for International Students of English Programme

... and analysed for PVL, LukE/LukD, and enterotoxin A production. ...... L'exercice
de la médecine ne saurait assurer une sécurité optimale aux acteurs ...

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(for International Students of English Programme)


International Education School

November, 2013
1. Systematic Anatomy ------------------------------------------------------
2. Advanced Mathematics ----------------------------------------------------
3. Medical Physics ---------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- 18
4. Inorganic Chemistry -----------------------------------------------------
5. Regional Anatomy --------------------------------------------------------
6. Cell Biology ------------------------------------------------------------
7. Organic Chemistry -------------------------------------------------------
8. Histology & Embryology --------------------------------------------------
9. Biochemistry ------------------------------------------------------------
10. Medical Physiology -----------------------------------------------------
11. Pathophysiology --------------------------------------------------------
12. Genetics ---------------------------------------------------------------
13. Pharmacology -----------------------------------------------------------
14. Functional Experiment --------------------------------------------------
15. Pathology --------------------------------------------------------------
16. Medical Immunology -----------------------------------------------------
17. Pathogenic Microbiology ------------------------------------------------
18. Hygiene ----------------------------------------------------------------
19. Social Medicine---------------------------------------------------------
20. Medical Statistics -----------------------------------------------------
21. Clinical Pharmacology --------------------------------------------------
22. Diagnostics ------------------------------------------------------------
23. Medical Radiology ------------------------------------------------------
24. Traditional Chinese Medicine -------------------------------------------
----------------------- 271
25. Internal Medicine ------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- 277
26. Surgery ----------------------------------------------------------------
27. Gynecology & Obstetrics ------------------------------------------------
28. Pediatrics -------------------------------------------------------------
29. Ophthalmology ----------------------------------------------------------
30. Dermatology & Venerology -----------------------------------------------
31. Stomatology ------------------------------------------------------------
32. Otorhinolaryngology --------------------------------------------------
33. Infectious Diseases --------------------------------------------------
34. Psychology & Psychiatry ----------------------------------------------
35. Nuclear Medicine -----------------------------------------------------
36. Neurology ------------------------------------------------------------

Course Description
Anatomy is the study of the structure of body parts and their
relationships to one another. While systematic anatomy focuses on the
teaching of 9 systems-locomotive system, digestive system, respiratory
system, urinary system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, sense
organs, nervous system and endocrine system, it also provides applicable
knowledge of the structure of the human body and foundation information for
understanding physiology, cell biology, developmental biology, histology,
and genetics.
The purpose of this course is to enable every student to become familiar
with the basic knowledge of the structure of a human body and apply it to
the clinical setting. The lectures include: Introduction, Bones, Joints,
Muscles, Viscera, Heart, Vessels, Eyes, Ears, Nervous System and Endocrine
System. Practical information is presented in anatomy that will enable
students to apply pertinent facts to the real-world situations they might
encounter in their chosen profession.
Many changes have been made in Human Anatomy at China Medical University
compared with traditional teaching to provide students with a high-quality
3D program for their course of study. Because human anatomy is such a
visual science, many refinements and additions have been made in a
continuing effort to provide an effective art program.
A text book, HUMAN ANATOMY by Michael McKinley, published by Mc Graw
Hill, is used in this course. Many new illustrations, radiographs, and
photographs make this text even more useful.
Strengthening the clinical aspects has been another major focus in this
subject. Additional clinical teaching has been added throughout the entire
lecture series. These case studies test student knowledge and demonstrate
the application of anatomical information in a clinical setting.
It will take a student 56 hours in lectures and 52 hours in the lab to
finish this subject.

|Chapter|Contents |Lecture|Practic|
| | |hours |al |
| | | |hours |
|1 |Introduction |2 | |
|2 |Bones |2 |4 |
|3 |Joints |2 |4 |
|4 |Muscles |2 |4 |
|5 |Viscera |10 |8 |
|6 |Heart |2 |4 |
|7 |Vessels |4 |4 |
|8 |Visual Sense |2 |4 |
|9 |Senses of Hearing and Balance |2 |4 |
|10 |Nervous and Endocrine System |28 |16 |


Introduction to anatomy
1. Define anatomy.
2. Distinguish between anatomy, physiology, and biology.
3. Explain why most anatomical terms are derived from Greek and Latin
4. Explain why an understanding of human anatomy is essential in the
science of medicine.
5. Discuss some of the key historical events in the science of human
6. List the historical periods in which cadavers were used to study human
7. Explain why an understanding of human anatomy is relevant to all
8. Discuss one way of keeping informed about developments in anatomical
research and comment on the importance of this endeavor.
9. Describe the anatomical characteristics that set humans apart from other
10. Identify the components of a cell, tissue, organ, and system, and
explain how these structures relate to one another in constituting an
11. Describe the general functions of each system.
12. Explain how anatomical terms are derived.
13. Describe what is meant by prefixes and suffixes
14. Identify the planes of reference used to locate structures within the
15. Describe the anatomical position.
16. Define and be able to properly use the descriptive and directional
terms that refer to the body.
17. List the regions of the body and the principal local areas that make up
each region.
18. Explain why it is important to be able to describe the body areas and
regions in which major internal organs are located.
1. To learn and understand
Content 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
2. To be familiar with
Content 14,15,16,17,18.
3. To know
Content 11,12,13.

1. Describe the division of the skeletal system into axial and appendicular
2. Discuss the principal functions of the skeletal system and identify the
body systems served by these functions.
3. Classify bones according to their shapes and give an example of each
4. Describe the various markings on the surfaces of bones.
5. Describe the gross features of a typical long bone and list the
functions of each surface feature.
6. Distinguish between spongy and compact bone tissues.
7. Describe the process of endochondral ossification as related to bone
8. Describe the bones of the pectoral girdle and the articulations between
9. Identify the bones of the upper extremity and list the distinguishing
features of each.
10. Describe the structure of the pelvic girdle and list its functions.
11. Identify the bones of the lower extremity and list the distinguishing
features of each.
12. Describe the structural features an