology gaps are identified. This part includes the recommendations
about how to train the different driving groups with respect to all
the relevant curricula dimensions. Performance measurement is
Based on the preceding results existing gaps are identified and "Use
Cases based" training scenarios and curricula are developed for the
different driver groups.
All in all the training is constructed in a way that the training
units get more and more difficult with increasing training and require
more and more from the learner. The achievements and performance of
the learners will be examined objectively as well as subjectively. The
curricula should not be viewed or seen as a "fixed" curriculum due to
the fact that the legal training situation and the driving test vary
in the different European countries. It has to be adjusted
individually to the particular national situation. Still it provides a
guide that can be applied to all driver licences. The TRAIN-ALL document about the "Benchmarking and classification of
existing tools and technologies" [Ref 43] completes this analysis and the
TRAIN-ALL vision.
Table of contents
1 Introduction 15 2 Benchmarking and clustering of training and assessment curricula 17
2.1 Summary 17
2.2 Introduction 17
2.3 Results 19
2.3.1 Curricula items and training methods 19
2.3.2 Driver assessment 27
2.3.3 Use of driving simulators 30
2.3.4 Use of computer based media (CBT) 35
2.4 Discussion with main results 41
2.4.1 General 41
2.4.2 Curricula items and training methods 42
2.4.3 Driver assessment methods 42
2.4.4 Use of driver simulators 42
2.4.5 Use of computer based multimedia program 42
2.5 Conclusions 43 3 Common training and assessment model 44
3.1 Introduction 44
3.2 Theoretical driving models 44