Introduction to HIV, AIDS and STI Surveillance - Global Health ...

Exercises. 37. Annex 1.1: Formula for Sample Size Calculation. 38. Annex 1.2:
Estimating the Size of Your Target Population. 41. Annex 1.3: Choosing an HIV
Test. 51. Annex 1.4: Required ...... Methadone. clinic list. Harm-reduction NGO
clinic list. Total. Present. Absent. Present. 296. 441. 737. Absent. 350. x. Total.
646. N ...

Part of the document

Introduction to HIV, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection Surveillance Surveillance of Most-At-Risk Populations (MARPS) Participant Manual September 2012 Acknowledgments This manual was prepared by the United States Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS-CDC),
Global AIDS Program (GAP) Surveillance Team in collaboration with: . The World Health Organization (WHO), Department of HIV/AIDS, Geneva,
. the World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office of the Eastern
Mediterranean (EMRO), Division of Communicable Diseases, AIDS and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (ASD) Unit, Cairo, Egypt
. the World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office of Africa (AFRO)
. the World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office of South-East Asia
. the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Institute for
Global Health, AIDS Research Institute through the University Technical
Assistance Program (UTAP) with CDC/GAP. Additional assistance was provided by Tulane University, School of Public
Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, USA, through the UTAP with CDC-
GAP. This participant manual is jointly published by HHS-CDC and UCSF. This manual was funded by the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
(PEPFAR) and supported by UNAIDS and the Office of the Global AIDS
Coordinator (OGAC) interagency Surveillance and Survey Technical Working
Group that consists of: . United States Census Bureau
. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
. United States Department of Defense
. United States State Department
Table of Contents |Introduction | |
|How to Study This Module |5 |
|Additions, Corrections, and Suggestions |6 |
| |7 |
|Unit 1, Introduction to Surveillance of Most-At-Risk | |
|Populations | |
|Overview |7 |
|Introduction |8 |
|Background |8 |
|Sampling Methods |13 |
|Measures and Indicators |24 |
|Ethical Considerations |31 |
|Summary |36 |
|Exercises |37 |
|Annex 1.1: Formula for Sample Size Calculation |38 |
|Annex 1.2: Estimating the Size of Your Target Population |41 |
|Annex 1.3: Choosing an HIV Test |51 |
|Annex 1.4: Required Elements of Informed Consent |63 |
|Annex 1.5: Examples of Written and Verbal Informed Consent|64 |
|to Participate in a Survey | |
| |73 |
|Unit 2, Sex Workers | |
|Overview |73 |
|Introduction |74 |
|Background |74 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |81 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |83 |
|Measures and Indicators |85 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |87 |
|Summary |88 |
|Exercises |89 | |Table of Contents, continued | |
| |103 |
|Unit 3, Injecting Drug Users | |
|Overview |103 |
|Introduction |104 |
|Background |104 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |110 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |112 |
|Measures and Indicators |114 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |116 |
|Summary |117 |
|Exercises |119 |
| |125 |
|Unit 4, Men Who Have Sex with Men | |
|Overview |125 |
|Introduction |126 |
|Background |126 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |130 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |132 |
|Measures and Indicators |134 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |137 |
|Summary |138 |
|Exercises |139 |
| |145 |
|Unit 5, Mobile Populations | |
|Overview |145 |
|Introduction |147 |
|Background |147 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |155 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |159 |
|Measures and Indicators |161 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |164 |
|Summary |165 |
|Exercises |167 | |Table of Contents, continued | |
| |181 |
|Unit 6, Street Children | |
|Overview |181 |
|Introduction |182 |
|Background |182 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |187 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |190 |
|Measures and Indicators |193 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |195 |
|Summary |197 |
|Exercises |199 |
| |209 |
|Unit 7, Prisoners | |
|Overview |209 |
|Introduction |211 |
|Background |211 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |215 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |216 |
|Measures and Indicators |217 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |221 |
|Summary |223 |
|Exercises |225 |
| |237 |
|Unit 8, Uniformed Personnel | |
|Overview |237 |
|Introduction |238 |
|Background |238 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |243 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |244 |
|Measures and Indicators |247 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |250 |
|Summary |251 |
|Exercises |253 | |Table of Contents, continued | |
| |261 |
|Unit 9, Out-of-School Youth | |
|Overview |261 |
|Introduction |262 |
|Background |262 |
|Conducting a Formative Assessment |267 |
|Selecting a Sampling Method |271 |
|Measures and Indicators |274 |
|Special Ethical Considerations |276 |
|Summary |277 |
|Exercises |279 |
| |289 |
|Module Summary | |
| | |
|Appendix A, References and Further Reading Material |A-1 |
|Appendix B, Glossary and Acronyms |B-1 |
|Appendix C, Useful Links