Starter Unit ? A good idea

Travail sur la prononciation. ?le professeur lit les mots donnés, fait répéter deux
ou trois élèves, corrige la prononciation. ... Les élèves font l'exercice dans leur
livre, en traçant les flèches. .... B. Exercices .... 48/25/27/33. .... (tableau «lexique»
page 44). ... a) Révision : Revoir rapidement l'unité 1 («Savoir Dire» n04 page 11

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Area of Foreign Languages

Starter Unit - Back to School

I Objectives

- Use correctly the present, past and future of verbs.
- Revise previous concepts.
- Make negative questions.
- Know the form and use of the interrogative pronouns.
- Extend vocabulary about travel.
- Extend vocabulary related to the field of geography.
- Express, with appropriate formulas, recognition of someone.
- Find out new information about Wales.

II Content

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Initiation in self- assessment, self- correction strategies and
reflection on learning.
- Recognition of someone.
- Description of a city.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- Use of basic rules of spelling and punctuation and recognition of
their importance.
- Comprehension of simple oral and written texts.
- Production of simple oral and written texts.
- Note taking.

Block 3. Knowledge of language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar
- Use of the present simple of verbs.
- Use of the past tense of verbs.
- Use of the future tense of verbs.

3.1.2. Lexis
- Travel.
- Geography.

3.1.3. Phonetics
- Improve the pronunciation of the concepts proposed in the present

3.2. Reflection on language learning
- Interest and curiosity towards extending knowledge of English.
- Organisation of personal work as a strategy for progress in
- Interest in taking advantage of learning opportunities created in
the context of the classroom and outside it.
- Active participation in group activities and work..

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Know new aspects of Wales.

III Basic competences

-Competence in linguistic communication
Vocabulary, pages 7, 9: travel, geography.
Grammar, pages 6, 7 y 8: present simple, past and future of verbs.
Listening pages 6 y 9: oral practice in dialogues.
Speaking, page 9: oral practice in dialogues.
Writing, page 9: note taking.
- Interpersonal, social and civic competence
Reading, page 9, knowing new things about Wales.
- Learning-to- learn competence
Minimising contents in order to improve the learning of a foreign
Ordering the most important concepts.
- Autonomy and personal initiative
All the exercises are aimed at developing and strengthening the
pupil's autonomy and personal initiative.

IV Assessment

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Do a listening and complete the sentences proposed. Listening, page 7.
- Recognise someone. Roleplay, page 7.
- Describe a city. Personally speaking, page 9.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- Read a text and answer the corresponding questions. Reading, page 6.
- Write sentences about oneself. Grammar, page 6.
- Read a text about Wales and do the corresponding exercises. Reading,
page 9.

Block 3. Knowledge of language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar
- Complete sentences. Grammar, page 6.
- Ask and answer questions using the verbs learnt. Grammar, page 8.

3.1.2. Lexis
- Find vocabulary related to travel. Vocabulary, page 7.
- Find vocabulary related to geography. Vocabulary, page 9.
3.1.3. Phonetics
- Improve pronunciation of English.

3.2. Reflection on language learning
- Vocabulary, page 7 y 9: valuation of strategies for increasing
knowledge of vocabulary.
- Reading, pages 6, 8, 9: valuation of strategies to improve
competence in understanding written texts, including autonomous use of
the dictionary.
- Grammar, pages 6, 8: interest in work and its application, valuing
the appreciation of the pupil for carrying out exercises and
activities correctly and accurately, as well as interest in presenting
the work in a clear, ordered and clean manner, with correct spelling.
- Listening, page 7: interest in improving competence in both
receptive and productive communication, shown by carrying out and
repeating more correctly (if necessary) the activities proposed by the
- Speaking, page 9: interest in improving competence in both receptive
and productive communication, shown by carrying out and repeating more
correctly (if necessary) the activities proposed by the teacher.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Know some aspects of the city of London.

