167. Quelles recherches, quel encadrement pour les pays à faible et ...

Autism spectrum (AS) symptoms were associated with low Reward Dependence,
and Attention-deficit hyperactivity (AD/HD) symptoms with high Novelty Seeking.
...... Both nurses and physicians have considered other alternatives for S/R, such
as interaction, being present, occupational therapy, and physical exercises.

Part of the document

Abstracts of the XXXIst International
Congress on Law and Mental Health
Résumés du XXXIe Congrès International
de droit et de santé mentale
David N. Weisstub
Université de Montréal
Institut Philippe Pinel,
Montréal, Canada
New York University Law School
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Under the auspices of/Sous l'égide de
International Academy of Law and Mental Health Académie Internationale de Droit et de Santé Mentale [pic] International Scientific Committee
Comité Scientifique International
David N. Weisstub, Chair
Université de Montréal
Institut Philippe Pinel Aurea Alcalde Karel Oei
Henrik Anckarsater George Palermo
Wendy Austin Michael Perlin
Harold Bursztajn Maurice Preter
Julio Arboleda-Florez Enrique Sepulveda
John Douard Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan
Thomas Gutheil Jose Taborda
Leonard Kaplan Thomas Wenzel
Norbert Konrad Bruce Winick
Danielle Laudy George Woods
The editorial assistance of Nina Marie Fusco, Lisa Filgiano & Elisha Cohn
is gratefully acknowledged. 1. Accountability and Narrative Ethics 9
2. Actual Aspects of Forensic Psychotherapy 11
3. Adolescents: Capacity and Consent to Treatment: The Clinical and
Legal Dilemmas 13
4. Advancing the Care of People who Attempt Suicide or Self Harm:
Contemporary Research Findings and Practice Development 16
5. Age, Criminality, Violence and Forensics in The Netherlands 20
6. Alternative Dispute Resolution 22
7. Alternatives to Segregation for Adult and Juvenile Prisoners with
Mental Disorders: Legal and Clinical Issues 24
8. Approaches to Risk Management in Emergency, Triage, and Acute Care
Settings 26
9. Aspects of Security, Health and the Law 30
10. Assessing the Validity of Memory Reports in the Courtroom 32
11. Biological Psychiatry, Drug Addiction and Forensics in the
Netherlands 34
12. Brain Imaging in Court 36
13. Capital Punishment 38
14. Certainty and Expert Mental Health Opinions in Legal Proceedings
15. Challenging Assumptions about Men who Abuse their Partners 42
16. Child Victimization: Research on Sexual Assault, Abduction, and
Homicide 45
17. Childhood-Onset Disruptive Behaviour Disorders and Longitudinal
Development into Adulthood Antisocial Personality Disorder 46
18. Cognition, Meaning Making, and Legal Argumentation 49
19. Community Treatment Orders CTOs: The Toronto Experience 52
20. Competence to Stand Trial and the Nature of the Offence 55
21. Conceptual Approaches to Understanding Therapeutic Misconception in
Consent to Research 56
22. Conflict of Interest 59
23. Correctional Impact Litigation, Mental Disability Law and
International Human Rights 61
24. Critical Reflections on the Development and Implementation of a
National Education Programme on Working with Personality Disorder in
England 64
25. Cultural Formulation in Forensic Psychiatry 66
26. Current Issues in Psychopathy 68
27. Current Mental Health Legislation in South Africa - Challenges with
Implementation in Gauteng 71
28. Detention under a Hospital Order (TBS): Medical Treatment with or
without Conditions in The Netherlands 74
29. Development and Effect Measurement of Therapy in Juvenile Delinquency
30. Difficult Self-Represented Accused and the Right to Self-
Representation: Clinical and Legal Considerations 79
31. Dimensions of Competency 81
32. Disability and Discrimination 83
33. Does Good Psychiatric Practice Depend on the Culture? Sakura, a
Project on Seclusion and Restraint in Finland and Japan 85
34. Domestic and Family Violence 88
35. Domestic Violence and Mental Health: Next Steps for Interventions
36. Drugs and their Misuse 93
37. Effectively Managing Complex Ethical and Safety Issues in the
Community Setting: An Integrative Ethical Decision-making Process for
Capacity, Integration and Sustainability 95
38. Electric Stun Guns and Mental Health 98
39. Emerging Issues in New York Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) 2000-
2009 100
40. Empirically Supported Practices in a Forensic Mental Health Setting
41. Enhanced Drug Court Success 105
42. Establishing a Forensic Section in an Academic Psychiatry Department
to Address Psychiatric Needs in Legal Offices 107
