(17) The mission of the Society of Jesus today as a religious order in the Catholic
Church is the service of faith of which the promotion of justice is an essential
element .... (23) A distinctive feature of the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm is that,
understood in the light of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, it becomes not
only a ...

Part of the document

IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY A Practical Approach |Gujarat Sahitya Prakash |The International Centre for|
|Post Box 70 | |
|Anand, Gujarat 388 001 |Jesuit Education |
|INDIA |Borgo S. Spirito, 4 |
| |C.P. 6139 |
| |00195 Rome, ITALY | TABLE OF CONTENTS | |PAGE |
|The Goal of Jesuit Education | |
|Towards a Pedagogy for Faith and Justice | |
|Pedagogy of the Spiritual Exercises | |
|The Teacher-Learner Relationship | |
|Ignatian Paradigm | |
|Dynamics of the Paradigm | |
|An Ongoing Process | |
|Noteworthy Features of the Ignatia Pedagogical | |
|Paradigm | |
|Challenges to Implementing an Ignatian Pedagogy | |
|Theory Into Practice: Staff Development Programs | |
|Some Concrete Helps to Understand the Paradigm | |
|An Invitation to Cooperate | |
| | |
|Appendix #1: Some Overriding Pedagogical Principles| |
| | |
|(Ignatian "Annotations") | |
|Appendix #2: "Ignatian Pedagogy Today" | |
|Very Rev. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. | |
|Appendix #3: Examples of Methods to Assist Teachers| |
|in | |
|Using the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm | |
FOREWORD The publication of The Characteristics of Jesuit Education in 1986
aroused a renewed interest in Jesuit education among teachers,
administrators, students, parents and others around the world. It has given
them a sense of identity and purpose. That document, translated into 13
languages, has been the focus for seminars, workshops, and study. Reactions
have been overwhelmingly positive. In recent years a question has been heard from diverse parts of the
world. How can we make the principles and orientation of The
Characteristics more useable for teachers? How can Ignatian values be
incorporated in a practical pedagogy for use in the daily interaction
between teachers and students in the classroom? The International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education
(ICAJE) has been working for over three years to respond to this question.
With help from reactions and suggestions of lay and Jesuit educators the
world over, seven drafts were written for this paper introducing the
Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm. From the outset, however, we were convinced
that no document alone would help teachers to make the adaptations in
pedagogical approach and teaching method required in Ignatian education. To
be successful in bringing the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm into regular
use in Jesuit schools, members of the International Commission are
convinced that staff development programs in each province and school are
essential. Teachers need much more than a cognitive introduction to the
Paradigm. They require practical training that engages and enables them to
reflect on the experience of using these new methods confidently and
effectively. For this reason, ICAJE has worked, from the start, on a
project to help teachers.
THE IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY PROJECT INCLUDES: 1) an introductory document on the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm as a
development of Part 10 of the "Characteristics"; and 2) a program of staff development at regional, province and school
levels. The school staff development programs should last from three
to four years in order to enable teachers gradually to master and be
comfortable with Ignatian pedagogical approaches. To make this project effective and introduce practical staff
development programs at school level, groups of people in provinces around
the world are currently being trained tin the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
and appropriate teaching methods. Indeed, this whole process was initiated
at an International Training Workshop held at Villa Cavalletti, just
outside Rome, April 20-30, 1993. Six people from Jesuit education from each
continent (a total of approximately 40 people from 26 nations) were invited
to be trained, ie, to learn about, practise, and master some of the key
pedagogical methods involved. They, in turn, are preparing training
workshops for teams of people from provinces in their areas of the world,
who in turn will be equipped to initiate school level staff development
programs. Without the assistance of the training team at Villa Cavalletti and the
generous participants in the international workshop there, the process of
bringing the Ignatian Pedagogy Project to our teachers simply would not be
possible. I am, therefore, very grateful to all of these people who are
truly at the service of Jesuit education worldwide. I offer special thanks to the members of the International Commission
on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education who have worked assiduously for over
three years - in writing seven drafts of this introductory paper, as well
as developing the pedagogical processes which comprise the substance of the
Ignatian Pedagogy Project. Members of ICAJE represent experience and
cultural points of view from the far flung corners of the world: Fr
Augustin Alonso, SJ (Europe), Fr Anthony Berridge, SJ (Africa and
Madagascar), Fr Charles Costello, SJ (North America), Fr Daven Day, SJ
(East Asia), Fr Gregory Naik, SJ (South Asia) and Fr Pablo Sada, SJ (Latin
America). In advance, I thank Provincials, their assistants for education,
teachers, administrators, members of governing boards whose encouragement
and cooperation in this global effort to renew our educational apostolate
is crucial. Finally, I acknowledge the generous financial assistance we have
received from three foundations which wish to remain anonymous. Their
participation in our efforts is a notable example of the interest and
cooperation which characterises the worldwide community of Jesuit
education. Vincent J. Duminuco, SJ
Secretary of Education
Society of Jesus
INTRODUCTORY NOTES (1) 1. This document grows out of the 10th part of The
Characteristics of Jesuit Education in response to many requests for
help in formulating a practical pedagogy which is consistent with
and effective in communicating the Ignatian world view and values
presented in the Characteristics document. It is essential,
therefore, that what is said here be understood in conjunction with
the substantive Ignatian spirit and apostolic thrust presented in
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education. (2) 2. The field of Jesuit pedagogy has been discussed in numerous
books and scholarly articles over the centuries. In this paper we
treat only some aspects of this pedagogy which serve to introduce a
practical teaching strategy. The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm
proposed here can help to unify and incarnate many of the principles
enunciated in The Characteristics of Jesuit Education. (3) 3. It is obvious that a universal curriculum for Jesuit
schools or colleges similar to that proposed in the original Ratio
Studiorum is impossible today. However, it does seem important and
consistent with the Jesuit tradition to have a systematically
organised pedagogy whose substance and methods promote the explicit
vision of the contemporary Jesuit educational mission.
Responsibility for cultural adaptations is best handled at the
regional or local level. What seems more appropriate at a more
universal level today is an Ignatian pedagogical paradigm which can
help teachers and students to focus their work in a manner that is
academically sound and at the same time formative of persons for
others. (4) 4. The pedagogical paradigm proposed here involves a particular
style and process of teaching. It calls for infusion of approaches
to value learning and growth within existing curricula rather than
adding courses. We believe that such an approach is preferable both
because it is more realistic in light of already crowded curricula
in most educational institutions, and because this approach has been
found to be more effective in helping learners to interiorise and
act upon the Ignatian values set out