Exercise 1

Exercices XML ..... a) A l'aide d'une boucle <xsl:for-each>, présenter les données
sous la forme d'une liste donnant pour chaque planète son nom, sa distance ...

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Exercise 1
1. void f() {
2. float x;
3. float y;
4. x = read();
5. y = read();
6. if (x > 0)
7. x += 10;
8. y = y / x;
9. write(x);
10. write(y);
11. }
. Create the control flow graph of this program . Write the test cases using the following coverage criteria < Node coverage (statement coverage) < Edge coverage (branch coverage) . Do they identify the fault ? Note well: . Create one node for each atomic statement
. Compound statements must be divided into atomic statements
. Create an edge from node N1 to node N2 if during the execution the
corresponding statements can be executed one immediately after the
Exercise 2 The following Java function returns the highest absolute value in an array
of maximum 5 integers (and minimum 1), -1 if bad input (too large array,
empty array, etc..). 1. public int max_absolute(int[] numbers){
2. if(numbers.length > 5)
3. return -1;
4. int max_value = 0;
5. for(int i = 0; i b) {
2. float tmp(b); b = a; a = tmp;
3. }
4. if (cos(a) < 0 || cos(b) > 0) {
5. a = 1; b = 3;
6. }
7. x = (a + b) / 2;
8. if (cos(x) > 0) {
9. a = x;
10. } else {
11. b = x;
12. } . Write test cases that are able to cover the following situations: (A) swap code at line 2 (B) line 2 is not executed (C) line 5 is executed (D) line 5 is not executed (E) line 9 is executed (F) Line 11 is executed
Exercise 4 Consider the following requirements and code: The program shall take as input an array of three integer numbers. The program shall output the greatest number among the elements of the
array. The program shall order the elements of the array in decreasing order. 1. public int[] order(int v[]) {
2. int tmp;
3. if (v[0]