Author, U - Exercices corriges
Abstinence from spirituous libations; exercise in the open air, and especially in
the ...... <p>32. MARBLED CAKE.--Those having any curiosity to gratify upon their
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Warwick ELT Archive Catalogue Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick
This catalogue (June 2008) has been compiled thanks to work by Aruni
Mukherjee and Duncan Hunter between 2004 and 2008 which has been financed
partly by grants from the University of Warwick Research Development Fund
(2003) and the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust (2005-2007). Items on shelves
are now all listed in this catalogue, in alphabetical order of book title.
Significant parts of the collection remain to be catalogued, including
genuinely 'archival' items (photographs, typescripts, etc.) and AV
materials (tapes, gramophone records, films etc.).
Ogden, C. K. 1944. The ABC of Basic English (in Basic). London: Kegan Paul,
Trench, Trubner. * Donated by Peter Collier. Murray, J. N. C. 1960. The ABC of the English Verb for Foreign Students.
London: Publishers and General Export Service. * Dakin Collection. Notes:
Origin obscure but an early example of 'desktop publishing'. Hemming, J. and J. M. Stitt. 1966. Absorbing English Workbook 1. London:
Longmans. * Dakin Collection. Hemming, J. and E. V. Gatenby. 1958. Absorbing English. Book 1. London:
Longmans. * Dakin Collection. Notes: Reviewed in ELT 15/1, p. 37. Noted in
BC Biblio 1963, M-15, British Library, National Library of Scotland
National Library of Scotland (Teacher¹s Book only) (COPAC). Book 1,
Teacher's Book in Dakin Collection. Hemming, J. and E. V. Gatenby. 1958. Absorbing English: Teacher's Book.
London: Longmans. * Dakin Collection. Jordan, R. R. 1980. Academic Writing Course. London: Collins. * Donated by
Meriel Bloor. Coles, M. L. B. 1978. Access to English Open Road. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Coles, M. L. B. 1979. Access to English Open Road Workbook. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Coles, M. L. B. 1976. Access to English. Turning Point. London: Oxford
University Press. Coles, M. L. B. 1979. Access to English. Turning Point Workbook. London:
Oxford University Press. Coles, M. L. B. 1978. Access to English. Turning Point Teacher's Book.
London: Oxford University Press. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1975. Access to English: Getting On. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1975. Access to English: Getting On Part A. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1975. Access to English: Getting On Part B. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1978. Access to English: Getting On Workbook A.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1978. Access to English: Getting On Workbook B.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1976. Access to English: Getting On. Teacher's
Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1974. Access to English: Starting Out, Part A
London: Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1974. Access to English: Starting Out, Part B.
London: Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1974. Access to English: Starting Out. London:
Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1975. Access to English: Starting Out. Teacher's
Edition. London: Oxford University Press. * Donated by Christopher Brumfit.
Notes: Advertised on the back cover of ELT 30/1. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1975. Access to English: Starting Out. Workbook A.
London: Oxford University Press. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1977. Access to English: Starting Out. Workbook B.
London: Oxford University Press. * Dakin Collection. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1976. Access to English: Test Pack 1. London: Oxford
University Press. Coles, M. and B. Lord. 1976. Access to English: Test Pack 2. London: Oxford
University Press. Kober, L. 1950. Across the English-Speaking World. Wien: Osterreichischer
Bundesverlag. * Dakin Collection. Haycraft, J. and B. Haycraft. 1977. Action: Early Stages in English.
Student's Book. London: Macmillan. Haycraft, J. and B. Haycraft. 1977. Action: Early Stages in English.
Teacher's Book. London: Macmillan. Pittman, G. A. 1965. Activating Advanced English Vocabulary. London:
Longmans. * Dakin Collection. Notes: Reviewed in ELT 21/3, p. 275. Noted
in BC Biblio 1965, No. 190 Pittman, G. A. 1966. Activating the Use of Prepositions. London: Longmans.
* Dakin Collection. Brinton, E, W. Plumb and C. White. 1974. Active Context English Book 1.
London: Macmillan. Brinton, E, W. Plumb and C. White. 1974. Active Context English Book 1 with
Teacher's Notes. London: Macmillan. Brinton, E, W. Plumb and C. White. 1974. Active Context English Book 2.
London: Macmillan. Brinton, E, W. Plumb and C. White. 1974. Active Context English Book 3.
London: Macmillan. Brinton, E, W. Plumb and C. White. 1972. Active Context English Book 3 with
Teacher's Notes. London: Macmillan. * Dakin Collection. Notes:. Mangold, W. 1958. Active English Merry-Go-Round: A Dynamic Review of Modern
English Analysed and Explained for Advanced Students. London: Allen &
Unwin. * Dakin Collection. Cook, V. J. 1968. Active Intonation. London: Longman. * Donated by
Christopher Brumfit. Dakin Collection. Filipovic, R. e. 1972. Active Methods and Modern Aids in the Teaching of
Foreign Languages: Papers from the 10th F.I.P.L.V. Congress. London: Oxford
University Press. * Donated by Julia Khan. Geddes, M. 1977. Activity Days in Language Learning. London: The British
Council, English Language Teaching Institute. * Notes for Teacher-Trainers.
