CONTENTS February 2016 I. EXECUTIVE ORDERS JBE 16-01 ...

D0180. Comprehensive periodontal evaluation?new or established patient ......
The dietetics practitioner recognizes and exercises professional judgment within

Part of the document

JBE 16-01 Medicaid Expansion 178
JBE 16-02 Carry-Forward Bond Allocation 2015 178 II. EMERGENCY RULES
Children and Family Services
Economic Stability Section(Pre- and Post-Release
Family Strengthening Program (LAC 67:III.5577) 180
Tuition Trust Authority, Office of Student Financial
Assistance(START Saving Program
(LAC 28:VI.Chapters 1 and 3) 181
Health and Hospitals
Board of Pharmacy(Compounding for Office Use for
Veterinarians (LAC 46:LIII.2535) 195
Bureau of Health Services Financing(Disproportionate
Share Hospital Payments(Mental Health
Emergency Room Extensions (LAC 50:V.2711)
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
Treatment(School-Based Nursing Services
(LAC 50:XV.9501) 196
Inpatient Hospital Services(Non-Rural, Non-
State Hospitals(Reinstatement of Additional Payments for
Hemophilia Blood Products (LAC 50:V.965)
Inpatient Hospital Services(Public-Private
Partnerships(Reimbursement Methodology (LAC 50:V.1703) 198
Inpatient Hospital Services(Public-Private
Partnerships(Supplemental Payments (LAC 50:V.Chapter 17) 199
Nursing Facilities(Reimbursement Methodology
(LAC 50:II.20001) 200
Outpatient Hospital Services(Public-Private
Partnerships(Supplemental Payments
(LAC 50:V.Chapter 67) 202
Recovery Audit Contractor Program (LAC
50:I.Chapter 85) 203
Office for Citizens with Developmental
Disabilities(Certification of Medication Attendants
(LAC 48:IX.Chapter 9) 205
Business Services Division(Home Service Contract
Providers (LAC 19:V.Chapter 3) 207
Wildlife and Fisheries
Wildlife and Fisheries Commission(Commercial Harvest
Season for Non-Sandbar Large Coastal Sharks
Possession Limit 207
Harvest of Seed Oysters for Bedding(Sister
Lake Bay Public Oyster Seed Reservation 208
Oyster Harvest Season(Full Closure(Sister Lake
Bay Public Oyster Seed Reservation 208
Oyster Harvest Season(Public Oyster Seed
Grounds East of the Mississippi River and North of the
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet 209
Oyster Harvest Season Closure(Lake Chien
Public Oyster Seed Ground 208
Partial Fall Inshore Shrimp Season Closure
Recreational Red Snapper Season Opening
Seed Oyster Harvest Season for Bedding(Public
Oyster Seed Grounds East of the Mississippi River and
North of the Mississippi River Gulf
Outlet 210
Seed Oyster Harvest Season for Bedding(Public
Oyster Seed Grounds East of the Mississippi River and
South of the Mississippi River Gulf
Outlet 210 III. RULES
Agriculture and Forestry
Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission(Seeds
(LAC 7:XIII.121, 123, 519, 749 and 763)
Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
Structural Pest Control Commission
Structural Pest Control (LAC
7:XXV.Chapter 1) 212
Office of Agro-Consumer Services, Division of
Weights and Measures(Metrology Laboratory Fee Structure
(LAC 7:XXXV.125) 218
Office of Animal Health and Food Safety, Egg
Commission(Sale or Offering for Sale of Eggs
Within Louisiana (LAC 7:V.919) 219 This public document was published at a total cost of $1,700. Two hundred
fifty copies of this public document were published in this monthly
printing at a cost of $1,700. The total cost of all printings of this
document including reprints is $1,700. This document was published by Moran
Printing, Inc. 5425 Florida Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, as a service
to the state agencies in keeping them cognizant of the new rules and
regulations under the authority of R.S. 49:950-971 and R.S. 49:981-999.
