Hebrewsã??(Heinrich Meyer).doc - ??????

III, p 231 et seq.?And possess the kingdom for ever, etc. ????, ?to possess,? here
denotes the continued possession, while in Daniel 7:22 it is inceptive, and ......
Ezekiel 37:25) and even those of the time of David and Solomon together with
the period immediately subsequent, e.g., David himself ( Psalm 110), Nathan ( 2

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?Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary - Hebrews?(Heinrich Meyer) Commentator
Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer (10 January 1800 - 21 June 1873), was a
German Protestant divine. He wrote commentaries on the New Testament and
published an edition of that book.
Meyer was born in Gotha. He studied theology at Jena, was pastor at Harste,
Hoye and Neustadt, and eventually became (1841) pastor, member of the
consistory, and superintendent at Hanover.
He is chiefly noted for his valuable Kritischexegetischer Kommentar zum
Neuen Testament (16 vols.), which began to appear in 1832, was completed in
1859 with the assistance of Johann Eduard Huther, Friedrich Düieck and
Gottlieb Lün, and has been translated into English. New editions have been
undertaken by such scholars as A. B. Ritschl, Bernhard Weiss, Hans Hinrich
Wendt, Karl Friedrich, Georg Heinrici, Willibald Beyschlag and Friedrich A.
E. Sieffert. The English translation in Clark's series is in 20 volumes
(1873-82), and there is an American edition in 11 volumes (1884-88).
Meyer also published an edition of the New Testament, with a translation
(1829) and a Latin version of the symbolical books of the Lutheran Church
(1830). Introduction CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL
T HE idea and aim contemplated in the Meyer series of commentaries, as also
the general plan laid down for the work of translation, has been already
explained by Dr. Dickson in his Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, and
elsewhere. The merits, also, of Dr. Lünemann as a coadjutor of Meyer, have
been sufficiently discussed by Dr. Gloag in connection with his translation
of the Epistles to the Thessalonians. It only remains to add, that the aim
in the translation of this commentary has been to give a faithful and
intelligible rendering of Lünemann's words, and in general to produce a
worthy companion volume to those of the series already issued. It is hoped
that a comparison with the German original will show the work has not
suffered in the process of transferring to our own soil.
It will be admitted that the commentary of Lünemann on the Hebrews-of which
the first edition appeared in 1855, the second in 1861, the third in 1867,
and the fourth, enlarged and greatly improved, in 1874-has claims of a very
high order in a grammatical and lexicographical respect. He threads his way
with a nice discrimination amidst a multitude of conflicting
interpretations, and generally carries conviction with him when he finally
gives his own view, or that in which he concurs. Even where, as in the case
of some three or four controverted explanations, he may not have weighed
the whole argument in favour of an opposite view, he has at least revealed
to us the process by which his own conclusion is reached, thereby
contributing to place the reader in a position for forming an independent
judgment for himself.
The opinions of Dr. Lünemann, as regards the position occupied by the
writer of our Epistle towards the Scriptures of the Old Testament, have
been expressed with great candour. Unfortunately no one seems to have made
the questions here raised a matter for any very prolonged and detailed
examination since the time of John Owen. With the eventual answer which
shall be given to these questions will stand or fall the claim of Barnabas
to the authorship of the Epistle, and many other things besides.
It is, however, by his grammatico-critical and purely exegetical labours
that Lünemann has rendered the greatest service to the cause of sacred
literature. The judicious use of his commentary can hardly fail to lead to
a more intimate acquaintance with the letter and spirit of this apostolic
writing, well styled by the Helmstädt professor Walther a "beyond all
measure profound epistle."
Of the very abundant exegetical literature pertaining to the Epistle to the
Hebrews, our space admits of the mention of but a very few writings. Nor
was it needful to give an account even of all that have been collated in
preparing this translation. Most of the German commentaries published after
the middle of the eighteenth century were entirely overshadowed by the
appearing of the great work of Bleek, and those of subsequent writers. For
many particulars concerning the authors specified in the following list,
more especially of those who flourished about the time of the Reformation,
I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. James Kennedy, B.D., librarian of
New College, Edinburgh. To the list of works enumerated might be fittingly
added the suggestive translation of the New Testament made by Sebastian
Castellio (1542-1550), mostly during the time of his retirement in Basle.
M. J. E.
CRAMER (J. A.), S. T. P.: Catena Graecorum Patrum. Tomus vii. 8vo,
Oxonii, 1844.
JUSTINIAN (Benedict), + Hebrews 1622: Explanationes in omnes Pauli
Epistolas. Lugd. 1612.
FRANCISCO DE RIBERA: Commentary. 8vo, Col. Agr. 1600.
CLARIO (Isidore) [Clarius]: Novum Testamentum Latinè, adjectis scholiis.
Authore Isidoro Clario. 8vo, Ant. 1544.
LUDOVICUS DE TENA: Commentary. folio, Toleti, 1611.
LUDOVICUS DE TENA: Commentary. folio, Lond. 1661.
PRIMASIUS, Bishop of Adrumetum, sixth century: Commentary on the Epistles
of Paul. That on the Hebrews is by some attributed to Haymo, Bishop of
Halberstadt, + 853.
ABRESCH (Peter), Professor at Groningen, + Hebrews 1812: Paraphrasis et
Annotationes. Leyden, 1786-90. [Continued by Vitringa to end of chap.
vii. 1817.]