43. Ethical and Legal Implications of Integrated Care 110
44. Ethical and Legal Implications of Integrated Care 113
45. Ethics Consultation for Capacity Assessment in the Hospital and the
Courts 116
46. Forensic Aspects of Torture: Immediate and Long Term Aspects 117
47. Forensic Mental Health Care Restructured: Programming and New
Promising Modules 119
48. Imagery in the Courtroom: New Ways of Seeing Evidence 122
49. Impacts on Children's Mental Health 124
50. Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness 127
51. Indigenous Women & Children in Canada and Their Rights 129
52. Insanity Defense 131
53. Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Offending: Implications for
Practice and Policy 133
54. Investigative Interviewing: A Therapeutic Jurisprudential Approach
55. Is the US Black Family Under Siege? A Multi-Faceted Report from the
Trenches 138
56. Japanese Realities in Mental Health Law 140
57. Judging in a Therapeutic Key 141
58. Juvenile Issues 144
59. Law and the Emotions 147
60. Lawyering in a Therapeutic Key 150
61. Legal Dimensions of Trauma and Torture 153
62. Legal Perspectives on Discrimination 155
63. Management of Insanity Acquittees: A Multi-State Perspective 157
64. Mental Capacity, Autonomy and Property: Theory and Practice 158
65. Mental Health Acts in the UK I 161
66. Mental Health Acts in the UK II 164
67. Mental Health and Incapacity Law in Scotland: Have We Got It Right
Yet? 166
68. Mental Health Evaluations for Juvenile Court: Assessment of
Disorders, Advice and Sentencing 170
69. Mental Hygiene 172
70. Mitigation and Culture in Cases of Capital Punishment 175
71. My Space and Treatment Space: A Practitioners Guide to Social
Networking and Internet Searches 177
72. Neuroimaging 180
73. New Concepts & Issues in Public Health Law & Regulation 182
74. New Developments in Dutch Mental Health Legislation 184
75. New Developments in Mental Health Legislation from a Variety of
Countries 186
76. Online Education in Mental Health and the Law 188
77. Paradigms of Socio-Political Phenomena and Consciousness 189
78. Parricide: Legal and Clinical Aspects 191
79. Philosophy of Psychiatry 192
80. "Primum Non Nocere" - First Do No Harm: Mitigating or Eliminating the
Inherent Harm in Forensic Mental Health Practice 196
81. Prison Culture and Psychological Health 198
82. Prison Psychiatry 200
83. Professional Ethics and Multidisciplinary Interventions Involving
Forensic and Mental Health Practitioners 203
84. Psychiatric and Criminological Aspects among People with Sexually
Related Problems - Six Years Of Absex 205
85. Psychological Intervention for Battered Women in Jails and Prisons
86. Quality Improvement of Forensic Mental Health Evaluations and Reports
87. Queensland's Mental Health Court: An Innovative and Unique System for
Determination of the Insanity Defence and Management of Forensic
Patients 212
88. Questioning the Foundations of Forensic Psychiatry: A Cross-
Disciplinary Approach 216
89. Recent Research on Minorities 218
90. Recent Findings on Psychopathy and on Assessment, Self- Regulation
Model, and Policy for Sex Offenders 221
91. Recent Controversies Concerning Outpatient Commitment 223
92. Reconceptualizing the Legal and Mental Health Response to Domestic
Violence 225
93. Reducing the Use of Restrictive Measures in The Netherlands I 228
94. Reducing the Use of Restrictive Measures in The Netherlands II
95. Rejection and Shame in Clinical Practice 234
96. Reparations for Indigenous Populations 235
97. Research and Practice: Challenges and Successes in Knowledge Transfer
and Exchange in Mental Health 238
98. Resilience and Development: Adaptive Behavior and Resilience 240
99. Resilience and Development: Psychosocial Approach 242
100. Risk Assessment and Violence Prevention in Forensic Mental Health and
Allied Services 246
101. Risk Assessment in Penal Institutions 248
102. Risk Assessment in Special Populations 251
103. Science Not Myth as Investigative Tool in Rape Cases: A Therapeutic
Jurisprudence Perspective 254
104. Sequels to War and Violence 256
105. Sex Offenders 259
106. Sexually Aggressive Behaviour 262
107. Social Science Insights to Improve Lawyering 264
108. Sport Science, Mental Health and the Law 266
109. Strategic Approaches to Violence within Mental Health 268
110. Suicidal Behavior 271
111. Supporting Community Re-Entry and Recovery for Persons with Mental
Illness 273
112. Survivor Therapy Empowerment Program (STEP) for Abused Women in Jail
113. Technology, Law and Disability 278