Examples of GaAs IC technologies which have demonstrated GHz sample rate A/
D converters are: metal semiconductor field?effect transistor (MESFET), high ......
Behavioral observation of soldier performance during training exercises where
the urban conditions are systematically varied and the outcomes measured could

Part of the document

U.S. ARMY 97.2
SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Topics The Army participates in one solicitation each year with a coordinated
Phase I and Phase II proposal evaluation and selection process. The Army
has identified 167 technical topics for this solicitation which will
address the Technology Areas in the Defense Technology Plan and the Army
Science and Technology Master Plan. The commercial potential for each of
these topics has also been identified. Operating and Support Cost Reduction (OSCR) The U. S. Army spends a large part of its overall budget, directly or
indirectly, on the operation and support (O&S) of equipment ranging from
small generators to large, sophisticated weapon systems. O&S costs cover a
broad spectrum of items including spare/repair parts, fuels, lubricants,
and the facilities and people involved in training operators and mechanics.
The Army is seeking ways to reduce these costs as a broad Acquisition
Reform initiative. To this end, the Army has implemented the Operating and
Support Cost Reduction (OSCR) Program. This solicitation includes 45
topics which address specific OSCR concerns identified by the Army's
research and development community. The OSCR topics have been grouped
together at the end of the Army topics to benefit offerors who are
specifically interested in cost reduction applications. Technology Areas Each Army SBIR topic is tied to one of the 19 technology areas, listed
below, which are described in the Army Science and Technology Master Plan. 1 Aerospace Propulsion and Power
2 Air and Space Vehicles
3 Chemical and Biological Defense
4 Individual Survivability and Sustainability
5 Command, Control, and Communications
6 Computing and Software
7 Conventional Weapons
8 Electron Devices
9 Electronic Warfare/Directed Energy Weapons
10 Civil Engineering and Environmental Quality
11 Battlespace Environments
12 Human-Systems Interface (HSI)
13 Manpower, Personnel, and Training
14 Materials, Processes, and Structures
15 Medical and Biomedical Science and Technology
16 Sensors
17 Ground Vehicles
18 Manufacturing Science and Technology
19 Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Proposal Guidelines The maximum dollar amount for Army Phase I awards is $100,000 and for Phase
II awards is $750,000. Selection of Phase I proposals will be based upon
technical merit, according to the evaluation procedures and criteria
discussed in this solicitation document. Due to limited funding, the Army
reserves the right to limit awards under any topic and only those proposals
considered to be of superior quality will be funded. To reduce the funding
gap between Phase I and Phase II, the Army follows a disciplined milestone
process for soliciting, evaluating, and awarding superior Phase II
proposals. Phase II proposals are invited by the Army from Phase I
projects which have demonstrated the potential for commercialization of
useful products and services. Invited proposers are required to develop
and submit a commercialization plan describing feasible approaches for
marketing developed technology. Cost sharing arrangements in support of
Phase II projects and any future commercialization efforts are strongly
encouraged, as are matching funds from independent third-party investors,
per the SBIR fast track (see section 4.5). Commercialization plans, cost
sharing provisions, and matching funds from investors will be considered in
the evaluation and selection process. Phase II proposers are required to
submit a budget for a base year (first 12 months) and an option year.
