The Deliiverance Manual - Matt. 10:7-8 - Home of Seek His Face .com

As mass DELIVERANCE is proceeding, workers move around and help ..... The
body needs some physical exercise but not before spiritual exercise. ...... V14.
Committing adultery is a totally selfish act taking no care for duty, self or loved

Part of the document

[pic] THE "DELIVERANCE MANUAL" [pic] Deliverance Ministries
Gene B. Moody, Ordained Minister
Teaching, Ministry, Couseling
General - The only way for DELIVERANCE to spread around the world is for
many people to begin to practice DELIVERANCE. I encourage you to take this
guide, begin to practice DELIVERANCE, and to help others as you grow
stronger. God told us to help train an army to minister DELIVERANCE. May
God bless you with all spiritual blessings and bring you into all spiritual
truth! Mass DELIVERANCE is simply DELIVERANCE for everyone that can hear your
voice. You can use this lesson for your family or church. Normally we only
work on one area of a person's life in a meeting and do not try to cover
all areas at the same time. There is nothing mysterious about DELIVERANCE; any Christian can cast out
demons. As a teacher, I am worthless if I can not show you how to practice
what I teach. The Bible is also worthless to you unless you put it into
practice. Encouragement - DELIVERANCE is the last battleground to complete freedom of
the Christian. The battle is the greatest and Satan will fight the hardest
against this ministry. You are fighting God's battles; you are cursed if
you are unwilling to fight. The benefits far outweigh having to go through the battle. You will learn
things about the spiritual world that can not be learned in any way other
than being involved in DELIVERANCE. You will see many signs, wonders and
miracles performed by God. You will see peoples' lives changed before your
eyes and dramatically changed for the better. You will help your family as
you are helping others; the fringe benefits are great! Healing and DELIVERANCE go hand-in-hand. Many can not get healed without
DELIVERANCE. You will see many healings and miraculous healings by the Lord
through praying for healing and casting out of demons of infirmities. Reason For Learning - The main reason we are teaching you how to do basic
DELIVERANCE is that every Christian should be able to cast out demons at
least in their own family. Later on God may lead you to have DELIVERANCE
services in your home or church. God told us to train an army for His use;
you are part of that army! DELIVERANCE will assist in establishing family order and God's order. Every
Christian should cast out demons (Mark 16:17). There are not many
"DELIVERANCE Ministers" to help people. Christians have many demons; proper
DELIVERANCE takes a lot of time. DELIVERANCE is a way of life and not a
grand event. Parents are the best persons to minister to their children; husband to wife
and wife to husband. Parents need to protect their children and set the
family free from demons. DELIVERANCE gives an understanding of God's and Satan's kingdoms that you
will not get any other way. DELIVERANCE allows you to see into the
spiritual world by the manifestations of demons and angels. Get involved! Study to show yourself approved by God. Seek God about
DELIVERANCE. DELIVERANCE is a constant learning process. Satan has spent
thousands of years weaving a very complicated system to trap you and take
you to Hell or cause you to live a miserable Christian life here on earth.
01. Can A Christian Have A Demon?
02. Jesus Cast Out Demons Everywhere He Went!
03. The Deliverance Minister
04. Keys to Successful Deliverance
05. On With The Battle
06. Comments On Deliverance
07. Living The Whole Christian Life
08. Christian Fantasy - Lies Not Truth
09. Daily Prayers
10. Warriors For Christ
11. God Is A Man Of War
01. Sins of Ancestors, Ourselves and Others
02. Basic Deliverance
03. How To Minister Basic Deliverance
04. Rejection
05. Bitterness
06. Rebellion
07. Unforgiveness
08. Hate, Vengeance, Envy And Strife
09. Deliverance Prayers
10. Schizophrenia
11. Repentance - The Key To Deliverance
12. Demonic Ties
13. Bind - Loose - Agree
01. Cleaning Your House (of demons)
02. Maintaining Your Deliverance From Evil Spirits
03. Earline's Testimony About Maintaining Deliverance
01. Passive Mind - The Devil's Workshop
02. Restoring Your Mind
03. The Mind: Freeing - Restoring - Protecting
04. Deliverance For The Subconscious Mind
05. Deliverance from Grief and Bitterness
06. The Neurotic Personalities (Psychoneurosis)
