cimc-2010_01 code of conduct for audiovisual media services in ...

Editors, journalists and program responsibility of audiovisual media service ...
Audio-visual media services will not broadcast any material that denigrates .... be
inaccurate, may exercise the right of reply to correct facts concerning that person.

Part of the document

[pic] CIMC-2010/01
Independent Media Commission, based on Article 141 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Kosovo is an independent body that regulates the Range of
Broadcasting Frequencies in the Republic of Kosovo, licenses public and
private broadcasters, establishes and implements broadcasting policies and
exercises Other specified by law. Independent Media Commission, in order to guarantee freedom of expression,
which includes the right to express oneself, to disseminate and receive
information, opinions and other messages without impediment and affirming
respect The principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human
Code of Conduct aims to define the rules of conduct and working of audio-
visual media services in accordance with legal provisions that are
necessary in a democratic society; in the interests of national security,
territorial integrity and public safety; for the prevention of disorder and
crime; for the protection of human dignity; for the protection of health or
morals, for the protection of children, to protect the reputation and
rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information given in
confidence, or for maintaining the authority and justice without bias. 1 RESPECT OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE 1.1. Activity audiovisual media service shall not infringe the
constitutional order, sovereignty and national integrity. 1.2. All owners, managers of radio stations, editors and/or those who do
final edition of all radio and television programs in Kosovo (hereinafter
referred only to "audiovisual media services") agree to abide by the
provisions of this code. 1.3. Editors, journalists and program responsibility of audiovisual media
service shall ensure respect for the principle of free information, to
provide accurate, timely, truthful, consistent, comprehensive, balanced and
impartial. 1.4. Journalists and editors do not encourage or promote, intentionally or
indirectly, any of the forms of discrimination and intolerance. 1.5. Audio-visual media services will not broadcast any material that
denigrates an ethnic or religious group, or who implied that an ethnic or
religious group is responsible for criminal activity. 1.6. Audio-visual media services will not broadcast any material that
promotes or encourages crime or criminal activity, or that contains the
risk of causing harm, which can be death, injury, damage to property or any
other form of violence. 1.7. The activity of audiovisual media services impartially respect the
right to information, political beliefs and religious beliefs, personality,
dignity, privacy of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 2. The difference between news and opinion 2.1. While companies are free to express their opinions, audio-visual media
services are obliged to make a clear distinction between news and opinion. 2.2. News is information consisting of facts and data, while opinion
carries thoughts, ideas, beliefs, assumptions, comments or value judgments
by audio-visual media services. 3. VERIFICATION OF THE FACTS AND REPORTING OF THE TRUTH 3.1. Audio-visual media services will not broadcast material unless they
make prudent and reasonable to ensure accuracy, authenticity and
sustainability. 3.2. Audio-visual media services will not broadcast material that they know
or should know is false or misleading. 3.3. Audiovisual media services have a professional obligation to promptly
correct any published information that is found to be incorrect. 3.4. Audio-visual media services should not make plagiarism and should
indicate the source of the information that has been published elsewhere. 4 REPORTING OF FAIR AND IMPARTIAL 4.1. Audio-visual media services to ensure accuracy, fairness and
impartiality in all reporting. 4.2. Audio-visual media services will provide different perspectives
presentation correctly and fairly. If one party refuses to provide its
view, reporting publisher should note this refusal. 4.3. Audio-visual media services should be based on identifiable sources of
information and are committed to protect the identity of those who provide
information in confidence, whether this is required in advance or not. 4.4. In reporting and commenting on a controversy, avoiding assumptions,
advance media will check facts and take statements and comments from all
stakeholders in context. If any of the parties involved refuses to declare
before the journalist, in its reporting journalist should note this
refusal. 4.5. Audio-visual media services will not promote the interests of a
political party or a political viewpoint, nor will be participating in a
practice that could have the effect of promoting a political party, a
political perspective, any group or individual, to the exclusion of
parties, views, groups or individuals. 5 INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS 5.1 Everyone has the right to respect for private and family life. The
right to privacy of individuals is respected. Interference in purely
private or personal matters which have no impact on the public interest is
prohibited. 5.2 Those affected by tragedy or grief / sadness should be treated with
sensitivity, respect and restraint, they should be allowed to suffer their
mourning into complete privacy. 5.3 No broadcast material should not violate / infringe or interfere in the
individual's right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty by a
competent court. 5.4 Care and sound judgment should be exercised in revealing the identity
of persons, by face or name, so as not to damage the reputation, their
safety or their families. In any case it is necessary to give a clear
explanation to a person identified as "suspect", "author suspect",
"accused" or "convicted". 5.5 Transmission of material that shows persons arrested or detained to
physically or verbally attacked so humbles or humiliates them is
prohibited. 5.6 No person identified in broadcasting included in the coverage of the
arrest or detention of persons must not encourage or abet the commission of
violence against the person arrested or detained. Conversations 5.7 / phone calls or interviews should not be transmitted
without informing the other party in advance, except when it comes to
public interest. 6 PERSONAL ATTACKS 6.1 Personal attacks, including but not limited to attacks on honesty,
personal integrity or quality of a person, institution or group identified
issues that have nothing to do with the public interest are prohibited. 6.2 The programs that have malicious, unjust criticism or attack on a
person, natural or juridical, are prohibited. 6.3 When transmitting personal attacks against any person, institution or
group, that person, institution or group should be given a fair opportunity
to respond immediately in the same program, if possible, or at the first
available opportunity. If not, the opportunity to answer should be given to
any other program under similar conditions. 7. Privacy 7.1 Service Providers audio-visual media are not allowed to give names,
descriptions, images, similarities or specific information about any
individual alleged to have committed a crime, until issuance of a final
decision by the competent court. 7.2 Confessions on personal tragedies should be presented with care,
understanding and discretion access by Service Providers Audio-visual
Media. 8. DISCRIMINATION 8.1 race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national or social origin, association with community, property, economic,
social, sexual orientation, birth, disability or any other personal status
will not used so that individuals can put disadvantaged, denigrating, with
mockery or ridicule. 9. PRESENTATION OF CHILDREN AND MINORS 9.1 The right to privacy of children should always be respected. Since
publicity unnecessary or incorrect labeling may damage them, children who
are victims of abuse or in conflict with the law should not be identified,
directly or indirectly. There must be transmitted any information that
could identify them. 9.2 unplanned surprises or interviews ("Home") of children are prohibited. 9.3 Child victims, suspects, accused of a crime, arrested or detained on
suspicion of bad making, and children who are going on trial must be
protected from other suffering distress or trauma; they should be
interviewed only with the approval of their parents or legal guardian,
unless the parent or guardian is charged. The interview should be done only
with the authority and supervision of lawyers, psychologists or social
workers qualified responsible for their welfare. 9.4 children will not be required, forced or bribed to remember and show
the traumatic experiences, terrible acts demonstrate or describe them in
graphic detail. 9.5 The programs and materials that are involved children must adhere to
all laws, rules and regulations for audio-visual broadcasting. 9.6 Journalists should not interview or photograph children under the age
of 15 issues that referring to their family, without the consent of a
parent or an adult who is responsible for the child. 9.7 The audio-visual media services in no way to identify children under
the age of 15 who are involved in criminal acts, either as witnesses or
defendants. 9.