Ecopsychology - Exercices corriges

Later I happened to ride on a bus in Karelia with workers of a forestry. They drank
...... As if God is a sort of a slot machine operating on tokens!? But a lot of ...

Part of the document

Vladimir Antonov,
Ph.D. (in biology)
Translated from Russian
by Anton Teplyy
Correctors of an English translation:
Keenan Murphy and Hiero Nani
New Atlanteans
ISBN 978-1-897510-19-3
New Atlanteans
657 Chemaushgon Road RR#2
Bancroft, Ontario
K0L 1C0, Canada
Printed by Lulu
This book is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language by
scientist-biologist Dr. Vladimir Antonov. It covers the essential issues:
what is God, the place of human being in the Evolution of the Universal
Consciousness, principles of forming and correction of destiny, ways of
attaining health and happiness, most effective methods of psychic self-
regulation, about spiritual development and cognition of God.
The book includes also texts of several lectures by its author, which
may repeat in different words the most important ideas. Hopefully, it can
help the readers comprehend the material more fully.
The book is intended for all kinds of readers. © Antonov V.V., 2008. Contents Ecology of Human Being in Multidimensional Space 7 Ecology and Ecopsychology 7
What Is Man 9
Multidimensionality of Space 10
God 15
God - and Us 20
The Meaning of Human Life 21
Destiny and It Correction 23
Love, Wisdom, and Power 31
What Is Love 37
Love for People 38
Love for Nature 41
God Is Love 48
"Every Instance of Leaving the State of Love..." 50
Self-Centeredness versus God-Centeredness 53
Love for God 56
Sexual Aspect of Love 59
Upbringing Children 66
Nutrition Recommendations 67
Clothing 80
Night Sleep 81
Medicine, Health, and Destiny 83
Work in the Material World 95
Spiritual Service 97
True and False Attachments 100
Teachings of God versus Sectarianism 103
Eternal Law - Sanatana Dharma 106
Comments on the Patanjali's Scheme 108
Yama and Niyama 109
Asana 113
Pranayama 115
Pratyahara 115
Dharana 117
Dhyana 119
Samadhi 121
Chakras and Meridians 122
Meditative Trainings 128
Places of Power 130
Babaji's Formula 132
Truth 134
Simplicity 136
Love 137
Karma Yoga (Selfless Service) 147
Abandonment of the Lower self for the Sake of Merging with the Higher
Self 149
Completion of the Path 153 Practice of the Straight Path 154 Preliminary Methods 155
Initial Methods 158
Ethic Self-Correction 158
Impressions as "Food" for the Soul 160
Initial Control of Emotions 160
About Compassion 161
Self-Discipline and Energy 162
Hatha Yoga 162
Visualization 164
Basic Methods 167
Cross of Buddha 170
Warm-Up 171
Relaxation Asanas 172
Pranayamas 173
Psycho-Physical Exercises 175
Shavasana 177
Latihan. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 178
Cleansing of the Chakras. Opening of the Spiritual Heart 180
Exits from the Body 183
Development of the Chakras. Dantians 184
Work with Meridians. Sushumna, Chitrini, Zhen-Mo, the Microcosmic
Orbit, and the Middle Meridian 187
The Cocoon 192
Bubbles of Perception 193
Development of Power in Subtlety (Correct Crystallization of
Consciousness) 195
Winter Swimming 197
Meditative Running 200
Higher Methods 202
Pranava. "Birth" and "Maturing" in the Holy Spirit 202
About Self-Healing 202
Total Reciprocity (Nirodhi) 202
Baptism in the Divine Fire 202
The Root 202
"Raising" of Kundalini 202
Entering the Abode of the Creator 202 The Meaning of Our Lives (lecture) 202
About "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (lecture) 202
Stages of the Spiritual Path (lecture) 202
How Can We Fall in Love With God? (lecture) 202
Practice of the Modern Hesychasm (lecture) 202
Sun of God or How to Become the Ocean of Pure Love (lecture) 202
How One Should Understand the Word God (lecture) 202
Religion - and Religious Movements and Schools (lecture) 202
Narrow Path to the Highest Goal (lecture) 202
Atman and Kundalini (lecture) 202
Serving God (lecture) 202
Art and Spiritual Development (lecture) 202
Basic Principles of Teaching Psychic Self-Regulation to Children and
Adolescents (lecture) 202
Art of Being Happy (forest lecture for film) 202
Sattva of Mists (forest lecture for film) 202
Sattva of Spring (introduction to film) 202
