
Unit 23 Languages 109 ..... New technologies: electronic publishing, virtual
reality, video ... p 2 tl Barclays Bank pic; p 2 tr John Birdsall; p 2 bl Art Directors; p
2 br Pascal ..... For example, a GPU running at 50 MHz (50 million cycles per
second) is likely ...... Window Bridge from Syntha-Voice can verbalize both MS-
DOS- and ...

Part of the document

English for computer users
Student's Book
Santiago Remacha Esteras
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, United Kingdom
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, United Kingdom 40 West 20th
Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne
3166, Australia
© Cambridge University Press 1996
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the
provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of
any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge
University Press.
First published 1996 Third printing 1997
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
ISBN 0 521 45980 X Student's Book ISBN 0 521 45981 8 Teacher's Book ISBN
0521 459826 Cassette
Map of the book w Thanks and Acknowledgements vi? Section 1 Computers today 1 Unit 1 Computer applications 2
Unit 2 Configuration 7
Unit 3 Inside the system 11
Unit 4 -Szfo and bytes 17
Unit 5 Buying a computer 21 Section 2 Input/output devices 26 Unite 6 Type and click! 27
Unit 7 Capture ? our favourite image 32
Unit 8 Viewing the output 36
Units 9 Choosing a printer 40
Unit 10 I/O devices for the disabled 45 Section 3 Storage devices 50 Unit 11 Floppies 51
Unit 12 Hard drives 56
Unit 13 Optical breakthrough 60 Section 4 Basic software 65 Unit 14 Operating systems 66
Unit 15 The Graphical User Interface 70
Unit 16 A walk through word processing 74
Unit 17 Spreadsheets 80
Unit 18 Databases 83 Section 5 Creative software 88 Unit 19 Graphics and design 89
Unit 20 Desktop publishing 94
Unit 21 Multimedia 98 Section 6 Programming 102 Unit 22 Program design 103
Unit 23 Languages 109
Unit 24 The PostScript revolution 112
Unit 25 Jobs in computing 116 Section 7 Computers tomorrow 120 Unit 26 Electronic communications 121
Unit 27 LANs and WANs 127
Unit 28 New technologies 132 Notes for Student A 137 Notes for Student ? 141 Glossary 145 Acronyms and abbreviations 151 Trademarks 153
Map of the book
|Section 1 |1 Computer |Using computers |What can computers|
| |applications |at work |do? |
|Computers | | | |
|today |2 Configuration |Types of computer|What is a |
| | |systems |computer? |
| |3 Inside the |Describing a |What's inside a |
| |system |computer |microcomputer? |
| | |system |Main memory: RAM |
| | | |and ROM |
| |4 Bits and bytes | |Units of memory: |
| | | |bits, bytes, KB, |
| | | |MB, GB; binary |
| | | |system Bits for |
| | | |pictures |
| |5 Buying a |Buying a computer|Computers for |
| |computer |in a shop |particular work |
| | | |situations |
|Section 2 |6 Type and click! |Different input |About the keyboard|
|Input/outpu| |devices |Point and click! |
|t | | |(the mouse) |
|devices |7 Capture your |Types of scanners|What does a |
| |favourite image | |scanner do? Facts |
| | | |and opinions in |
| | | |advertisements |
| |8 Viewing the |Health and safety|The monitor |
| |output | | |
| |9 Choosing a |Ink-jet printers |Types of printers |
| |printer | |Adverts for |
| | | |printers |
| |10 I/O devices for|Adaptive |Computers for the |
| |the disabled |technology for |disabled |
| | |the blind | |
|Section 3 |11 Floppies |Buying disks |Types of disks |
|Storage | | |Technical details |
|devices | | | |
| |12 Hard drives |Disk |When buying a hard|
| | |fragmentation |disk . . . (drive |
| | | |mechanisms) |
| |1 3 Optical |What's a CD-ROM? |Optical disks: |
| |breakthrough | |pros and cons |
|How are/were |Specific |Present simple |Word fields: |
|computers used|computer |passive Data + |computers in |
|in your |applications |3rd person |education, banks, |
|school? | |singular verb |sports, airports, |
| | | |medicine, |
| | | |factories, |
| | | |entertainment |
| | | |Basic terminology: |
| | | |hardware, software,|
| | | |peripherals, input/|
| | | |output devices, |
| | | |central processing |
| | | |unit |
|Your ideal | |Contextual |Acronyms and |
|computer | |reference |abbreviations: CPU,|
|system | |Defining relative|ALU, RAM, ROM, bit,|
| | |clauses |SIMMs |
| |Translation | |Prefixes: dm-, |
| | | |hexadeci-, kilo-, |
| | | |mega-, |
| | | |giga-, mini-, |
| | | |micro-, In-, tn-, |
| | | |mono-, multi- |
|Role play: |Recommending a | |Vocabulary tree: |
|buying a |computer to a | |terminology |
|computer |friend | | |
|Describing and|Describing a |for + -ing which |Word field: input |
|identifying |joystick |+ verb which/that|devices Symbols and|
|input devices | |is used + to + |special keys Mouse |
| | |inf. |actions: click, |
| | | |drag |
| | |Comparatives and |Word building: |
| | |superlatives |suffixes Persuasive|
| | | |words in |
| | | |advertisements |
|Describing |Explaining |Instructions and |Monitors: |
|your computer |tables |advice: |resolution, pixels,|
|screen | |imperative, |display, hertz, |
| | |should, ought to |VGA, LCD, CRT, |
| | | |phosphors |
|Describing the|The pros and |Discourse |Types of printers: |
|printer you |cons of the |cohesion: |daisywheel, |
|would like to |printer you use|reference signals|dot-matrk, ink-jet,|
|use | |and linking |thermal and laser |
| | |devices |printers, |
| | |Comparison: |photosetters |
| | |revision | |
|Discussing |A letter asking|Noun phrases; |Braille, speech |
|devices for |for information|modifiers |synthesizers, Morse|
|computer users|about I/O | |code, optical head |
|with vision |equipment for | |pointer, voice |
|and mobility |disabled | |recognition |
|limitations |workers | | |
|How to protect| |Instructions with|Floppies: track, |
|your disks | |must/must not |sector,format, |
| | | |magnetic, read |
| | | |/write heads, |
| | | |directory, DD/HD |
| | | |Suffixes: -ic, |
| | | |-ism, -ize, |
| | | |-liable, -er |
| |Completing a | |Hard disks: access |
| |hard disk | |time, data transfer|
| |advertisement | |rate, password, |
| | | |fragmentation, |
| | | |removable cartridge|
| | | | |
|Choosing the |Completing a |Discourse |Acronyms and |
|most suitable |table with |cohesion: |abbreviati