Bravo - Exercices corriges

_____ Workbook?Exercices de laboratoire: Listen to CDs 1-2 through 1-5 and
respond to ... Check your answers to exercises B and C with the answer key. .... à
réviser section by doing workbook exercises A-F on pages 29-33 in the Cahier d'
exercises. ..... Elle ne sait pas conduire, donc elle prendra un taxi de l'aéroport.

Part of the document

French 104.51 Composition & Conversation

Module 16
Chapitre 1: Heureux de faire votre connaissance
Chapitre 2: Je t'invite

This module consists of Chapters 1 and 2. Complete the activities for both
chapters before taking the comprehensive PMAT and MAT for this module.

|Index |
| |
|Liste des activités obligatoires 2 |
| |
|Chapitre 1: Objectifs 3 |
|Chapitre 1: La Grammaire à réviser 4 |
|Chapitre 1: Leçon 1 4 |
|Chapitre 1: Leçon 2 5 |
|Chapitre 1: Leçon 3 5 |
|Synthèse: Révision finale 6 |
| |
|Chapitre 2: Objectifs 7 |
|Chapitre 2: La Grammaire à réviser 7 |
|Chapitre 2: Leçon 1 8 |
|Chapitre 2: Leçon 2 8 |
|Chapitre 2: Leçon 3 9 |
|Synthèse: Révision finale 9 |
| |
|Role Play and Conversation Practice 10 |
|Composition Practice 10 |
|Practice MAT 11 |
|Modular Achievement Test 11 |
| |
|Chapitre 1: Answer Key 13 |
|Chapitre 2: Answer Key 16 |
| |
|Abbréviations de correction 21 |
|Composition Scoring Rubric 22 |

Liste des activités obligatoires

|Module Requirements |
| |
|_____ Workbook and lab exercises: Make one appointment with an |
|instructor for Chapter 1 and another for Chapter 2 to go over |
|workbook and lab exercises. Complete the Exercices écrits and the |
|Exercices de laboratoire sections in the Bravo workbook. |
| |
|_____ Role Play and Conversation Practice: Make an appointment with |
|an instructor for the Role Play and Conversation. Select one |
|scenario from the following Role Play activities for these chapters |
|in the textbook to act out with the instructor, and, using the Avant|
|la lecture and Après la lecture questions as a guide, prepare a |
|résumé of one of the four reading assignments and be prepared to |
|answer questions about it. |
|Role Plays, Chapter 1: |
|p. 13 Interactions A and B |
|p. 26 Interaction A |
|p. 35 Interaction B |
|Literature selections, Chapter 1: |
|pp. 38-39 « Ils sont fous ces Français » |
|pp. 41-43 « Père et fille en voyage » |
|Role Plays, Chapter 2: |
|p. 59 Interactions A and B |
|p. 70 Interaction B |
|p. 79 Interaction A |
|Literature selections, Chapter 2: |
|pp. 82-84 « Les grandes écoles » |
|pp. 86-87 « Le Petit Prince de Belleville » |
| |
|_____Composition: Write a brief letter of introduction |
|(approximately 200 words in length, double-spaced, with the proper |
|French accents) to the host family that you will be living with |
|during your two month summer language session in France. Tell them |
|about your travel plans, ask them to meet you at the airport, and |
|ask for their help in getting accustomed to living in a new |
|environment. |
| |
|_____ Practice MAT (Score:___/ 30 ) |
| |
|_____ Modular Achievement Test |
|Written Test (Score: ___/ 80) Oral Test (Score: ___/ 20) |
| |
|Grade for this module: ______ |

Chapitre 1: Heureux de faire votre connaissance
Thème: Le voyage

Chapitre 1: Objectifs

|Communication Goals |Grammar & Vocabulary |Cultural Goals & |
| |Goals |Literature |
| | | |
|You will learn to... |You will learn... |You will read and |
| | |learn about... |
| | | |
|Greet friends and new|The irregular verbs |Particularly French |
|acquaintances |suivre, courir, mourir, |ways of meeting and |
|Talk about travel |rire, conduire, savoir, |taking leave of |
|plans, itineraries, |and connaître |friends and |
|dates and times of |Expressions of time with|acquaintances |
|your trip |present and past tenses |Personal privacy and |
|Ask for help and | |public lives of the |
|offer help, ask |The genders and numbers |French |
|someone to do |of nouns |Socio-cultural |
|something, accept and|The conditional tense |customs in France |
|refuse an offer |Vocabulary for greeting |which concern asking |
| |people, introducing |for and offering help|
| |yourself and others, | |
| |saying goodbye |"Ils sont fous ces |
| |Vocabulary related to |Français" by Polly |
| |travel planning |Pratt, about |
| |Useful vocabulary for |dispelling American |
| |making small talk and |stereotypes of the |
| |asking politely or |French |
| |declining help |"Père et fille en |
| | |voyage," a selection |
| | |from a novel by |
| | |author Annie Ernaux |

Chapitre 1: La Grammaire à réviser
Avant la première leçon: Les verbes: Le present, pp. 2-3
Avant la deuxième leçon: Poser une question, p. 4
Avant la troisième leçon: L'impératif, p. 5

_____ Review the topics in the Grammaire à réviser section by doing
workbook exercises A, B, C, and D on pages 1-4 in the Exercices Ecrits
section of your Bravo! Cahier d'exercices. You may either do these
exercises all at once or before each of the indicated presentations in your
textbook. Check your answers with the Answer Key as you work, and mark
corrections with a different color pen.

Chapitre 1: Leçon 1
Comment saluer, se présenter et prendre congé

_____ Listen to the Conversation on the Text Audio CD that accompanies your
book as you read along on p. 6. If you do not have the Text Audio CD, you
can listen to the Conversation it in the OIT digital lab at

_____ Study the Expressions typiques pour... and the Mots et expressions
utiles on pp. 7-8. Do activities A, B, C, and D that follow to practice
your skill with the new vocabulary and structures. Check your answers to
exercise B in the answer key at the end of this learning packet.

_____ Read the Lien culturel Arrivées et départs on p. 10.

_____ Study the Grammaire à apprendre section on pp.10-12 of your textbook
to become more familiar with the conjugation and usage of the verbs suivre,
courir, mourir, rire, conduire, savoir, and connaître. Do activities A, B,
and C in the textbook, checking them with the answer key.

_____ Workbook-Exercices écrits: Do the exercises that accompany Lecon 1
Exercices Ecrits section of your Bravo! Cahier d'exercices on pp. 5-8 and
correct them with the Answer Key. Clearly mark the free response exercise
E on p. 8 and go over it with your instructor during your workbook

_____ Workbook-Exercices de laboratoire: Listen to CDs 1-2 through 1-5 and
respond to exercices A-D for Leçon 1 in the Exercices de laboratoire
section of the workbook. OR click here for access to the Virtual Lab. Check your answers to the listening
exercises with the Answer Key.

Chapitre 1: Leçon 2