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... volcanoes, cultural trends, world affairs, events for nations, countries, states,
and cities is called Mundane ...... I guess Milo and I will cook a small turkey and a
sweet potato. ...... A fiduciary exercises the highest level of trust possible. ..... This
is not a case of cultural taboos about hand holding and touching as I first thought.

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What I believe
to be genuine
and authentic the collected publications
of William Colenso
Volume 1
1831-1884 collected by Ian St George
[pic] I have been often requested to publish...
what I believe to be genuine and authentic.... (William Colenso 1881. Historical Incidents and Traditions....
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 3-33). Contents Volume 1 Introduction
9 Colenso on truth
19 Acknowledgements 23 1831 History of Mounts Bay with every civil and military transaction, Saint
Michael's Mount, Marazion,
Penzance, Paul, Buryan, Saint Levan, Sennen, Saint Just, &c. The third
edition, revised and corrected
with considerable additions. Penzance; printed by and for John Thomas,
and sold by T. Tegg,
73 Cheapside, London. 24 1842 Description of some new ferns lately discovered in New Zealand.
Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, Etc 1: 375-
379. 41 1843 An account of some enormous fossil bones of an unknown species of the
class Aves, lately
discovered in New Zealand. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science,
Agriculture, Statistics, Etc
2: 81-107. 1844 Annals and Magazine of Natural History 14 (89): 81-96.
43 1844 Memoranda of an Excursion, made in the Northern Island of New Zealand
in the summer of 1841-2; intended as a contribution towards the
ascertaining of the Natural Productions of the New Zealand
Groupe: with particular reference to their Botany. Launceston, Launceston
Examiner. 95p; 1846
Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, Etc 2: 210-
234, 241-308. 43 1846 A classification and description of some newly-discovered ferns,
collected in the northern Island of
New Zealand, in the summer of 1841-2. Launceston, Launceston Examiner.
Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, Etc 2:
161-189. 65 1868 On the Maori races of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand
Institute 1: 75p. 74 1868 Essay on the Botany, Geographic and ?conomic, of the North Island of
the New Zealand Group. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1: 233-
283. 116 1869 In Memory of Capt. J. Cook, R.N. and his little band of gallant and
devoted followers,
who first visited these shores of New Zealand in October, 1769,-l00 years
Hawke's Bay Herald, Napier: 8 October 1869, p.3
137 1871 Fiat Justitia; being a few thoughts respecting the Maori prisoner
Kereopa now in Napier gaol....
Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co, Napier. (First published in Hawke's Bay
Herald.) 23p. 144 1873 Letter relative to Maori Lexicon. Appendix to the Journal of the House
of Representatives, G 9. 157 1875 Compilation of Maori Lexicon by Mr. Colenso (letters relative to).
Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives, G11
158 1877 On the day in which Captain Cook took formal possession of New
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 10: 99-108.
162 1877 Manibus Parkinsonibus sacrum. A brief Memoir of the First Artist who
visited New Zealand; together
with several little-known Items of Interest extracted from his Journal.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 10: 108-134.
166 1877 Notes, chiefly historical, on the ancient dog of the New Zealanders.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 10: 135-155.
176 1877 Notes on the Metamorphosis and Development of one of our large
Butterflies (Danais berenice),
or a closely-allied Species.Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 10:
276-280. 184 1878 Tracts for the times; No. 1, On the Sabbath and its due observance.
Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co., Napier. (First published as letters to Hawke's
Bay Herald). 46p. 186
1878 Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 77-106.
212 1878 On the ignorance of the ancient New Zealanders of the use of
projectile weapons.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 106-118.
224 1878 Notes on the genus Callorhynchus with a description of an undescribed
New Zealand species.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 298-300.
229 1878 Notes on the metamorphisis of one of our largest moths-Dasypodia
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 300-304.
230 1878 A description of two New Zealand Ferns, believed to be new to Science. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 429-431.
232 1878 Report of the Inspector of Schools to the Chairman of the Education
Board, Hawke's Bay. 233
Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives; H.1: 62-64. 1878 Petition of William Colenso. Presented to the House of
Representatives, 24th September,
1878, and ordered to be printed.
235 1879 On the Moa. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 12: 63-108.
236 1879 Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 12: 108-147. 256 1879 A few remarks on a cavern near Cook's Well at Tologa Bay and on a tree
(Sapota costata) found
there. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 12: 147-150.
272 1879 Notes and Observations on the Animal Economy and Habits of one of our
New Zealand Lizards,
supposed to be a new Species of Naultinus. Transactions of the New
Zealand Institute 12: 251-264. 273 1879 A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests, with
dried Specimens of the same. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute
12: 359-367. 279 1880 On the vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38.
282 1880 Historical incidents and traditions of the olden times pertaining to
the Maoris of the North Island,
(East Coast), New Zealand; highly illustrative of their national
Character, and containing many
peculiar, curious, and little-known Customs and Circumstances, and
Matters firmly believed by them.
Now, for the first time, faithfully translated from old Maori writings
and recitals.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 38-57.
1880 Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 57-84.
304 1880 Description of a new species of Metzgeria; also a brief notice of the
finding of Bæomyces
heteromorphus, Nyl., in New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand
Institute 13: 368-370. 316 1880 The ferns of Scinde Island (Napier). Transactions of the New Zealand
Institute 13: 370-376. 317 1880 On some new and undescribed New Zealand Ferns. Transactions of the New
Zealand Institute 13: 376-384. 319 1880 Mr Colenso's English-Maori Lexicon (Specimen of).
Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives, G 6.
323 1881 Historical incidents and traditions of the olden times pertaining to
the Maoris of the North Island,
(East Coast), New Zealand; highly illustrative of their national
Character, and containing many
peculiar, curious, and little-known Customs and Circumstances, and
Matters firmly believed by them.
Now, for the first time, faithfully translated from old Maori writings
and recitals (continued).
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 3-33.
1881 Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 33-48.
337 1881 On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 49-76.
343 1881 Description of two little-known Species of New Zealand Shells.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 168-169.
354 1881 On some new and undescribed Species of New Zealand Insects, of the
Orders Orthoptera and
Coleoptera. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 277-282.
355 1881 A description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 329-341.
357 1881 On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 477-484.
362 1882 On some newly discovered New Zealand Arachnids.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 15: 165-173.
366 1882 A description of four new ferns from our New Zealand Forests.
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 15: 304-310.
369 1882 On the large Number of Species of Ferns noticed in a small Area in the
New Zealand Forests, in the Seventy-mile Bush, between Norsewood and
Danneverke, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay. Transactions of
the New Zealand Institute 15: 311-320.
372 1882 Description of a few new Indigenous Plants. Transactions of the New
Zealand Institute 15: 320-339. 376 1883 Three literary papers read before the Hawke's Bay Philosophical
Institute during the session of 1882:
- I and II, On Nomenclature; III, On "Macaulay's New Zealander." Daily
Telegraph Office, Napier. 41p. 384 1883 A further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zea