A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out ... - jwacs-jcoac

Les constituantsprincipaux de ces TEM étaientl'urine (32.5%), les oignons (26.1
%), et la solution de sucre (22.9%). CONCLUSION. Cetteétude a montréune forte
...... Matériels et méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive qui s'
est déroulée du 1er juillet 2015 au 30 juin 2016. Toute urgence chirurgicale non

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WACS 57th Annual Scientific Conference, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso
26th February - 4th March 2017.
Overscanning, overranging and overbeaming in CT: their practical effects
on patients' radiation doses and how to prevent them - Experience from
Nnewi, Nigeria
1Eze Kenneth C
Department of Radiology,
Faculty Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (Nnewi Campus),
Departments of Radiology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching hospital
(NAUTH), Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Correspondence to Dr KC Eze, Email = ezechallenge@yahoo.co.uk Background
Overscanning is the exposure of tissues beyond the boundaries of volume of
anatomy to be imaged. Overhanging is the significant extension of the
planned scan length at both ends of the imaged volume that occurs in
helical CT. Overbeaming is the extension of primary x-ray beam outside the
width of detectors required to construct the CT image. Overscanning and
overranging are associated with scanning protocols while overbeaming is
inherent in CT scanner design. All these adversely affects patients doses.
To highlight the effects of overscanning, overranging and overbeaming in
patients' radiation doses and how to prevent them.
A total of 200 CT scan studies done over 12 months period were reviewed to
find out the presence of over scanning on the images and thus unnecessary
increase in patients radiation doses. The types of 30 CT scanners in
government hospitals in Nigeria were reviewed to find out the presence of
overbeaming and overranging in the models and thus their affectation of
patients' radiation doses.
There is universal presence of overscanning in all the completed CT studies
but the overscan length was variable. Over 90% of CT scanners used in
Nigeria exhibit overranging and overbeaming being made of earlier helical
CT models. Their presence results in an increase in patient's radiation
doses in up to 30% or more.
Knowledge of overscanning, overranging and overbeaming is vital because
their presence tend to cancel the advantages of other strategies put in
place to reduce radiation dose in T studies.
Problem based learning (PBL) approach for teaching Radiology to
Undergraduate Medical Students at University of Ibadan Nigeria.
Atinuke M Agunloye
Clinical Radiology is integral to the management of most patients and
recent studies have shown that Radiology is best taught through a mixture
of teaching formats. In PBL, students are provided with a scenario of a
clinical problem and they explore the solutions in group discussion with
the tutor acting as a facilitator. Radiology is particularly suitable for
PBL as images can be readily integrated into any PBL scenario.
The aim of this study was to introduce PBL approach to teaching of
radiology of the Musculo-Skeletal System (MSK) to medical students and
compare students' learning with that of students taught by traditional
teaching method/Large Group Teaching (LGT).
Fifty four (54) undergraduate medical students at 400Level were recruited
and divided intoexperimental and control groups. The former was taught
topics in musculoskeletal radiology using the PBL approach while the
control group was taught using LGT approach.
Pre and post learning tests to assess their interpretational skills of
musculoskeletal radiographs were administered to both groups using 10 power-
point X-ray images. A structured questionnaire was also administered to
document the perception of the students on both teaching methods.
The 54 students were made up of 31 (57.4%) males with age range of 19-26
years.There was a poor overall mean pre-test knowledge score. After
teaching intervention, mean post-test knowledge score in the
experimental/PBL group was significantly higher than that for the
control/LGT group, with a p-value of 0.00. There was no significant
association between the knowledge score and students' ages, or mode of
admission into university. Males scored higher than females in the pre-
tests and also in the post-test following PBL.More students in the LGT
group were satisfied with the method of learning.Self-study and group work
were the main strengths of the PBL method.
PBL is an effective method for teaching radiology to undergraduate medical
students and it leads to better performance in identification of MSS
Cavum septum pellucidum dimensions: anemerging parameter in ultrasound
estimation of gestational age in healthy pregnant women. Elo E. Efe-Aluta1, Ademola A. Adeyekun2, Emmanuel Ighodaro3
Department of Radiology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City,
Edo State, Nigeria.
Presenter: Elo E. Efe-Aluta. eefealuta@yahoo.com
Background: Ultrasonography has become an invaluable tool in modern
obstetric practice in foetal dating and evaluation. It is also important in
the assessment of foetal growth rate especially when correlated with the
estimated gestational age (EGA) using the last menstrual period (LMP).
Cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) is an emerging parameter that has been found
to correlate with foetal GA.