Donated by SLALS, University of Reading Page, J. 1938. Adam Bede by George Eliot. London: Oxford University Press.
* Dakin Collection. Tregidgo, P. S. and A. L. Mawasha. 1979. Advance with English: Standard 6.
Pupils' Book. Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Tregidgo, P. S. and A. L. Mawasha. 1979. Advance with English: Standard 6.
Teacher's Guide. Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Tregidgo, P. S. and A. L. Mawasha. 1980. Advance with English: Standard 7.
Pupils' Book. Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Rayan, K. 1979. Advanced Reading Comprehension London: Evans. * Dakin
Collection. Hill, L. A. and D. J. May. 1962. Advanced Comprehension and Appreciation
Pieces for Overseas Students. London: Oxford University Press. * Dakin
Collection. Notes: Noted in ELT 17/1, p. 56, Reviewed in ELT 19/1, p. 45.
Noted in BC Biblio 1963, N-36 Morrow, K. 1978. Advanced Conversational English Workbook. London: Longman.
* Donated by SLALS, University of Reading. Allen, C. J. 1969. Advanced Dictation Exercises for Overseas Students.
London: Longmans Green. * Donated by John Eckersley. Palmer, J. D. 1968. Advanced English. Mogadishu: Ministry of Education. Kaneli, S. 1977. Advanced English Composition London: Evans. * Dakin
Collection. Gethin, A. 1979. Advanced English Comprehension: Key Nelson: Sunbury-on-
Thames. * Dakin Collection. Kelly, B. 1940. An Advanced English Course for Foreign Students. London:
Longmans. * Dakin Collection. Notes. Advertised on back cover of OE 12/1 Fuller, H. R. and F. F. Wasell. 1961. Advanced English Exercises. New York:
McGraw-Hill. * Dakin Collection. Christophersen, P. and A. O. Sandved. 1969. An Advanced English Grammar.
London: Macmillan. * Donated by Keith Mitchell. Graver, B. D. 1963. Advanced English Practice. London: Oxford University
Press. * Dakin Collection. Notes: Noted in ELT 19/3, p.143, Reviewed in
ELT 20/1, p. 94, Noted in BC Biblio 1965, No. 156. Suitable for those
preparing for Cambridge Proficiency Examination Graver, B. D. 1971. Advanced English Practice with Key. London: Oxford
University Press. * 2nd edition. Notes: Donated by Christopher Brumfit. Berman, M. 1979. Advanced Language Practice for EFL. London: Hodder &
Stoughton. * Dakin Collection. Notes: Reviewed in ELT 35/4, p. 463 Hornby, A. S, E. V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1948. The Advanced Learner's
Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. * Donated
by John Eckersley. Notes: Change of title only; not a new edition.
(COPAC) Hornby, A. S, E. V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1948. The Advanced Learner's
Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. * 2nd
edition. Notes: Donated by Peter Collier. Reviewed in ELT 8/3, Supplement,
p. 11, Reviewed in ELT 18/2, p. 90. Noted in BC Biblio 1963, S-1. British
Library, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leeds, Sheffield, ULL, Warwick,
National Library of Scotland, Oxford (COPAC). Hornby, A. S, E. V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1963. The Advanced Learner's
Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Notes:
Dakin Collection. Notes: 2nd edition. Reviewed in ELT 8/3, Supplement, p.
11, Reviewed in ELT 18/2, p. 90. Noted in BC Biblio 1963, S-1. British
Library, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leeds, Sheffield, ULL, Warwick,
National Library of Scotland, Oxford (COPAC) Hornby, A. S, E. V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1963. The Advanced Learner's
Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Notes:
Donated by Peter Collier. Notes: 2nd edition. Reviewed in ELT 8/3,
Supplement, p. 11, Reviewed in ELT 18/2, p. 90. Noted in BC Biblio 1963, S-
1. British Library, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leeds, Sheffield, ULL,
Warwick, National Library of Scotland, Oxford (COPAC) O'Connor, J. D. 1971. Advanced Phonetic Reader. London: Cambridge
University Press. * Donated by Christopher Brumfit. Saitz, R. L. and D. Baumwoll. 1965. Advanced Reading and Writing: Exercises
in English as a Second Language. New York: Holt. * Dakin Collection. Hill, L. A. 1965. An Advanced Refresher Course. London: Oxford University
Press. * Noted in BC Biblio 1965, No. 185 Harmer, J. and J. Arnold. 1978. Advanced Speaking Skills. London: Longman.
* Donated by Janelle Cooper. Hill, L. A. 1965. Advanced Stories for Reproduction. London: Oxford
University Press. * Reset and reprinted with illustrations Robinson, C. 1976. Advanced Use of En