This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by
state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing of this
material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the
Louisiana Revised Statutes. The Office of the State Register provides auxiliary aids for the Louisiana
Register for visually impaired individuals. By appointment, oral
presentation of the Louisiana Register is available at the Office of the
State Register, or an audio cd of requested sections of the Louisiana
Register can be provided for the production cost incurred. For more
information contact the Office of the State Register.
Children and Family Services
Division of Programs, Licensing Section(Reasonable
and Prudent Parent Standards (LAC 67:V.6703, 6708,
7105, 7111, 7305, 7311, and 7313) 219
Economic Stability Section(Supplemental Nutritional
Assistance Program (SNAP) (LAC 67:III.1942) 222
Economic Development
Office of Business Development(Ports of Louisiana
Tax Credits (LAC 13:I.Chapter 39) 222
Restoration Tax Abatement Program (LAC
13:I.Chapter 9) 223
Technology Commercialization Credit and Jobs
Program (LAC 13:I.2715 and 2719) 224
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education(Bulletin
118-Statewide Assessment Standards and
Practices (LAC 28:CXI.Chapters 11, 13,
17, 18, 19, 23, and 24) 224
Bulletin 119-Louisiana School Transportation
Specifications and Procedures (LAC 28:CXIII.501, 903, 907,
1301, and 1303) 230
Bulletin 741-Louisiana Handbook for School
Administrators (LAC 28:CXV.Chapter 23) 232
Bulletin 746-Louisiana Standards for State
Certification of School Personnel(PRAXIS Exams and
Scores (LAC 28:CXXXI.243) 233
Bulletin 1706-Regulations for Implementation
of the Children with Exceptionalities Act
(LAC 28:XLIII.133 and 905) 234
Environmental Quality
Office of the Secretary, Legal Division(Expedited
Penalty Agreement (LAC 33:I.Chapter 8)(OS088) 235
Waste Tires (LAC 33:VII.Chapters 105 and
111)(SW062) 244
Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of
Criminal Justice(Peace Officer Training
(LAC 22:III.4703 and 4761) 274
Health and Hospitals
Board of Practical Nurse Examiners(Types of
Licensure (LAC 46:XLVII.1703) 274
Bureau of Health Services Financing(Inpatient
Hospital Services(Non-Rural, Non-State Hospitals
Children's Specialty Hospitals
Reimbursements (LAC 50:V.967) 274
Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with
Intellectual Disabilities(Complex Care Reimbursements
(LAC 50:VII.32915) 275
Managed Care for Physical and Basic Behavioral
Health(Timely Filing of Claims (LAC 50:I.3511) 276
Medical Transportation Program(Emergency
Aircraft Transportation(Rotor Winged Ambulance Services
Rate Increase (LAC 50:XXVII.353) 277
Psychiatric Residential Treatment
Facilities(Licensing Standards (LAC 48:I.Chapter 90) 277
Public Safety and Corrections
Office of State Fire Marshal(Detention and
Correctional Occupancy Inspections (LAC 55:V.1701 and 1703) 279
Office of State Police(Federal Motor Carrier Safety
and Hazardous Materials (LAC 33:V.10303) 280
Policy Services Division(Administrative Fees (LAC
61:III.1701) 280
Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax; Fees
(LAC 61:I.4919) 281
Issuance and Cancellation of a Lien; Fees (LAC
61:I.5302) 282
Workforce Commission
Office of Workers' Compensation
Administration(Medical Treatment Guidelines (LAC 40:I.2519, 2701, 2705,
2707, 5101, 5113, 5315, and 5399) 283 IV. NOTICE OF INTENT
Agriculture and Forestry
Office of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences(Horticulture and Quarantine Programs-Xyloporosis
(LAC 7:XV.127) 296
Unmanned Aerial Systems (LAC 7:XLIX.Chapter 1)
Office of Forestry(Forest Productivity Program and
Electronic Timber Records (LAC 7:XXXIX.1307,
1501 and 1503) 301