Aim and Objectives: The aim of this study was to sonographically assess the
value of CSP in GA estimation and its predictive accuracy in the estimation
of GA compared to other foetal biometric parameters.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective cross sectional study of 400
healthy singleton pregnancies between 18-38 weeks gestations that attended
the antenatal clinic at UBTH, Benin City and were certain of their LMP. The
CSP width and AP diameter, biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference
(HC), femur length (FL) and abdominal circumference (AC) were measured with
a curvilinear probewith transducer frequency of 3.5-5MHz. Data analysis was
carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
Results: Mean CSP width of the foetuses was 5.2±2.0mm while the mean CSP AP
diameter was 10.2±4.0mm. There was significant correlation between CSP
width and MA, CSP AP diameter and MA (r=0.709 and 0.811 respectively). The
predictive accuracy of CSP AP diameter (65.8%±1.3days, p=0.0001) was better
than that of CSP width (50.2%±1.1days, p=0.0001). FL had the highest
predictive accuracy of 98%±2.3days while BPD, HC and AC had 97.6%±2.4days,
97.8%±8.4days and 97.4%±9.8days respectively.
Conclusion: CSP width and AP diameter correlate significantly with GA.CSP
AP diameter hasgreater predictive accuracy of GAthan CSP width.
Keywords: cavum septum pellucidum, gestational age, ultrasonography,
biometric parameters, foetus.
Pattern of prenatally diagnosed fetal anomalies at University College
Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Akinmoladun JA
BACKGROUND: Congenital anomalies(CA) are important causes of fetal and
infant morbidity and mortality worldwide. With the introduction of prenatal
ultrasound(US) screening, majority of the congenital anomalies can now be
diagnosed in utero. Prenatal ultrasound screening for CA was commenced at
the University College Hospital, Ibadan in the year 2012. The aim of this
study is to describe the pattern of anomalies diagnosed prenatally at the
hospital in the 4-years of the existence of screening programme.
METHODOLOGY: This hospital-based prospective descriptive study highlights
the prevalence and pattern of prenatally diagnosed Congenital Anomalies
(CAs) among the pregnant women who presented for routine prenatal
ultrasound screening within the study period. Demographic details,
associated risk factors and the type of CAs in all babies were recorded
RESULTS. Nine hundred and eighty-four (984) pregnant women presented for
prenatal ultrasound screening for fetal anomalies. They were aged between
18 and 51years old with a mean of 31.7. 54(5.5%) of the fetuses had fetal
anomalies. Sixty-eight (68) fetal anomalies were detected among the 54
fetuses that had anomalies. Forty-two(77.7%) fetuses had single
anomalies.The Genitourinary system 25 (36.8%) was the most involved system
followed by Central nervous system with 16 (23.5%) anomalies. Forty-one
(60.3%) of the anomalies were major anomalies.
CONCLUSION:Findings from this study revealed a high prevalence of
congenital anomalies in our locality and stressed the importance of
prenatal ultrasound screening for fetal anomalies for all pregnant women.
Les anomalies congénitales(CA) sont des causes importantes de morbidité
foetale et infantile et de mortalité dans le monde. Avec l'introduction de
l'échographie prénatale(US), dépistage de la majorité des anomalies
congénitales peuvent maintenant être diagnostiqué in utero. Le dépistage de
l'échographie prénatale CA a commencé à l'UniversityCollegeHospital, Ibadan
dans l'année 2012. Le but de cette étude est de décrire le modèle
d'anomalies à un diagnostic prénatal à l'hôpital de la 4-années de
l'existence de programme de dépistage.
Cette prospective en milieu hospitalier étude descriptive met en évidence
la prévalence et les tendances des anomalies congénitales diagnostiquées
avant (CAs) parmi les femmes enceintes qui ont présenté pour dépistage
prénatal de routine par échographie au sein de la période d'étude. Les
données démographiques, les facteurs de risque connexes et le type de
certification dans tous les bébés ont été enregistrées
Neuf cent quatre-vingt-quatre (984) Femmes enceintes présentées pour le
dépistage de l'échographie prénatale anomalies f?tales. Ils ont entre 18 et
51ans avec une moyenne de 31,7. 54(5.5 %) des f?tus avaient des anomalies
f?tales. Soixante-huit (68) anomalies f?tales ont été détectés parmi les 54
f?tus qui avaient des anomalies. Quarante-deux (77,7 %) d'une anomalie
simple foetus. L'appareil génito-urinaire 25 (36,8 %) a été le plus
impliqué suivi par le système nerveux central système à 16 (23,5 %) des
anomalies. Quarante-et-un (60,3 %) des anoma