Keys to the Secrets of Life. Achievement of Immortality (forest lecture
for film) 202
General Conclusion 202 1. About the History of Religion 202
2. How the Word God Is to Be Understood 202
3. What Is Man 202
4. Methodological Principles of Spiritual Self-Development 202
5. Structure of the Human Organism and Structure of the Absolute 202
6. What Religious Associations Should Do 202 Bibliography 202
Ecology of Human Being in Multidimensional Space
Ecology and Ecopsychology Ecology is a science that studies relationships between living organisms
and the environment they live in.
Its branches focus on studying specific kinds of these organisms and are
called respectively. For example: ecology of European beaver or ecology of
sturgeon, etc. The object can be researched in terms of its habitat, places
and conditions of reproduction, mating patterns and other kinds of
interaction with representative of the same species, competitors and
enemies (predators, parasites, etc.), or just neighbors.
Human being can also be an object of such research. It is being studied
mostly in its working environment (sea, coal mines, space flight, etc.)
A separate branch of ecology of human being is protection of the
environment. In many countries there are special ecological services as
well as voluntary environmentalist organizations like Green Peace.
Environmentalists struggle against pollution of water resources, air, and
soil, as well as for preservation of natural forests and fauna. They
protest against nuclear weapons testing, fight for banning of chemical,
biological, and nuclear weapons and antipersonnel mines that cripple
civilians and animals. They also call for banning of the usage of traps in
fur trade, which cause incredible sufferings to animals...
The environmentalist movement deserves highest praise and every possible
kind of support. The applied ecological studies of professional activities
of man are also very important. But in this book we will try to show that
this is not all that the ecology of human being can study.
Man is not only a body, but also, and primarily, a consciousness or
soul. And man lives not only in close contact with air, water, soil,
animals, plants, viruses, and bacteria... We also interact with non-
embodied individual consciousnesses (spirits of people and animals) and -
which is the most important of all - with God.
This is the subject of the science ecopsychology - as the most important
branch of ecology.
In reality we live in a multidimensional environment. And the material
world that we can perceive with our senses is just a small portion of it.
Other layers (eons or lokas) of the multidimensional universe usually
remain completely out of our perception, although they are filled with life
that can see us and which influences us.
For the completeness of ecological perception, which allows us to live
our lives on the Earth in the best way, we have to include in our worldview
Him Who is the most important One in the universe - God.
For this purpose we need to have, first of all, the knowledge about God,
about the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness, and about our role in
this process.
And we have to realize that ETHICS is that field of philosophical
knowledge which allows man to live in ECOLOGICAL HARMONY with God and with
the entire environment. What Is Man In order to be really comprehensive the whole system of knowledge about
human being should be based on the premise that man is not a body, but a
consciousness, i.e. living energy, capable of self-awareness and possessing
mind and memory. The body is merely a transient habitat for the
consciousness. And throughout the personal evolution, every individual
moves in and out of those habitats, dropping off old bodies and entering
new ones.
Materialists and followers of primitive religious sects do not believe
this. On the other hand, God has been telling us about this through Thoth-
the-Atlantean (Hermes Trismegistus), Lao Tse, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus
Christ, Babaji from Haidakhan, Sathya Sai Baba, and numerous other Divine
Teachers and prophets [1-4,6-7,9-11,13-16,18-19,23,25-26,29,35-37,40-42, 45-