dIRECT - Jan Dwyer Bang

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gaming employee, who holds or exercises critical or significant management or
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Part of the document

. Welcome/introductions
. Roles and Responsibilities
. Recruitment/selection/interviewing
. Communication
. Coaching
. Recognition
. Coaching
. Performance Management
. Wrap-up/Action Planning
Qualities of Favorite Supervisors: |Ability to trust |Taught Socratic questioning to |Says what he means & |
| |resolve matters |means what he says |
|Calm |Gets all the facts before making|Allowed me to be "be |
| |decision |me" - room to grow |
|Felt listened to |Trust - he backed me up in |Approachable |
| |decisions | |
|Trustworthy - very |Advocate for me as a person |Clear expectations |
|supportive | | |
|Provides feedback |Gave feedback - structure and |Identifies strengths |
| |freedom |and fosters growth |
|Led by example |Never hesitates to get hands |Laid back |
| |dirty | |
|Always asks how doing |Allows you to do your own thing |Supports my |
|and stops and listens | |professional |
|for my answer | |development |
|Not sweat the small |Uses humor |Supportive of my role |
|stuff | | |
|Great sound board |Fix problem |Patient |
|Has a lot of confidence |Trusts you to do job you were |Great listener |
|in me |hired to do | | Parking lot item from this class . Feedback (structure, etc.) - Check out "How to Get Feedback when you are the Boss" - Harvard Business
Review Article: Also check out "9 Ways to Get More Feedback from your Internal Customers" 5 Steps to Getting More Employee Feedback - Entrepreneur Magazine . Redirect talkers (sidebars) - performance issue Check out this article
. Employees who want (you to tell them) the solution only Set expectations that you as a manager want solutions from the team:
your-manager-bring-solutions/ Explain to your teammates about this new process for coaching - that you
trust them to come up with their own solutions. Your job as a supervisor
when you are coaching is to help them clarify the problem, brainstorm
options, and help them implement their own solutions. Perhaps have your
teammates "experience" this kind of coaching - the next time they bring a
problem ask them "what have you tried so far?" Parking Lot item from another class
That may be helpful for this class:
. Leading without authority
Note: Here are some resources for this Parking Lot Item: Influence without Authority - Jesse Lyn Stoner - (blog posting) Influence without Authority by David Bradford - (eBook)
LEADERSHIP RESOURCES shared in this class: .
. Daniel Goleman article on being a leader LEADERSHIP RESOURCES shared in other classes: . Spencer Johnson, Who moved my cheese
. Cy Wakeman, Reality-Based Leadership
. Cy Wakeman, Reality-Based rules of the workplace
. Steve Farber, The Radical Leap - A Personal Lesson in Extreme
. Michael Watkins - The First 90 Days: Critical Success Factors for
New Leaders at all Levels
. David Reima/Micelle Reima, Rebuilding Trust in the Workplace
. Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
. Geoff Smart, Randy Street (Recruitment book), Who
. Patrick Lencioni, Five Dysfunctions of a Team
. Patrick Lencioni, Death by Meeting
. Verbal Judo
. Eric Allenbaugh
. John Maxwell
. Developing Management Skills by David Whetten and Kim Cameron
. The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey
. TED presentations- ( (Check out TED in Olympia- September
conference) - the TED video we saw in class: Agile Programming for
your Family by Bruce Feiler -
. Encountering Bias in Interviewing - 4 Types of Interview Bias -
. Shackleton's Way - Leadership lessons from the Great Antarctic
. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
. Toastmasters -
. It's Not about the Nail (YouTube)
. "I Wish I'd Said that" by Linda McAllister
. The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman
. The Five Languages to Apologize - Gary Chapman
. Strengths finder 2.0 by Tom Rath
. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen R. Covey
. One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard
. Good to Great by Jim Collins
. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
. Who MOVED MY CHEESE - Spencer Johnson
. Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson
. Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni
. Co-Active Coaching: New Skills for Coaching People Toward Success by
Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, and Phillip
. Save your Drama for your Mama or Leadership is a Choice by Charlie
. From Values to Action: The Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership
by Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr.
. The Wisdom of Teams by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith
. Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
. Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence by
Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee
. Executive EQ - Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizations
by Robert K. Cooper, PhD and Ayman Sawaf
. No Excuses: How you can turn any workplace into a great one by
Jennifer Robin and Michael Burchell
. Leadership and the New Science - Discovering Order in a Chaotic World
by Margaret Wheatley
. Match: A Systematic, Sane Process for Hiring the Right Person Every
Time by Dan Erling
. Start with Why - Simon Sinek (TED Video/book)
. Three signs of a miserable job by Patrick Lencioni
. Gettysburg Movie - Battle of Little Round Top - YOUTUBE;
. Ken Burns - The Roosevelt's -
. Stephen E. Ambrose, D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Battle for the Normandy
. Leadership lessons from the Shackleton Expedition -
. How to Grow People and Build a Lean Culture - Paul Akers
. Entertaining Leaders - Flying Pig Press
. Listing of Stephen E. Ambrose's books:
. YOUTUBE: Turn that Ship Around:
. YOUTUBE: Patrick Lencioni explaining the 5 Dysfunctions of a team
(Longer version):
. See Leadership Resources for a full compilation of resources at
ACTION STEPS and AH HA's -SO WHAT or WHAT's NEXT? - From Day 1 . Qualities of a supervisor
. Team norms - Need to communicate
. Leadership Styles - relational vs. traditional
. Case Study
o putting yourself in different roles and situations
o Real life experience within the group
. Team Norms - new team members so develop new norms for this team
. The Buffer Zone - New boss and new staff with me in the middle
(Action= ruminate/ponder/learn)
. Vulnerability-based trust - Make myself accountable to me & my team
. What to do about different management styles (Also appropriate style
per situation; management and team discuss -evolve)
. Team Norms - Is it working well - have a discussion
. 7 Elements - review with team, see where improvement is needed
. Developing trust - personality training
. Team building exercises
o Memo of expectations , gave EAP information to contact
o Recognizing problem, make referral
o Ask for support group for stress
o Photo copy EAP Poster - give to staff
|So What |What Next |
|Team Norms |Management team and all staff |
| |develop norms |
|Team Level Improvement |Team Meeting - what can we do to |
| |make process smoother |
|7 Elements |Go back to team and cover all |
| |aspects of 7 elements (cohesion); |