Progress work sheet - CRE Learning

Mais ici encore nul ne cherche à justifier ce dire ni à donner une explication
quelconque de ce double mode de provenance. Personne aussi ne ...... Le
célèbre dictionnaire Shuo-wen, du premier siècle de notre ère, définit le pek
comme la substance vivante (le khi) du yin et le hwan comme celui du yang. Le
commentaire ...

Part of the document

MD, MPH, DBA, ITP (Harvard) KEY CONCEPT: "WHEN you create new POSITIVE wave patterns in YOUR mind,
they give you the CONFIDENCE to RELAX and ABSORB the new language,
naturally without EFFORT" Source: Dr. M.Y. et alia
Audio: 30 minutes - freely available from:
Copyright: RGAB/2007/1 ISBN 0 7985 0301 7
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of the publisher. Progress work sheet Estimated Actual
time time
Activity (minutes) (minutes) Review 45
Exercise - Listening and Repeating 90
Throat and Structural Exercises 25
Section 1 Introduction 45
Section 2 Social 45
Section 3 Things 45
Section 4 Time and Numbers 60
Section 5 Travel 60
Section 6 Food 45
Section 7 Business 30
Section 8 Family and Weather 45
Section 9 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 60
Section 10 Management and Marriage 30
Word Summary and Grammatical Summary 45
Post-Test 30 Total Minutes (excluding repetition time) 700 Instant Relaxation Technique for learning
Note: The author would be pleased to receive the information outlined above
and other comments from any serious student who is interested in
research into the effectiveness of programme learning.
The English-based BOL 450
Multi-language Learning Systems
3 Preface
BOL 450 means 'Basics of Language' using 450 Words. The same basic words
are used for each language, thereby providing a simple foundation for
accelerated learning of several languages.
Learning a new language is often a trying experience. The authors of the
BOL 450 system believe, however, that these difficulties are greatly
aggravated by placing too much emphasis on grammar, thereby discouraging
the student and inhibiting him from speaking the language. By contrast, BOL
450 is designed to stress the essential ingredient in learning a new
language: the confidence to communicate!
BOL 450 is an English-based multi-language learning system in which the
student develops confidence in speaking and reading a new language with an
acceptable accent and correct expression, to the stage where he reaches the
'threshold of the language': i.e. the ability to use the language itself to
ask questions about it.
At all stages the programme attempts to maintain a balance between
'correct language' and learner difficulties. One or two trivial
inaccuracies may therefore exist, but these have been retained as their
correction would involve detailed explanation and would confuse the learner
unnecessarily - to the extent that he might give up all hope and
discontinue his studies. After all, what is correct in language? Can the
full cultural meaning of any important sentence be exactly translated into
another language without a compromise?
Every 'natural speaker' of a language tends to feel that he knows what is
'correctand normal' in the language, but others of course do not agree! The
'natural speaker' often fails completely to really identify with the
beginner or to understand the beginner's problems before he reaches the
crucial 'threshold'.
You will find the BOL 450 system generally simple and readily
understandable. Initially you may experience a little difficulty in
understanding what the figures mean, but once you have the 'feel' of them
there should be no problems. However, it is of the utmost importance that
you follow the suggestions on 'How to use the programme' very carefully.
Try not to allow your learning to be blocked at any stage by worrying
excessively about minor errors and difficulties - recognize them, but
concentrate on your main objective: Personal language confidence for
practical and effective communication.
Aptitude for learning a new language varies from person to person. Most
will find that they have learnt sufficient from a thorough first time
through the course to enable them to proceed to the next stage: that of
enlarging their vocabulary and knowledge of the language through speaking
it and asking questions about it. Others may find that they do not have
quite as much confidence as they might like. They are urged to work through
the course a second time, after which they should find themselves at the
threshold of a new language and a new, exciting experience.
After all, one cannot expect to begin learning to speak a new language
from a dictionary! How to use this programme This is an experimental programme in applying a fairly new technique to the
problem of learning a new language. The authors would appreciate comments
from both teachers and others who use the programme, in order to improve
the design of later editions.
Purpose This programme is designed to enable you to teach yourself the basic 450
word vocabulary and the structure of a new language. It is not a grammar
book but an aid to the understanding of existing books. The programme leads you from simple to more complex language in a gradual
fashion. If you are completely unfamiliar with the new language you will
not be able to understand the latter parts of the book until you have
understood what comes before. The programme is like a ladder and the parts
of the programme are like the rungs of a ladder. You cannot reach the top
of the ladder unless you have first used all the lower rungs. If there are
several rungs missing in the ladder, it is not only very difficult to reach
the top but the ladder also becomes unstable. The same things apply to your
knowledge and skills in the new language. Contents The course is divided into ten sections: Introduction, Social, Things, Time
and Numbers, Travel, Food, Business, Family and Weather, Yesterday, Today
and Tomorrow, and finally, Management and Marriage. Each section contains
one to three sets; each set contains about twenty new word pictures. These
are followed by twenty questions which systematically present and use the
new words, and also demand a written response from you.
You should initially work with a friend who speaks the language.
Alternatively a cassette tape is available to provide exercise in Listening
and Repeating' the new language. It helps you pronounce words correctly, so
that all your study may be done aloud.
The main programme is preceded by 'Throat and Structural Exercises' which
are designed to get your throat accustomed to the new language. At the back
of the book is:
1. A quiz which can be used as learning 'pre-test', and 'post-test'
before and after the programme to provide a rough measure of the
knowledge acquired. 2. A summary of the 450 words by section. 3. A brief grammatical summary. 4. A glossary of words in alphabetical order for occasional use. (Do not
use it often ... get into the habit of successfully guessing the meaning
of new words from the pictures provided.)
Technique The following technique is used in writing the programme:
1. The number of dashed lines gives some indication of the number of
words needed for a correct response (... is one word, ...... is two
2. An acceptable answer to a question is the correct answer shown or any
reasonable synonym. You are the judge!
Study routine Complete the programme quickly, recording the actual times taken on the
Progress Work Sheet: 1. Review an Pre-Test - Review all the materials generally and then try
the quiz and check the answers. 2. Exercise: Listening and Repeating - Work with a friend or get the
cassette tape. Concentrate on listening carefully to words and phrases
and repeating exactly what you hear. Do not read the words, or worry
about their meaning at this stage. 3. Throat and Structural Exercises - Read, listen and repeat many times,
until pronunciation comes naturally. 4. Programme for each section - See below. 5. Word summary and Grammatical summary - Study generally after section
five, and study in detail after section ten. 6. Post-test - Complete the quiz and check with the answers.
...and then continue your learning by practical conversation, a good
grammar book of the new language and more advanced materials. 1
Programme for each section Work quickly through the following steps for each section: 1. Read from the word pictures, and repeat the new words. Guess the
meaning of each new word and repeat it many times while acting out the
word. 2. Do the Programme aloud. Read each question in turn and write in the
book the responses for the missing words. Work quickly and if any
response is not immediately obvious to you, then write in the correct
answer supplied on the right-hand side. 3. Check each response with the correct answer. Tick it and go on to the
next question. 4. At the end of the section, study the word pictures again. Repeat the
section if you feel it necessary. 5. Then, repeat aloud at high speed the previous section befor