BAUMGARTEN (S. J.), + 1757, and SEMLER: Erklärung des Briefes. Halle, 1763.
BIESENTHAL (J. H. R.): Epistola Pauli ad Hebraeos, cum rabbinico
commentario. Berol. 1857.
BISPING (A.): Exegetisches Handbuch zu den Briefen des Ap. Paulus [vol.
iii.]. Münster, 1855-63.
BLEEK (Franz), + Hebrews 1859: Der Brief an die Hebräer. Berlin, 1828-40.
Der Hebräerbrief erklärt. Edited by Windrath. Elberfeld, 1868.
BULLINGER (Heinrychus), + Hebrews 1575: In omnes Apostolicas Epistolas,
Divi videlicet Pauli xiiii. etc. Commentarii. [P. 639-731.] fol. Tiguri,
CAMERON (John), Professor at Saumur, + Hebrews 1625: Annotationes in N.
T. Edited by Lewis Cappel. 1628.
CAPPEL (Jacques), + Hebrews 1624: Observationes in Epistolam ad Hebraeos.
8vo, Sedan, 1624.
CARPZOV (J. B.), Professor at Helmstädt, + Hebrews 1803: Sacrae
Exercitationes ... ex Philone Alexandrine. 8vo, Helmst. 1750.
CRAMER (Johann Andreas), Professor at Kiel, + Hebrews 1788: Erklärung des
Briefes an die Hebräer, 2 parts. Copenh. 1757.
DE WETTE (W. M. L.), + Hebrews 1849: Kurze Erklärung, etc. Die Briefe an
Tit. Tim. und Heb. [vol. ii. part 5]. Leipz. 1844, al.
DELITZSCH: Commentar zum Brief a. d. Hebr. Leipz. 1857. [Eng. transl., T.
& T. Clark, 1868.]
DICKSON (David), + Hebrews 1662: Short Explanation of the Epistle to the
Hebrews 8 vo, Aberdeen, 1649. [See also ROMANS.]
D'OUTREIN (Jan.): Zendbrief ... aan de Ebreen, ontleidet, uitgebreed en
verklaard. 1711.
EBRARD (H. A.), Professor at Erlangen: Commentar über den Hebräerbrief.
Königsberg, 1850. [Eng. transl., T. & T. Clark, 1853.]
EWALD (G. H. A.), Professor at Göttingen, + Hebrews 1876: Sendschreiben
an die Hebräer. Götting. 1870.
GERHARD (John), + Hebrews 1637: Commentarius super Epist. ad Hebraeos.
8vo, Jenae, 1661.
GOMAR (Francis), Professor at Leyden, + Hebrews 1641: Analysis Epistolae
Pauli ad Hebraeos. Opera [pp. 285-380]. Amstel. 1644.
GOUGE (W.), D.D., + Hebrews 1653: Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
2 vols. fol. Lond. 1655. [Reprinted 1866, 1867.]
GUERS (E.): Etude sur l'Epître aux Hébreux. Genève et Paris, 1862.
HOFMANN (J. C. K. von), + Hebrews 1877: Die Heilige Schrift Neuen
Testaments. Vol. v. 8vo, Nördlingen, 1873.
HYPERIUS (Andreas), + Hebrews 1564: Commentarii in Epistolam D. Pauli
Apostoli ad Hebraeos. fol. Tiguri, 1584.
JONES (W.), D.D.: Commentary on the Epistles to Philemon, Hebrews, and
the First and Second Epistles of John. fol. Lond. 1636.
KLEE (H.): Auslegung des Hebräerbriefs. Mainz, 1833.
KLUGE: Der Hebräerbrief, Auslegung und Lehrbegriff. Neu.-Ruppin, 1863
KURTZ (J. H.), Professor at Dorpat: Der Hebräerbrief erklärt. 1869.
LAWSON (George), Rector of More, Shropshire: Exposition of the Epistle to
the Hebrews. fol. Lond. 1662.
M'CAUL (J. B.), Canon of Rochester: A Paraphrastic Commentary, etc. Lond.
MANCHESTER (George Montagu, Duke of): Horae Hebraicae [Hebrews 1:1 to
Hebrews 4:11]. Lond. 1835.
MENKEN (Gottfried), + Hebrews 1831: Homilien über das 9te und 10te Kap.,
nebst einem Anhange etlicher Homilien über Stellen des 12ten Kap. Bremen,
MOLL (C. B.): Der Brief an die Hebräer [Lange's series]. Bielefeld, 1861.
[Translated by A. C. Kendrick, D.D. New York, 1871.]
OECOLAMPADIUS (Joannes), + Hebrews 1531: In Epistolam ad Hebraeos J. O.
explanationes. 4to, Argentorati, 1524. [From notes taken by some of the
OWEN (John), D.D., + Hebrews 1683: Exercitations on the Epistle to the
Hebrews 4 vols. fol. London, 1668-74, al.
PELLICAN (Conrad), + Hebrews 1556: Commentaria Bibliorum. 9 vols. fol.
Tiguri, 1532-42. [Vol. ix. "in omnes Epistolas."]
PISCATOR (John), Professor at Herborn, + Hebrews 1626: Analysis Logica
Epistolae Pauli ad Hebraeos. [Commentarii in omnes libros Novi
Testamenti, 3d ed. fol. p. 674-718. Herbornae, 1638.]