Phase II projects will be evaluated after the base year prior to extending
funding for the option year. Proposals not conforming to the terms of this
solicitation and unsolicited proposals will not be considered. Awards are
made contingent on availability of funding and successful completion of
negotiations. Submission of Army SBIR Proposals All proposals written in response to topics in this solicitation must be
received by the date and time indicated in Section 6.2 of the introduction
to the DoD solicitation. Be sure that you clearly identify the specific
Army topic which your proposal addresses. All Phase I proposals (one
original and four copies) must be submitted to the Army SBIR Program Office
at the address shown below: Dr. Kenneth A. Bannister
Army Research Office-Washington
Room 8N23
5001 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22333-0001
(703) 617-7425 Recommendation of Future Topics Small businesses are encouraged to suggest ideas which may be included in
future Army SBIR solicitations. These suggestions should be directed at
specific Army research and development organizations. Inquiries Inquiries of a general nature should be addressed to: Dr. Kenneth A. Bannister LTC Joe McVeigh
Army SBIR Program Manager Army SBIR Program Coordinator
Army Research Office - Washington HQDA
Room 8N23 OASA RDA
5001 Eisenhower Avenue Pentagon, Room 3E486
Alexandria, VA 22333-0001 Washington, D.C. 20310-0103
(703) 617-7425 (703) 697-8599
ARDEC John Saarmann (201) 724-7943 001 thru 004 and 123 thru 132
ARL Dean Hudson (301) 394-4808 005 thru 021 and
133 thru 140
ARO LTC Ken Jones (919) 549-4200 022 thru 028 and 141
thru 145
AVRDEC Ann Smith (757) 878-0155 029 thru 037 and 146
thru 147
CECOM Joyce Crisci (908) 427-2665 038 thru 063 and 148
thru 150
ERDEC Ron Hinkle (410) 671-2031 064 and 151 thru 153
MICOM Otho Thomas (205) 842-9227 065 thru 073 and 154
thru 158
NRDEC Bob Rosenkrans (508) 233-5296 074 thru 077 and 159 thru 160
STRICOM Admiral Piper (407) 384-3935 078 and 161
thru 164
TARDEC Alex Sandel (810) 574-7545 079 thru 090
TECOM Rick Cozby (410) 278-1481 091 thru 096 Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
ARI Joe Psotka (703) 617-5572 097 thru 099 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CERL Dave Moody (217) 373-7228 100
CRREL Sharon Borland (603) 646-4735 101 thru 102
TEC June Jamison (703) 428-6631 103 and 165
WES Phillip Stewart (601) 634-4113 104 thru 105 Surgeon General
MRMC Herman Willis (301) 619-2471 106 thru 119
U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
SSDC Ed Bird (205) 955-4871 120 thru 122 166
thru 167
PROPOSAL CHECKLIST This is a Checklist of Requirements for your proposal. Please review the
checklist carefully to assure that your proposal meets the Army SBIR
requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in your
proposal being returned without consideration. Do not include this
checklist with your proposal. _____ 1. The proposal is limited to only ONE ARMY solicitation topic. _____ 2. The proposal is 25 pages or less in length. (Excluding company
commercialization report.) Proposals in excess of this length will
not be considered for review or award. _____ 3. The Cover Sheet (Appendix A) has been completed and is PAGE 1
of the proposal. The copy containing original signatures is
included on the original proposal. _____ 4. The proposal budget may be up to $100,000 and duration does not
exceed six months. _____ 5. The Project Summary Sheet (Appendix B) has been complete and is
PAGE 2 of the proposal. _____ 6. The Technical Content of the proposal begins on PAGE 3 and
includes the items identified in Section 3.4 of the
solicitation. _____ 7. The Technical Abstract contains no proprietary information,
does not exceed 200 words, and is limited to the space provided
on the Project Summary Sheet (Appendix B). _____ 8. The proposal contains only pages of 8 1/2" X 11" size. No
other attachments such as disks, video tapes, etc. are included. _____ 9. The proposal contains no type smaller than 11 point font size
(except as legend on reduced drawings, but not tables). _____ 10. The Contract Pricing Proposal (Appendix C) has been completed
and is included as the last section of the proposal. _____ 11. The final proposal is stapled in the upper-left-hand corner,
and no special binding or covers are used. _____ 12. An original and four copies of the proposal are submitted. _____ 13. The Company Commercialization Report (Appendix E) is included.
(This report does not count towards the 25 page limit) _____ 14. If notification of proposal receipt is desired, then a self-
addressed stamped envelope and a copy of the Notification Form
(Reference A) in the back of the solicitation book must be sent
with your proposal. _____ 15. The proposal must be sent registered or certified mail,
postmarked by July 9, 1997, or delivered to the Army SBIR Office
no later than July 16, 1997, 2:00 p.m. local time as required
(see Section 6.2).
3D fly-throughs A97-056
3D modeling A97-068
3D Re