abyas ? ????????; ????? - LDP Lingwa de Planeta

Sep 28, 2005 ... Gulliver Prep MM ? Affirmative ? RFID's ? Version 2 ... Melancon 2006 [Dave,
Special to American Forces Press Service, ?Medflag '06 ... establish a prolonged
Medical Conflagration exercise with follow-up protocol in the ...... possibility of a
human-to-human transmittable bird flu pandemic is a nightmare?

Part of the document

http://lingwadeplaneta.info/en/anglegram.shtml#alfabet Short grammar
http://lingwadeplaneta.info/files/novegram_en.pdf LdP-English dictionary
Preliminary notes
1. This is a proposed Lidepla-English dictionary of the Version 1.2. New
words are coloured in violet, changed words in red. Latest additions are in
the beginning, colored in blue. 2. Word etymologies are given sparingly, usually only one source language
is indicated. However one should bear in mind that roots widely spread
across languages are basically taken. E.g. the word "kitaba" is originally
from Arabic, but the root is present also in Turkish, Hindi, and a lot of
other languages. Moreover, the etymology indicated is often not the
earliest one. Thus, you'll see "Turkish" under the words "banka" and
"dolar" not because they are originally Turkish words but because in
Turkish they have the same form as in Lidepla. 3. It matters whether several English equivalents are given with a comma
between them or with a semicolon. If there is a comma, only their
related/common meaning is implied; if there is a semicolon, meanings should
be regarded independently. E.g.
fila - (kwo) row, line; queue, file
"Row" and "line" are given with a comma between them, which makes it clear
that here "row" does not mean "quarrel" nor "trip in a rowboat". Similarly
"queue" and "file" mutually specify each other, implying the meaning "a
line of waiting people or vehicles". Grammatical abbreviations exklami exklami-partikla (?interjection)
gramatika gramatika-partikla (grammatical particle)
gramatika-komo gramatika-partikla (grammatical particle) or komo-
worda (adverb)
inplas-komo inplas-komo-worda (the word that substitutes an adverb)
inplas-kwanto inplas-kwanto-worda (the word that substitutes a
inplas-kwel inplas-kwel-worda (the word that substitutes an adjektive)
inplas-kwo inplas-kwo-worda (the word that substitutes a noun)
komo komo-worda (adverb)
konekti konekti-partikla (preposition)
konekti-komo konekti-partikla (preposition) or komo-worda
konekti-syao konekti-partikla (preposition) or syao-worda (affix)
kwanto kwanto-worda (numeral)
kwel kwel-worda (adjective)
kwesti kwesti-worda (question word)
kwo kwo-worda (noun)
loko-komo loko-komo-worda (adverb of place)
modus-komo modus-komo-worda (adverb of manner)
sta sta-worda (words describing state, e.g., modal verbs)
syao syao-worda (affix)
syao-gramatika syao-worda (affix) or gramatika-partikla
(grammatical particle)
syao-komo syao-worda (affix) or komo-worda (adverb)
taim-komo taim-komo-worda (adverb of time)
unisi unisi-partikla (conjunction)
zwo zwo-worda (verb)
album - (kwo) album antena - (kwo) antenna bli - (konekti-komo) near, nearby, beside, close to
bli may dom - near my house
bli klok char - around 4 o'clock
Ela zai sidi-te bli. - She was sitting beside.
bli-ney - (kwel) near, nearby, neighbouring
See also: sirke blu - (kwel) blue
blutaa - (kwo) blue
klarblu - (kwel) light blue, sky blue brave - (kwel) brave, gallant, stalwart, dashing
bravnik - (kwo) bold fellow, daring fellow, dare-devil dok - (kwo) dock (in port)
doker - (kwo) docker
doki - (kwo) dock
Czech dros - (kwo) thrush (bird)
gana-dros - (kwo) song-thrush flani - (zwo) hang around; loaf, loiter about
flaner - (kwo) loafer
French floti - (zwo) float (be afloat; drift)
flotika - (kwo) float (something that floats) flui - (zwo) flow
fluisa - (kwo) flow
hwan lif floti nich fluisa - yellow leaves floated down
flui-she - (kwel) flowing, fluent
flui-shem - (komo) fluently franja - (kwo) fringe (decorative border) frosta - (kwo) frost (intensely cold weather)
frosta-ney (froste) - (kwel) frosty (cold, chilly)
frosti - (zwo) freeze
sedey frosti - it is freezing today
frosti-ney (frosten) - (kwel) frozen
Me sta frosten. - I am freezing.
defrosti - (zwo) defrost, unfreeze
froster - (kwo) freezer garja - (kwo) thunderstorm
Hindi gasta - (kwo) guest
gasti - (zwo) be a guest, be on a visit, stay
gasti she amiga - stay at a friend's
gastaguan - (kwo) hotel, guesthouse
gastashamba - (kwo) drawing room, sitting room, living room gavahi - (zwo) witness, testify
gavaha - (kwo) testimony, witness
gavaher - (kwo) witness, eyewitness
oko-gavaher - (kwo) eyewitness
