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Going Places 4



Area of Foreign Languages



Content block 1 - Oral communication: listening, speaking and conversing
. Produce and participate in a variety of oral interactions and
- Talk about communication.
- Ask and answer a questionnaire about our relationship with animals.
- Arguments.
- Key expressions: Opinions.
. Be able to listen to and understand general and specific information in
different communicative contexts:
- People describing themselves and their circumstances.
- Short conversations.
- A dialogue (The Going Places story)
. Use strategies for understanding oral messages and for communication in
order to maintain and end the interaction.
Content block 2 - Written communication: reading and writing
. Understand the general information and relevant data in written texts:
- An article on animal communication.
- An article about the role of blogs in communication.
- A cross-cultural text about ancient methods of communication:
Keeping in Touch (Across Culture)
. Write, with guidance, structured texts, using basic strategies of
reflection and composition in the process, and a register appropriate to
the reader:
- An article about communication (Project/Portfolio ).
Content block 3 - Understanding of the language
. Use of common expressions, set phrases and vocabulary to do with topics
of personal and general interest, everyday topics, and those related to
the course content (see contents below).
. Understand and apply features of grammar correctly (see contents below).
. Use and learn basic rules of spelling and punctuation.
. Recognise and reproduce features of rhythm, stress and intonation (see
contents below).
. Use revision strategies. Organise personal work and learning resources.
Analyse and reflect on learning. Participate in the assessment of ones
own learning, using self correction strategies.
Content block 4 - Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
. Identify common features and the most significant differences that exist
between the customs, habits, attitudes and values of the societies whose
language is being studied and ones own, and show respect for these.
. Understand about the most significant cultural characteristics of the
countries where the foreign language is spoken: literature, Art, music,
cinema, etc. obtaining the information from different media including
the Internet and other information and communication technologies.
. Prepare a project demonstrating a knowledge of different social and
cultural events, and obtaining information through a variety of media
(Project: An article on communication)

. Present tenses
. Sentence builder: for and since; negative questions
. Communication
. Multi-part verbs
. Word Builder: opposites
. Opinions
. Stress in common expressions.
Reflection on learning
. Show interest and curiosity in extending knowledge about the English
. Organise ones personal work as a strategy for better learning.
. Show interest in making the most of learning opportunities created both
in and outside the classroom.
. Participate actively in group work.
. Proper use of the Internet as a learning tool

Linguistic competence
. Talking about forms of communication and asking and answering questions
about these.
. Using present tenses, for and since, negative questions and multi-part
. Understanding spoken language and paying attention to detail: Short
Mathematical competence
. Using years
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
. Learning about communication in the animal world.
Data processing and digital competence
. Learning about the history of blogging and writing a brief blog.
. Using Internet search engines and filtering the information for quality.
Interpersonal, social and civic competences
. Developing essential communication skills.
. Celebrating the differences and similarities between peoples.
. Learning about unusual forms of non-verbal communication.
. Sharing learning and research with peers and valuing the work and
opinions of others
Cultural and artistic competences
. Immersion in the language, heritage and culture of the English-speaking
. Understanding good language learning practices in a language classroom.
. Using English in the classroom at all times to maximize learning.
. Using the sections Sentence Builder and Word Builder as a guide when
constructing new words and phrases and the Text Builder to learn basic
strategies in the composition of texts.
. Study Help - Using the Internet: Asking effective and ethical use of the
Internet to find authentic examples of English.
Autonomy and personal initiative
. Taking responsibility for a portfolio of work: write an article on
Revision and extension activities
Additional and alternative activities; TG, pages 12 - 22
Photocopiable activity 1, page 5 (Who is the same as you?)
Photocopiable activity 2, page 6 (For/since. How long?)
Word Bank, page 125-135
TIME OUT! page 110, exercises 1, 2, and 3.

Summative assessment
Going Places 4 Module Tests: Module 1 test
Going Places 4 Test Book: Language Test 1 A and B; Skills test 1 & 2 A and

Assessment criteria
Content block 1 - Oral communication: listening, speaking and conversing
. Can talk about communications.
. Understands general and specific information in oral texts and messages
related to the unit content.
. Participates in a variety of oral interactions: Expressing opinions

Content block 2 - Written communication: reading and writing
. Is able to find and understand the general and specific information in a
variety of texts, identifying data, opinions, arguments, and the
communicative intention of the author.
. Can write a variety of different texts with logical structures, using
the basic conventions of each genre, appropriate vocabulary, and the
necessary features of cohesion and coherence: An article about
Content block 3 - Understanding of the language (Module 1 Test - page 3)
. Order letters to find different ways of communicating (Communication).
. Complete sentences with verbs from a box.
. Complete phrases with the correct tense form (Present tenses).
. Correct the tenses used in sentences.
. Rewrite sentences using for/since (Sentence Builder).
. Complete negative questions with the correct negative auxiliary verb
(Sentence Builder).
. Complete a dialogue (Key Expressions).
Content block 4 - Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
. Can identify the most relevant cultural features of the countries where
the foreign language is spoken, and the most significant customs, rules,
attitudes and values of their societies, valuing cultural
characteristics different from ones own.

Content block 1 - Oral communication: listening, speaking and conversing
. Produce and participate in a variety of oral interactions and
- Talk about the news and the media.
- Act out dialogues exchanging personal information.
- Key expressions: Personal news.
. Be able to listen to and understand general and specific information in
different communicative contexts:
- Radio news.
- Conversations.
- News programmes.
- A dialogue (The Going Places story)
. Use strategies for understanding oral messages and for communication in
order to maintain and end the interaction.
Content block 2 - Written communication: reading and writing
. Understand the general information and relevant data in written texts:
- News and curious stories.
- Newspaper articles and headlines.
- An e-mail.
. Write, with guidance, structured texts, using basic strategies of
reflection and composition in the process, and a register appropriate to
the reader:
- An e-mail or informal letter.
Content block 3 - Understanding of the language
. Use of common expressions, set phrases and vocabulary to do with topics
of personal and general interest, everyday topics, and those related to
the course content (see contents below).
. Understand and apply features of grammar correctly (see contents below).
. Use and learn basic rules of spelling and punctuation.
. Recognise and reproduce features of rhythm, stress and intonation (see
contents below).
. Use revision strategies. Organise personal work and learning resources.
Analyse and reflect on learning. Participate in the assessment of ones
own learning, using self correction strategies.
Content block 4 - Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness
. Identify common features and the most significant differences that exist
between the customs, habits, attitudes and values of the societies whose
language is being studied and ones own, and show respect for these.
. Understand about the most significant cultural characteristics of the
countries where the foreign language is spoken: literature, Art, music,
cinema, etc. obtaining the information from different media including
the Internet and other information and communication technologies.

. Past tenses review; Past Perfect.
. Verb patterns
. The media
. Word Builder: Compound adjectives
. Sentence Builder: Linking with after / before + -ing + clause
. Personal news
. Text Builder: Organisation
. Elli