EUSA Pam 1-201 - Eighth Army -

Is there a ?train the trainer? program in place (Brigade and above only)? (IAW DA/
Eighth Army CG guidelines). 8. ..... The command monitors and controls high-
grade positions force status. ...... Are commanders initiating written action to
suspend BAS when unit field exercises are over 14 days in length using DA Form

Part of the document

Major Subordinate Command (MSC) level
1. Does the MSC have an ASAP (Army Substance Abuse Program) that provides
a full range of counseling, education and drug testing services IAW AR 600-
85? 2. Does the MSC have Alcohol and Drug Control Officer(s) IAW AR600-85,
chapter 1, section 1-4h (4)(a)? 3. Are ASAP services available to and accessible by all eligible
populations within the MSU's service area? 4. Does the MSC ASAP inspect subordinate units at least once per year IAW
the appropriate inspection item checklist? 5. Does the ADCO monitor unit-level program performance in the D&A
education, missed appointments, and alcohol and drug related misconduct? 6. Does the ADCO have a forum for regular reporting of program performance
to the Commander? 7. Is ASAP resourced adequately to meet its service requirements in the
following areas? a. Staffing
b. Counseling Facilities
c. Classroom Facilities
d. Automation Equipment
e. Education Supplies
f. Drug Testing Supplies
g. Operating Budget 8. Does the ASAP maintain continuity documents including regulatory
publications, standing operating procedures, and continuity files
sufficient in scope to guide and standardize its activities? COMPLY NON-COMPLY NA ________ ____________ ___
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________ ____________ ___ SUB-FUNCTION: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) INSPECTION ITEM AND REFERENCE
Major Subordinate Command (MSC) level (cont)
9. Are ASAP Counselors licensed, certified and credentialed IAW
established DA and MEDCOM guidelines? Brigade Level 1. Does the BDE have an officer on orders as the Alcohol and Drug Control
Officer, IAW AR 600-85, chapter 1, section 1-24A? 2. Has the ADCO attended the qualification training conducted by the
Alcohol and Drug Control Office? 3. Does the brigade ensure subordinate units have a primary and alternate
Unit Alcohol and Drug Coordinators (UADC) appointed on orders, IAW AR 600-
85, Chapter 1, section 3? 4. Are ADC/UPLs properly trained, and do they have a DA Form 87,
Certificate of Training? 5. Does the brigade's ADCO inspect subordinate battalion programs
annually, IAW the standards of section 2b? 6. Does the brigade ensure that each subordinate unit is randomly testing
a minimum of 10% each month? 7. Does the brigade monitor unit prevention education? a. Newcomers briefings documented with sign-in rosters on file.
b. Quarterly (4 hours annually) Awareness/ Prevention briefings
documented with number of attendees and subject. 8. Does the BDE ADCO provide regular briefings or summary inputs to the
brigade commander that track ADAPCP drug testing, referral, treatment and
education activities within the unit? 9. Are the following references on hand with current changes, or on valid
requisition? a. DA PAM 600-85
b. AR 600-85
c. USFK Reg 600-40
d. Eighth US Army Command Policy # 11 - Substance Abuse Prevention and
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________ ____________ ___ SUB-FUNCTION: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) INSPECTION ITEM AND REFERENCE Brigade Level (cont) e. Additional Duty Appointment orders f. Inspection reports for subordinate Units Battalion Level 1. Does the battalion have a primary and alternate NCO on orders as
UADC/UPL IAW AR 600-85? 2. Has the battalion UADC/UPL ensured that each company has a primary and
an alternate UADC/UPL trained and on special duty appointment orders? 3. Are the certificates of training of each company UADC/UPL kept in the
battalion SOP book? 4. Does the battalion ensure that each company is randomly testing a
minimum 10% monthly? 5. Does the battalion UADC/UPL conduct program evaluation via regular
briefings or summary inputs to the Battalion Commander? 6. Does the battalion have a written SOP for random testing procedures
(i.e. to avoid pre-selection in random testing situations) and are the
procedures disseminated to each company? 7. Does the battalion have a written SOP regulating the consumption and
storage of alcoholic beverages IAW AR 215-1, or copies of the company SOP
for each subordinate company? 8. Does the battalion UADC/UPL inspect subordinate company programs
annually, IAW the standards of 2c and 2d? 9. Does the battalion UADC/UPL monitor company-level prevention education,
to ensure that quarterly substance abuse training is conducted IAW AR 600-
85? 10. Are the following references on hand with current changes, or on valid
requisition: a. DA PAM 600-85
b. AR 600-85
c. USFK Reg 600-40 COMPLY NON-COMPLY NA ________ ____________ ___ ________ ____________ ___
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SUB-FUNCTION: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) INSPECTION ITEM AND REFERENCE Battalion Level (cont) d. Eighth US Army Command Policy # 11 - Substance Abuse Prevention and
e. Additional Duty Appointment orders f. Inspection reports for subordinate companies Company Level 1. Is the commander familiar with the identification, referral and
rehabilitation methods of the ASAP? 2. Has the commander appointed on orders at least one UADC/UPL and
alternate? (Chapter 10, AR 600-85) 3. Does the commander publicize the fact that the abuse of alcohol or
other drugs will not be condoned in the unit?
(Para 2-3, AR 600-85) 4. Is the commander familiar with the current status of soldiers currently
enrolled in or recently referred to the ADAPCP? 5. Does the commander attend Rehab Team Meetings, IAW Chapter 4, AR 600-
85? 6. Is the commander familiar with the legal and administrative aspects of
the ADAPCP as they relate to promotions, re-enlistments, and separations? 7. Does the commander direct 10% minimum, monthly, random, urinalysis
tests IAW chapter 10, AR 600-85, Eighth Army Pol # 25? 8. Does the commander conduct newcomers' briefings, IAW AR 600-85? 9. Does the commander have a written policy on consuming and storing
alcohol in the barracks, IAW USFK Reg 600-40, or a copy of the battalion
SOP? 10. Have UADC and alternates attended training within the last 12 months? 11. Does UADC have appointment orders and Certificates of Training (DA
Form 87) for each UADC/UPL and alternate? 12. Does the unit conduct urine drug tests and alcohol breath tests IAW
Chapter 10 & Appendix E of AR 600-85? COMPLY NON-COMPLY NA
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________ ____________ ___ SUB-FUNCTION: Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) INSPECTION ITEM AND REFERENCE Company Level (cont'd) 13. Does the unit collect 100% of its drug-testing quota? (Chapter 10,
paragraph 10-4, of AR 600-85) 14. Is random testing accomplished by procedures that avoid pre-selection
and by means that are unpredictable?
(AR 600-85, Chapter 10) 15. Does the UADC develop, coordinate, and deliver education and
preventive training on alcohol and drug abuse at least quarterly? (AR 350-
1) 16. Does UADC forward written reports to the ADCO which include date of
training, instructor's name, number of soldiers trained, and number
assigned? 17. Are all soldiers, previously identified as abusers of alcohol or drugs
by either law enforcement, medical or biochemical means, referred to the
servicing Community Counseling Center? (Chapter 3, Section II) 18. Does the UADC maintain contact with servicing Community Counseling
Centers to ensure effective soldier services including enrollments,
appointments, and releases? 19. Does the UADC maintain urinalysis-testing records that include the
following? a. Name, Rank, SSN
b. Date of Test
c. Test Code Used
d. Test Result 20. Is the above information marked "For Official Use Only" (FOUO), and
kept in a locked container with access kept to a minimum? 21. Are the following references on hand with current changes, or on valid
requisition? a. DA PAM 600-85
b. AR 600-85
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