using complex method

Proportion (correlation) p:f:c has to be 1:1:4 by their mass. Proportion ...... She
doesn't do physical exercises and spends the whole day standing on her feet.

Part of the document

Ministry of the Public Health of Ukraine
Zaporozhye State Medical University
Chair of General Hygiene and Ecology
(Module 1. Part 2) For the students of 3 year of the medical faculty Zaporozhye - 2013
CONTENTS |Topic 9. |A method of calculation of energy spending of man and its |1 |
| |requirements is in food matters. An estimation of adequacy of | |
| |feed is after a menu-lay-out. | |
|Topic 10.|A method of study and estimation of food status of man and |13 |
| |medical control after providing organism with vitamins. | |
|Topic 11.|A method of expert estimation of food products and prepared |23 |
| |foods is as a result of their lab tests. | |
|Topic 12.|Theoretical aspects and method of prophylaxis of alimentary |29 |
| |diseases. Hygiene bases of dietary treatment and medical | |
| |prophylactic nourishment. | |
|Topic 13.|Method of investigation of cases of the food poisonings. |36 |
|Topic 14.|Physiology of labor. Method of hygiene and sanitary estimation| |
| |appraisal| of weight and tension of labor with the purpose of | |
| |prophylaxis of overstrain and increase of capacity. | |
| |Hygienically and sanitary requirements to the mode of labor. | |
| |A method of hygienically estimation of dangerous and harmful | |
| |factors of production environment and reaction of organism is | |
| |on their influence. A sanitary legislation is about a labor |43 |
| |protection. | |
|Topic 15.|Method of hygienically estimation of noise and vibration. |56 |
|Topic 16.|Method of determination chemical contaminations of air of |62 |
| |production environment. | |
|Topic 17.|Method of estimation of the state of health and physical | |
| |development of children and teenagers. | |
| |Research methods and estimation of influence of factors of |66 |
| |environment on a health children and teenagers, determinations| |
| |of group of health and physical education. | |
|Topic 18.|Methods of study of older age dependent features of children | |
| |and teenagers. Hygienically sanitary estimation of an | |
| |educational mode of children of different age groups. | |
| |A method of hygienically estimation of equipment and |92 |
| |maintenance of educational-educate establishments is for | |
| |children and teenagers (preschool, schools, special | |
| |educational establishments). | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
?opic N 9 A method of calculation of energy spending of man and its requirements is
in food matters. An estimation of adequacy of feed is after a menu-lay-out. 1. Learning objective
1.1.Master the methods of medical control of the energy expenditure
and nutrition in different social and professional, sex and age population
2. Basics 2.1. You should to know:
2.1.1. Physiological basics of metabolism in the human organism.
2.1.2. Energy metabolism and its regulations. Constituents of the
daily energy expenditure.
2.1.3. Physiological and hygienic characteristic of the basal
metabolism and specific-dynamic effect of food.
2.1.4. Dependence of the human energy metabolism on climate and
weather conditions, microclimate, emotional stress and physical load.
2.1.5. Rational nutrition as a basis of the sufficient energy supply
for the human organism.
2.2. You should have the following skills:
2.2.1. To monitor the daily activity of the individual or a group with
similar daily routine and nutrition.
2.2.2. To use directive, reference materials, formulas, tables,
nomograms, perform the necessary calculations (analyses).
3. Self-training questions 3.1. Physiological basics of energy and plastic metabolism in
3.2. Physiological significance and main functions of the nutrition.
3.3. Concept of the rational nutrition as a basis of energy and
plastic metabolism in human organism.
3.4. Characteristic of different population groups depending on the
energy expenditure. Scientific background of the physiological standards of
nutrition for different sex and age, professional population groups.