07. The Delinquent Personalities (Psycho psychosis)
08. The Pathologic Personalities (Psychopathic)
09. An Attitude Of Gratitude - A Cure For Depression
10. How To Be Miserable
11. The Art Of Selfishness
01. Biblical Curses
02. Indian Curses
03. The Curse of Ahab and Jezebel (Booklets)
04. The Curse of the Bastard (Booklet)
05. Cursing Others and Being Cursed
06. Curses for Shedding Innocent Blood
07. The Curse of Incest
01. Learn About The Real Enemy - Satan and His Followers
02. Forbidden Practices Of The Occult
03. Winning Over Witchcraft
04. Spirits Of Religious Error
05. Catholic Spirits
06. Charismatic Witchcraft
07. Psychic Prayers
08. Humanism
Supplements added to The Deliverance Manual
09. Masonry and Eastern Star (Freemasons)
10. What is a Cult?
11. Godly People Stricken Before Their Time
01. Holidays
02. Christmas - Pagan Or Christian Holiday?
03. What's Wrong With Valentine's Day?
04. Marionettes/Mariolatry/Mummery/Puppetry/Ventriloquism
01. Deliverance Scriptures
02. God Sends Demons & Evil On People For Disobedience
03. Soul - Put In Right Mind By Deliverance
04. From Adam to Ahab - Men's Weaknesses
05. From Eve to Jezebel - Women's Weaknesses
06. Miscellaneous Scriptural Studies
07. Selected Topic Studies
08. Lies, Deceit and Flattery
09. Respect, Fear and Nervousness
01. Perfect Family With A Perfect Relationship To God
02. Perfect Family Summary
03. From Death Into Real Life (Tract)
04. Earline's Testimony About Byron's Death
05. Dedication of Children
06. Perfect Love
01. Our Inheritance From a Woman's Viewpoint
02. A Wise and Understanding Woman
03. Good Homemakers (Booklet)
04. The Woman Question
05. Keeping What You Have - Maintaining Deliverance
01. Gene & Earline's Personal Testimony
02. Earline's Testimony About Her Deliverance
03. Children's Deliverance
01. JESUS Set Marie's Broken Arm
02. Body - Cured And Healed By Deliverance
03. Drunkenness And Gluttony
04. Drugs and Medicine
05. Children Drug Addicts
06. Baldness - Beards - Hair
13. SEX
01. Sexual Diseases, Impurities And Demons (Booklet)
02. The AIDS Epidemic
03. Effeminacy - Sins of Sodom
04. Rape
05. Sexual Harassment - Abuse - Assault - Violence
06. The Change of Life - Menopause
01. Table Of Contents
02. Mass Deliverance - How to Get Delivered
03. Mass Deliverance Supplement
04. How To Identify Godly and Ungodly Spirits
05. Lists of Demons
01. Preface
02. Looking At Deliverance
03. Basic Deliverance
04. Children's Deliverance
05. Mass Deliverance
06. Deliverance Prayers
07. Biblical Curses
08. Aids To Casting Out Demons
09. Casting Out Demons
10. Deliverance Scriptures
11. Identify Godly / Ungodly Spirits
12. Names of Demons
13. Cursed Objects
14. Learn About Deliverance
15. Practical Deliverance Books
16. How Not To Do Deliverance
17 Spiritual Warfare Combination
Matthew 12:43-45 A non-Christian DELIVERED.
Matthew 15:22-28 Children's (Christian's) bread.
Mark 1:23-27 Man in the synagogue (Believer).
Mark 1:39-42 Cast out devils in synagogues.
Mark 7:25-30 Children's (Christian's) bread.
Mark 8:33 JESUS Called Peter Satan.
Mark 9:17-29 Believer's son.
Luke 4:38-39 Spirit of fever is a demon.
Luke 11:24-26 A non-Christian DELIVERED.
Luke 13:11-17 Daughter of Abraham (Believer).
Luke 22:3 Satan entered Judas.
Acts 5:3-4 Ananias and Sapphira were Believers.
Acts 8:5-7, 13 Gave heed to things spoken of Christ.
Acts 8:20-24 Simon was a Believer.
Acts 10:38 Sickness is oppression of Satan.
I Cor. 5:1-5 Believer in Corinth DELIVERED to Satan.
II Cor. 2:10-11 Satan getting advantage of Believer.
II Cor. 11:3-4 Believers receive another spirit.
II Cor. 12:7-9 Paul's messenger of Satan in flesh.
Gal. 3:1 Galatians bewitched by spirits.
Eph. 2:1-3 Influence of Satan.
Eph. 4:26-27 Anger gives place to Devil.
I Tim. 1:18-20 Hymenaeus and Alexander Believers.
I Tim. 4:1-2 Believers depart from the faith.
II Tim. 2:24-26 Recover out of snare of Devil.
Heb. 12:15-16 Root of bitterness is a spirit.
James 4:6-8 Devil will flee from you.
I Peter 5:8-9 Afflictions in the brethren. GENERAL
There is nowhere in the Bible that says explicitly that a "Christian" can
have a demon. But it does talk about "Believers" having demons. Are you a
Believer; what is the difference - none! The multitudes that came to JESUS received DELIVERANCE; some were bound to
be Believers! You can memorize the Bible and go to Hell. No part of the Bible is any good
to you unless it is used! Head knowledge will not get you to Heaven; it
takes heart knowledge. Bible scholars can argue about theology until JESUS comes again and not
settle th