Za??cznik nr 5 - Wzór harmonogramu p?atno?ci ? za??cznik do umowy

A student is able to apply physical exercises depending on the aim that he/she
wants to ... Sex differences in relation to ?Weider's training system? ... Verbal and
visual signalisation ? basic principles of their application during a didactic

Part of the document

|Module code | |
|Module name |Wychowanie fizyczne |
|Module name in English |Physical Education |
|Valid from academic year |2012/2013 | MODULE PLACEMENT IN THE SYLLABUS |Subject |Architecture and Urban Design |
|Level of education |1st degree |
| |(1st degree / 2nd degree) |
|Studies profile |General |
| |(general / practical) |
|Form and method of |Full-time |
|conducting classes |(full-time / part-time) |
|Specialisation | |
|Unit conducting the module |Sports Centre |
|Module co-ordinator |Stanis?aw Hojda, PhD |
|Approved by: | |
| | |
| | | MODULE overview |Type of subject/group of |Other HES |
|subjects |(basic / major / specialist subject / |
| |conjoint / other HES) |
|Module status |Compulsory |
| |(compulsory / non-compulsory) |
|Language of conducting |Polish |
|classes | |
|Module placement in the |4th semester |
|syllabus - semester | |
|Subject realisation in the |Summer semester |
|academic year |(winter / summer) |
|Initial requirements |No requirements |
| |(module codes / module names) |
|Examination |No |
| |(yes / no) |
|Number of ECTS credit |1 |
|points | | |Method of |Lecture |Classes |Laboratory|Project |Other |
|conducting | | | | | |
|classes | | | | | |
|Per semester | |30 | | | | Teaching RESULTS AND THE METHODS OF assessing teaching results
|Module|The aim of the module is to acquire technical and tactical |
| |skills concerning the disciplines of team games as well as |
|target|individual disciplines. Another aim is to acquire basic |
| |theoretical information as regards the principles and |
| |regulations of given sports disciplines. | |Effec|Teaching results |Teaching|Reference|Reference|
|t | |methods |to |to |
|symbo| |(l/c/l/p|subject |effects |
|l | |/other) |effects |of a |
| | | | |field of |
| | | | |study |
|W_01 |A student has knowledge as regards |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |the rules of basic team games and | | | |
| |individual sports disciplines. | | | |
|W_02 |A student has basic knowledge as |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |regards physical culture, physical | | | |
| |activity, nutrition, and health. | | | |
|U_01 |A student can do basic technical |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |elements of a given sports discipline| | | |
| |and is able to pass basic fitness | | | |
| |tests: Pilicz and Cooper tests. | | | |
|U_02 |A student is able to apply physical |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |exercises depending on the aim that | | | |
| |he/she wants to achieve (perfecting | | | |
| |the functioning of the circulatory | | | |
| |system, motor coordination, or | | | |
| |strengthening muscles). | | | |
|K_01 |A student is aware of the level of |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |his/her knowledge and skills as | | | |
| |regards physical culture. A student | | | |
| |complies with fair play principles | | | |
| |while practising sport and in | | | |
| |everyday life. | | | |
|K_02 |A student promotes social and |c |A_K06 |T1A_K04 |
| |cultural significance of sport. A | | | |
| |student fosters his/her individual | | | |
| |preferences as regards physical | | | |
| |culture and sport. | | | | Teaching contents: Teaching contents as regards classes |Class |Teaching contents |Referenc|
|number| |e to |
| | |teaching|
| | |results |
| | |for a |
| | |module |
| |The type of classes is chosen by a student (from 1 to | |
| |9). | |
| |Football |W_01 |
| | |W_02 |
| |Football fitness course |U_01 |
| |Exercises familiarising students with football |U_02 |
| |Perfecting a kick and ball reception |K_01 |
| |Perfecting the technique of driving a ball, dummies, |K_02 |
| |and dribbling to order to possess the ball | |
| |Perfecting the techniques of kicking a ball towards | |
| |the goal for different positions on the pitch | |
| |Basic principles of individual play in defence | |
| |Man-to-man and zone marking in a simplified game | |
| |Complex technical and tactical exercises finished with| |
| |shots on goal | |
| |Perfecting the elements of special technique during | |
| |games | |
| |Mini-games and support games used in football training| |
| | | |
| |Using the learnt techniques and tactics in the game | |
| |The assessment of mastering the selected elements of | |
| |special technique | |
| |Basketball |W_01 |
| | |W_02 |
| |Teaching jump stops of one and two legs. Perfecting |U_01 |
| |running shots. |U_02 |
| |Teaching pivots. Perfecting jump shots. |K_01 |
| |Teaching fast attacks. Perfecting one-hand set shots. |K_02 |
| | | |
| |Teaching fast attacks. Perfecting half-court one-hand | |
| |shots. | |
| |Teaching situational passes (hook and no-look passes).| |
| |Perfecting screens and feints. | |
| |Teaching two-on-two and three-on-three play in | |
| |counter-attack. Perfecting situational passes. | |
| |Teaching body dummies. A proper game | |
| |Perfecting half-court offence (pick and roll, back | |
| |door). A school game. | |
| |Teaching game tactics in the half-court offence with | |
| |the learnt elements. Perfecting jump shots. | |
| |Perfecting fast attack. A school game. | |
| |Perfecting two-on-two and three-on-three play. Games | |
| |and plays involving shooting. | |
| |Perfecting zone defence. Three-point throws contest. | |
| |Perfecting run shots. A proper game. | |
| |Perfecting man-to-man defence. Correction exercises. | |
| |A test on the learnt elements (obstacle course) | |
| |An intra-group tournament of three-player basketball | |
| |teams | |
| |Volleyball |W_01 |
| |