3.5. Daily energy expenditure of human organism and its main
3.6. Doctor's duties concerning the medical control of the energy
expenditure and nutrition for different population groups, organized
3.7. Ssignificance of the rational nutrition to health protection and
3.8. Classification of nutrients and their functions in the organism
(energetic, plastic, catalytic, protective).
3.9. Methods of determination of the human energy expenditure (direct
and indirect calorimetry, alimentary energometry, pulsometry, calculation
3.10. Method of calculation of the human energy expenditure using the
anthropometric and time-keeping data.
3.11. Method of calculation of the human requirements in nutrients. 3.12. Methods of balance and budget research of nutrition, their
goals, advantages and disadvantages for the assessment of the individual
and collective nutrition.
3.13. Questionnaire methods of the nutrition assessment, their goals,
advantages and disadvantages for the assessment of the individual and
collective nutrition.
3.14. Laboratory methods of determination of energetic value and
nutrient composition of the daily intake.
3.15. Calculation methods of determination and assessment of the daily
intake quantitative and qualitative composition.
3.16. Medical, sanitary and hygienic optimization measures in the
collective and individual nutrition.
4. Self-training assignments
4.1. A 40-year old woman is the tutor in the humanitarian university.
Determine the intensity group of her labor, physical activity coefficient
(PhAC), daily energy expenditure, requirements in main nutrients (proteins,
fats, carbohydrates, vitamins ?, ? and ?, minerals /iron, calcium,
phosphorus/), optimal dietary intake.
4.2. The 30 years old man of 175 cm height, 70 kg body weight is the
surgeon by profession. His daily chronogram is the following: professional
activity (performing operations) - 4 hours, preparation to operations - 1.5
hours, preparation and conduction of the medical conference - 2.5 hours,
walking - 1 hour, active physical exercises - 30 min., self-service - 2.5
hours, reading - 1.5 hours, public activity - 1 hour, rest by seating - 2
hours, laying - 1 hour, sleeping - 8 hours. Calculate the actual basal
metabolism using equations, daily energy expenditure [according to the
relative basal metabolism (RBM) - the type activity duration and physical
activity coefficient (PhAC)], nutrient requirements. 4.3. The energy expenditure of the bricklayer (IV group of physical
activity) is 4 500 kcal. The daily intake of the bricklayer includes 120 g
of proteins, 95 g of fats, 600 g of carbohydrates.
Calculate the bricklayer's nutrient requirements and his intake
caloricity. Make the conclusion about his nutrition adequacy.
4.4. The daily intake of trade school pupils making bench tools
manually (III group of physical activity) was calculated using the menu
schedule and the following data were received: caloricity 3 200 kcal,
proteins 105 g, fats 90 g, carbohydrates 560 g, vitamin ? 130 mg, vitamin ?
(carotin) 0.8 mg, vitamins ?1 1.6 mg, ?2 0.8 mg, ?? 9.5 mg, ?6 1.3 mg,
calcium 800 mg, phosphorus 1 200 mg, iron 9 mg.
The average energy expenditure of a pupil is 3 100 kcal. Calculate the
pupils needs in nutrients, make a conclusion about their nutrition
sufficiency and adequacy.
5. Literature
5.1. Principal:
5.1.1. ???????? ???????. ???????????? ???????. /?.?.????????,
?.?.???????, ?.?.?????? / ?? ???. ?.?.?????????. - ?.: ???? ?????, 1995. -
5.1.2. ????? ???????. ???????????? ???????. / ?.?.????????,
?.?.???????, ?.?.?????? ? ??. - ?.: ???? ?????, 2000. - ?.512-538.
5.1.3. ??????? ?.?., ??????? ?.?. ????????????? ????????. ????????
??????? ? ???????? ????????. - ?.: ??????(?, 1999. - ?.313-353.
5.1.4. ??????? ?.?., ??????????? ?.?., ???????? ?.?. ???????. - ?.:
???? ?????, 1983. - ?.134-155; 252-254.
5.1.5. ???????? ???????. ???????? ??? ?????????? ??????. /?.?.???????,
?.?.???????, ?.?.??????????? /?? ???. ?.?.???????. - ?????,: ????, 1992. -
5.1.6. Lecture on section "Hygiene of nutrition".
5.1.7. ??????? ?????????? ? ???????? ?????????????. ?????????
/?.?.???????, ?.?.?????????