Hindi girlanda - (kwo) garland gol - (kwo) goal (point scored)
gol-geit - (kwo) goal (zone)
gol-geityuan - (kwo) goalkeeper
Turkish inklina - (kwo) slant, slope; physical tilt or bend; inclination (act;
mental tendency)
flanka-inklina - (kwo) list, heel, careen, bank
inklini - (zwo) incline (bend; slope; tend) intervyu - (kwo) interview
intervyui - (zwo) interview janmi - (zwo) be born; give birth to
ta janmi in yar 1975 - he/shi was born in 1975
janma - (kwo) birth
janmadey - (kwo) birthday
janmalanda - (kwo) native land, homeland, motherland
janmalok - (kwo) native place, home
janmalingwa - (kwo) native language
janmamarka - (kwo) birthmark, mole
janming - (kwo) childbirth, delivery
janmer - (kwo) parent
Hindi jiva - (kwo) life
jiva-ney (jive) - (kwel) living, alive
jivaful - (kwel) lively, animated
jivika - (kwo) living thing/being/creature
jivi - (zwo) live
jivishil - (kwel) viable, tenacious of life
rijivi - (zwo) resuscitate, revive
Krista rijivi! - Christ has arisen!
rijivifi - (zwo) return to life
rijivisi - (zwo) bring back to life
Hindi kitaba - (kwo) book
kitaba-tana - (kwo) bookshelf
kitabakin - (kwo) booklet, brochure
kitabaguan - (kwo) library
kitabashop - (kwo) bookshop
shma-kitaba - (kwo) trash/filthy book
kitabnik - (kwo) book lover, bookworm
Arabic klaspa - (kwo) clasp, buckle
klaspi - (zwo) clasp, buckle kompili - (zwo) compile
kompila - (kwo) compilation kulpa - (kwo) guilt
es may kulpa - it's my guilt
kulpa-ney (kulpe) - (kwel) guilty
kulpe om koysa - guilty of smth
kulpe versu koywan - guilty towards smb
sinkulpa-ney (sinkulpe) - (kwel) guiltless, innocent
kulpanesa - (kwo) guiltiness lasi - (sta) let (allow)
lasi me go, lasi me wek - let me go
lasi lwo - let fall, drop
lasi koywan zin, lasi koywan inu - let smb in
lasi me dumi idyen - let me think a little bit
Bye lasi me fali! - Don't let me down! laute - (kwel) loud
lautem - (komo) loud, aloud, loudly
bulautem - (komo) in a low voice, in an undertone
lautvos-ney - (kwel) vociferous, loud-voiced limita - (kwo) limit
limiti - (zwo) limit, confine
limiti swa - (zwo) limit/restrict oneself
limiting - (kwo) limitation
limita-ney - (kwel) limit, maximum, top mandat - (kwo) mandate, warrant, credentials muh - (kwo) mouth
muh de riva - estuary
muh-ney - (kwel) oral
muh-ney lingwa - oral language
muhka - (kwo) mouthpiece
Hindi nivel - (kwo) level
niveli - (zwo) level, level out nochaparpar - (kwo) moth
(Origin: nocha+parpar) prison - (kwo) prison, jail
prisonyuan - (kwo) jailer profi - (kwo) professional (expert), pro
profi-ney - (kwel) professional rahim - (kwel) merciful; charitable
rahimtaa - (kwo) mercy, charity, grace
rahimem - (komo) mercifully
norahimem - (komo) unmercifully, cruelly
rahimi - (zwo) spare (treat mercifully)
Arabic raki - (zwo) ride (to transport oneself by means of smth), drive, go by
smth (tr./intr.)
raki kaval - ride a horse
raki bus - go by bus
raki tren - go by train
raker - (kwo) rider; passenger
raking - (kwo) ride, riding; drive, driving
rakibile - (kwel) passable, able to be ridden along (road)
Arabic rap - (kwo) rap music
rapi - (zwo) rap raspi - (zwo) scrape, rasp, abrade, graze
raspitul - (kwo) rasp file
raspitura - (kwo) graze, abrasion regei - (kwo) reggae saxofon - (kwo) saxophone shefe - (kwel) main, chief
shefa - (kwo) chief, boss
shefem - (komo) mainly, chiefly
shefurba - (kwo) capital (city)
shefkomander - (kwo) commander in chief single - (kwel) single (consisting of one part/aspect; undivided;
individual and distinct - cf. "sole")
single tota - a single whole
single shamba - a single room
single forma, singlika - (kwo) singular (gram.)
singla - (kwo) single statua - (kwo) statue
Italian tabut - (kwo) coffin
tabut-gari - (kwo) hearse, bier
Arabic teklif - (kwo) ceremoniousness, primness, formality
sin teklif - without ceremony
teklifi - (kwo) behave formally
Bye teklifi! - Make yourself at home!
Bu gai teklifi om sey kanalya. - One should deal shortly with this
noteklifem - (kwo) in a familiar manner, with familiarity
Turkish valza - (kwo) waltz
valzi - (zwo) waltz vidi - (zwo) see
vida - (kwo) sight, vision, view (ability to see, act of seeing, smth
vidiwat - (kwo) view, spectacle, smth seen
vidimogsa - (kwo) vision (ability to see)
vidisens - (kwo) the sense/organ of sight
vidipunta - (kwo) point of view, standpoint
vidike - (kwel) visual
vidibile - (kwel) visible, which can be seen
vidi-ney - (kwel) seen, visible
vidi-nem - (komo) in visible manner, visibly, apparently
fa-vidi - (zwo) be seen, be visible
shulin fa-vidi in dalitaa - a forest could be seen in the dis