Department of Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus
cell. cellar. cellar's. cellared. cellarer. cellaring. cellars. celled. cellist. cellist's.
cellists ...... exercises. exercising. exert. exerted. exerting. exertion. exertion's.
exertions ...... packet. packet's. packeted. packeting. packets. packing. packs. pact
. pact's ...... tower. towered. towering. toweringly. towers. towing. town. town's.
Part of the document
|Department of B.Sc.. in Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus |
|First Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 133 |Structured Programming Language |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 134 |Structured Programming Language |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Lab | | | |
|CSE 143 |Discrete Mathematics |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 144 |Discrete Mathematics Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|ENG 101 |English Language I |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|ENG 102 |English Language I Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|IPE 106 |Engineering Graphics |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|IPE 108 |Workshop Practice |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|MAT102D |Matrices, Vector Analysis and |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Geometry | | | |
|PHY 103E|Mechanics, Wave, Heat & |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Thermodynamics | | | |
| |Total |14 + 15 = |22.0 | |
| | |29 | | |
|First Year: Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 100 |Project Work |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|EEE 107Q|Electrical and Electronic |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Circuit Analysis | | | |
|EEE 108Q|Electrical and Electronic |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Circuit Analysis Lab | | | |
|CSE 137 |Data Structure |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 133|
|CSE 138 |Data Structure Lab |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|ENG 103 |English Language II |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|ENG 104 |English Language II Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|MAT103D |Calculus |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Total |13 + 14 = |20.0 | |
| | |27 | | |
|Second Year: Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|EEE 201Q|Digital Logic Design |3 + 0 |3.0 |EEE 107|
|EEE 202Q|Digital Logic Design Lab |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|CSE 237 |Algorithm Design & Analysis |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 137|
|CSE 238 |Algorithm Design & Analysis Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|BAN 243 |Cost and Management Accounting |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|PHY 207 |Electromagnetism, Optics & |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Modern Physics | | | |
|PHY 222B|Basic Physics Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|STA 202 |Basic Statistics & Probability |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Total |16 + 10 = |21.0 | |
| | |26 | | |
| | | | | |
|Second Year : Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 200 |Project Work |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 233 |Object Oriented Programming |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 133|
| |Language | | | |
|CSE 234 |Object Oriented Programming |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
| |Language Lab | | | |
|CSE 339 |Theory of Computation |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|CSE 241 |Concrete Mathematics and |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Numerical Analysis | | | |
|CSE 242 |Concrete Mathematics and |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Numerical Analysis Lab | | | |
|ECO 103 |Principles of Economics |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
|MAT204D |Complex Variables, Laplace |4 + 0 |4.0 | |
| |Transform and Fourier Series | | | |
| |Total |16 + 11 = |21.5 | |
| | |27 | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |
|Third Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 367 |Microprocessor & Interfacing |3 + 0 |3.0 |EEE 201|
|CSE 368 |Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab|0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 365 |Communication Engineering |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 366 |Communication Engineering Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 333 |Database System |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 334 |Database System Lab |0 + 6 |3.0 | |
|CSE 335 |Operating System and System |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Programming | | | |
|CSE 336 |Operating System and System |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Programming Lab | | | |
|CSE 351 |Management Information Systems |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Total |15 + 15 = |22.5 | |
| | |30 | | |
| | | | | |
|Third Year : Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 300 |Project Work & Seminar |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 329 |Computer Architecture |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 361 |Computer Networking |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 365|
|CSE 362 |Computer Networking Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 373 |Computer Graphics and Image |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
| |Processing | | | |
|CSE 374 |Computer Graphics and Image |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Processing Lab | | | |
|CSE 331 |Software Engineering |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 332 |Software Engineering Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 363 |Advanced Data Structure and |2 + 0 |2.0 |CSE |
| |Algorithm | | |137, |
| | | | |CSE 237|
|CSE 364 |Advanced Data Structure and |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Algorithm Lab | | | |
| |Total |14 + 15 = |21.5 | |
| | |29 | | |
| | | | | |
|Fourth Year : Semester I | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 400 |Project |0 + 4 |2.0 | |
|CSE 433 |Artificial Intelligence |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 434 |Artificial Intelligence Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 445 |Web Engineering |2 + 0 |2.0 | |
|CSE 446 |Web Engineering Lab |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 439 |Compiler Construction |3 + 0 |3.0 |CSE 259|
|CSE 440 |Compiler Construction Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
|CSE 4** |Option I |3 + 0 |3.0 | |
|CSE 4** |Option I Lab |0 + 3 |1.5 | |
| |Total |11 + 15 = |18.5 | |
| | |26 | | |
| | | | | |
|Fourth Year: Semester II | | | |
|Course |Course Title |Hours/Week|Credit|Prerequ|
|No | | |s |isite |
| | |Theory + | | |
| | |Lab | | |
|CSE 406 |Viva Voce |0 + 2 |1.0 | |
|CSE 408 |Project |0 + 8 |4.0