34.73. B. Costa Ferreira, P. Mavroidis, M. Adamus-Górka, R ...

1rst 17/34 4/6 37/156. 2nd or Senior 8/34 ? 58/156. International Journal
Number of Articles Impact Factor 2008. Acta Oncologica 6 2.739. Phys Med Biol
13 ...... 34.18. B. Andisheh, B. Lind, M. Bitaraf, P. Mavroidis and A. Brahme,
Clinical and radiobiological advantages of stereotactic light ion beam radiation
therapy for ...

Part of the document

Panayiotis Mavroidis, Ph.D. Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University,
Associate Professor
[pic] December 2009
Summary Table of Publications Total Number of Publications: 212 (40 articles, 156 abstracts, 16 chapters, books, monographies etc) Articles in International Journals (peer reviewed) 34
Articles in National Journals (peer reviewed) 6
Abstracts in International Conferences and Int. Journals 142
(the abstracts are based on the results of 80 studies)
1.8 abstracts/study
Abstracts in National Conferences 14
(the abstracts are based on the results of 14 studies) 1
Chapters in Books 7
Books and Monographies 3
Degree, M.Sc., Ph.Lic. Theses 3
International and National News Journals 2
Implementation of International Reports 1
Referree in International Journals 9
International Distinctions 8
Oral and Invited Presentations 18 Author Internat. Articles National Articles Abstracts
1rst 17/34 4/6 37/156
2nd or Senior 8/34 - 58/156 International Journal Number of Articles Impact Factor
Acta Oncologica 6 2.739
Phys Med Biol 13 2.784
Cancer 1 5.238
Int J Radiat Oncol 1 4.639
Strahlenther Onkol 1 3.005
Clin Oncol - UK 1 2.184
J Neurosurg 1 2.124
Med Phys 1 3.871
Technol Canc Res & Treat 2 1.951
J Appl Clin Med Phys 1 1.225
Head & Neck 1 2.603
J BUON 2 -
J Radiother Pract 1 -
J Thoracic Dis 1 - Total Impact Factor 81.42 (39.94)*
Average Impact Factor 2.81 (2.66)* Number of International Articles (last 5 years) 25 (10)*
Annual number of International Articles 2.8 (1.4)*
Annual number of International Articles (last 5 years) 4.8 (2.0)* Number of International Article pages 440 (249)*
Number of pages per International Article 13.3 (14.7)* Number of Citations (without self-references) 265 (152)*
Annual Number of Citations (without self-references) 62.6 (32)*
h-index (from SCOPUS) 10 (6)* Number of Submitted Articles (under evaluation) 13 (4)*
Number of Articles in manuscript form 25 (4)*
* The number in the parenthesis refers to the publications in which I have
first authorship.
CONTENTS Personal Data 5
Present Position 5
Graduate Studies 5
Postgraduate Studies 5
Professional Licences 6
Languages 6
Member of Scientific Societies 6
Referree in International Journals 6
Awards - Recognitions 7
Computer Qualifications 7
Educational Activities 8 1. Graduate Lecturing 8
2. Postgraduate Lecturing 8
3. Lectures for Professionals 9
4. Supervision of Master Theses 9
5. Supervision of Doctorate (Ph.D.) Theses 11 Teaching Material for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
Research Activities - Radiobiology and Biostatistics
Hospital Education and Clinical-Professional Experience
Development of Computational Systems (Software) for Clinical Use
Administrative Experience
Organization of Seminars - Summer Schools
Participation in International and National Research Projects-Grants-
Fellowships 16 6. International Research Projects 16
7. National Research Projects 17
8. Grants - Fellowships 18 Research Collaboration with other Institutes and Research Centers
Participation in International Conferences, Seminars and Courses of
Doctorate Level 20
Participation in National Conferences and Seminars of Further Education
Recommendation Letters 21 Ph.D. Thesis 22
Other University Theses 22
Articles in International Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
Articles in Regional and National Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
Chapters in Books 26
Books and Monographies 27
Publications in International and National News Journals
Implementation of International Reports
Submitted Articles in peer-reviewed International Journals
Articles to be submitted in peer-reviewed International Journals
Oral and Invited Presentations
Abstracts in International Journals and Presentations in International
Conferences 33
Presentations in National Conferences - Abstracts
Citations from other authors - Without self-references
52 1. Personal Data Surname: Mavroidis
Name: Panayiotis
Date of Birth: 6 June 1971
Place of Origin: Kalamata, Greece
Family Status: Married (Children: 3)
Addresses: Department of Medical Physics, University
Hospital of
Box 1425, 41 110 Larissa, Greece
Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Karolinska
Institutet and Stockholm University, Box 260 S-171
Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +30 2413-502865, +30 2410-555410, 08-5177 4718
Fax: +30 2410-670117, 08-34 35 25
e-mail: panayiotis.mavroidis@ki.se
panayiotis.mavroidis@med.uth.gr 2. Present Position 2.1. Associate Professor, Department of Medical Radiation Physics,
Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden 2.2. Medical Physicist, Department of Medical Physics, University
Hospital of Larissa, Larissa, Greece (2003 up to date) 2.3. Visiting Professor, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San
Antonio, Texas, USA (March 2008)
3. Graduate Studies 3.1. University Degree in Physics
Department of Physics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
October 1994, "Very Good". 4. Postgraduate Studies 4.1. Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Medical Physics
Postgraduate Interdepartmental Program of Studies in Medical Physics,
Laboratory of Medical Physics (Director: B. Proimos), Department of
Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
October 1996, "Very Good". 4.2. Philosophy Licentiate (Ph.Lic.) in Medical Physics
Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden,
Title: Use of radiobiological models for treatment evaluation and
clinical outcome optimization (Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. B.K. Lind,
Assoc. Prof. C. Kappas and Prof. A. Brahme)
December 2000, "Excellent". 4.3. Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) in Medical Physics
Section of Medical Radiation Physics, Department of Oncology-
Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Determination and use of radiobiological response parameters in
radiation therapy optimization
(Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. ?.?. Lind, Assoc. Prof. C. Kappas and Prof.
A. Brahme),
December 2001, "Excellent".
5. Professional Licences 5.1. Licence for Professional Action as a Hospital Physicist in the field
of Medical Physics excluding the field of Ionizing Radiations
(Issued by the Ministry of Health in Greece, Nu