Unit 1 - Stories

I Objectives

- Use correctly the formula sounds/looks like.
- Know how to use the verb tenses used in story telling (narrative
tenses), as corresponds.
- Learn to talk about books and literature.
- Initiate knowledge and use of phrasal verbs.
- Know how to show pleasure through the appropriate intonation.
- Learn to tell a story.
- Know how to understand the meaning of pronouns based on the context
they are found in.
- Write a story using the grammatical and lexical forms appropriate
for this purpose.
- Learn to tell stories in the most interesting way.

II Content

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Tell what has happened during the holidays.
- Telling of a story.
- Conversation about the books one reads.
- Debate about the content of the books one reads.
- Comparison of the stories told and debate about them.
- Improvement of oral comprehension.
- Improvement of oral production.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- Reading of texts and carrying out of exercises in order to improve
oral comprehension.
- Written production of a story.
- Improvement of written comprehension.
- Improvement of written production.

Block 3. Knowledge of language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar
- Use of sounds/looks like + noun.
- Use of the narrative tenses: past, present perfect, past continuous.

3.1.2. Lexis
- Books.
- For story telling.

3.1.3. Phonetics
- Express pleasure in seeing / meeting someone through intonation and

3.2. Reflection on language learning
- Interest and curiosity towards extending knowledge of English.
- Organisation of personal work as a strategy for progress in
- Interest in taking advantage of learning opportunities created in
the context of the classroom and outside it.
- Active participation in group activities and work.

Block 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- Know new information and facts about Wales.

III Basic competences

-Competence in linguistic communication
Vocabulary, page 14: books.
Grammar, pages 11, 12: sounds/looks like + noun; past, past perfect,
past continuous.
Listening, pages 10, 15, 17: improving pronunciation and comprehension
and doing the exercises proposed.
Speaking, pages 11, 13, 14, 17: oral practice in dialogues.
Writing, page 17: writing a story.
Reading, pages 11, 12, 16, 17: improving reading comprehension and
doing the exercises proposed.
- Data processing and digital competence
Communication, page 15: information about books.
- Interpersonal, social and civic competence
Culture Bite, page 19: knowing more information about Wales.
- Cultural and artistic competence
Communication, page 15, information about books.
Skills, pages 16, 17: writing a story.
- Learning-to- learn competence
Memory tip, page 14, remembering phrasal verbs through creation of
examples in sentences.
- Autonomy and personal initiative
Roleplay, page 11: talking about what happened in summer.

IV Assessment

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

- Respective exercises in Energy Check, page 18.
- Check the words and answer the corresponding questions. Listening,
page 10.
- Talk about summer. Roleplay, page 11.
- Tell a story. Speaking, page 13.
- Talk about books. Personally Speaking, page 14.

Block 2. Reading and writing

- Read a text and do the exercises proposed. Reading, page 11.
- Strengthen knowledge of the verb tenses in order to tell stories.
Grammar, page 12.
- Write a story. Writing, page 17.

Block 3. Knowledge of language

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

3.1.1. Grammar
- Revise the concepts learnt. Energy Check, page 18.
- Fill in the spaces with the correct form. Grammar, page 12.
- Know the phrasal verbs and find them in the text proposed. Grammar,
page 14.

3.1.2. Lexis
- Revise the concepts learnt. Energy Check, page 18.
- Exercises about phrasal verbs and vocabulary about books.
Vocabulary, page 14.

3.1.3. Phonetics
- Follow the steps to show pleasure through pronunciation and
intonation. Pronunciation, page 11.

3.2. Reflection on language learning
- Vocabulary, page 14: valuation of strategies for increasing
knowledge of vocabulary.
- Reading, pages 11, 12, 17: valuation of strategies to improve
competence in understanding written texts, including autonomous use of
the dictionary.
- Grammar, pages 11, 12: interest in work and its application, valuing
the appreciation of the pupil for carrying out exercise