new age-mike shreve - METAMORPHOSE (Ephesians 511)

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What is meant by the term, "The New Age Movement?"
By Mike Shreve The New Age Movement is a term that covers a lot of territory spiritually.
It can reach all the way to the left and embrace the dark side of the
occult like Wicca, witchcraft and even Satanism. It can reach all the way
to the right and embrace things like success seminars and positive thinking
teachings that do not even deal with a basic concept of God, yet
incorporate certain 'New Age' principles. It is generally a movement within
our society and world based on a man-centered (humanistic) approach to the
revelation of who we are and what our destiny is.
Basically, the term "New Age" originally stemmed from a belief in an
astrological age called "The Aquarian Age." According to certain
astrological teachings, we are presently moving from the Piscean Age (an
age of knowledge and scientific advance) into the Aquarian Age (an age of
spiritual enlightenment and harmony on the planet). Most 'New Agers'
subscribe in some way to the idea that we are in transition spiritually
into a new era during which drastic spiritual changes will take place on
our planet. This will culminate in a higher spiritual atmosphere for the
inhabitants of this world.
Within this context, it could be said that Christians believe in a 'New
Age' -- for most Christians believe in the coming 'Kingdom Age' in which
Christ will reign on this planet for a thousand years of peace, harmony and
heaven-on-earth conditions. However, this coming new era within a biblical
interpretation is much different than the one described by 'New Agers', so
the biblical phrase "Kingdom Age" and the modern term "New Age" actually
refer to two different concepts that are actually opposed to one another in
many essential areas of interpretation. Twelve Basic Beliefs That Normally Unify All "New Agers"
Though there is great diversity among 'New Agers' on various issues, they
tend to agree on the following twelve things:
Fascination with the Supernatural - This is always associated with "the New
Age Movement" and often with no defining boundaries as to which experiences
are correct or incorrect. Supernatural experiences provided through various
worldviews are all embraced syncretistically and fused together into one
belief system. Many practices are aimed at exploring the supernatural realm
and experiencing various superhuman powers or states of consciousness. Pluralism - the belief that all religions are different and equally valid
paths to ultimate reality and no one worldview can fully unveil the truth.
All religions are one. An Impersonal God - Most New Agers agree that Ultimate Reality in an
impersonal cosmic energy: a non-thinking, non-hearing, non-seeing, non-
speaking, non-emotional, non-volitional, non-responsive life-force from
which all personal beings originate and into which all personal beings will
ultimately be absorbed. Pantheism - the belief that the universe is an emanation of God and that,
therefore, all things have a divine essence. In absolute pantheism God does
not exist apart from the natural cosmos. All is God. Monism - the belief that all things are of one essential substance, giving
rise to statements like, "I am the universe. I am one with all things."
There is no room for a dualistic view of God transcending creation, and
being apart from creation, in this mindset. All is One. The Divinity of Man - those who subscribe to this philosophy deify man,
teaching that all men have a divine essence, giving rise to affirmations
like, "I am God. You are God. We are all God." The problem with this point
of view is simple: in ascribing divinity to man, the next step is
necessarily ascribing evil, darkness and sinfulness to God. All things,
including the evil rampant in this world, are an emanation of God. The Power To Personally And Subjectively Create Reality - Most New Agers
tend to believe that reality is subjective not objective, that any person
can create his or her own reality by the embracing of certain beliefs, or
by making certain affirmations, declarations or confessions. This gives
rise to statements such as, "You can have your truth. I can have my truth.
And we can both be right simultaneously" (even if the viewpoints appear to
contradict each other). A Weak View Of Satan And Sin - Usually New Agers either have no belief in
Satan or a weak view of the Devil. Some negate the existence of this being,
equating Satan with merely the negative attitudes that dominate the world
system. 'Demons' are merely unbeneficial or negative attitudes that tend to
dominate the hearts of men and carry them away from the truth. Some groups
differentiate between Satan and Lucifer, lifting the latter to the level of
a divine being, even a 'god' (the 'Light bearer'). Lucifer is the one who
brings wisdom and enlightenment. Man's problem is not sin; it is ignorance--
ignorance of his own divine essence. Man does not need to repent, as one
accountable TO God; he needs to be enlightened, as one who IS God.] Enlightenment - Most New Agers avidly seek after an 'enlightened' state of
mind and have many terms for it (Samadhi, Nirvana, Christ-consciousness,
God-consciousness, etc.). Many means are used to accomplish this: chanting,
meditation, yoga disciplines, etc. There is a difference between the
Christian experience of being 'born again' and the experience of
enlightenment. The born again believer comes into a relationship with God
(through the washing away of sin by the blood of Jesus). The 'enlightened'
person comes to a realization that he IS God. Evolutionary Optimism - Most New Agers accept the coming of a 'New Age': a
time of greater spirituality and harmony on this planet, a time when many
of the problems facing the human race will be resolved. The Coming Of A Messiah - Though great differences of opinion exist
concerning the exact nature of this person, most New Agers await a Messiah-
like figure who will be the pivot heralding and fully bringing into
manifestation this 'New Age' in all of its facets. New Agers tend to assert
that the Messiah of Judaism, the Christ of Christianity, the Fifth Buddha
of Buddhism, the Imam Mahdi of Islam, Saoshyant of Zoroastrianism and
Kalkin of Hinduism are all to be fulfilled in one individual. However, the
legends and traditions concerning these hoped-for individuals are so
diverse (except for Judaism and Christianity), they cannot logically be
merged into agreement. A Global Family Outlook - Because of their monistic, pantheistic and
syncretistic doctrinal basis, most New Agers are all-inclusive in their
belief system, not exclusive. All-inclusive means 'including all people,
all cultures, and all religions into one unified whole.' Though love for
others is usually the motivation for choosing such a perspective, it makes
'choosing' a correct worldview unnecessary.
Those who do have an exclusive view of truth are labeled unenlightened and
uncooperative with this next scheduled 'paradigm shift' in society (the
Aquarian Age). Though some aspects of this 'one world' mindset are good
(genuine compassion for underprivileged members of the human race), in many
ways it will pave the road toward things that are not good - a one world
religion, a one world banking system, a one world police system and a one
world political system that will eventually become tools in the hands of
the Anti-Christ to impose his deceptive control of the planet.
Though the above twelve points are very simplistic, basically, the
embracing of these beliefs signifies someone who can be labeled an adherent
to "the New Age Movement". Was Jesus just one of many avatars or was he the only incarnation of God?
By Mike Shreve The definition of an Avatar is an incarnation of God, or a god, into a
fleshly form, usually human. In Hinduism it normally refers to an
incarnation of Vishnu. However, it has also come to include the
reincarnation of any enlightened soul who has achieved final and absolute
oneness with the Oversoul. Though delivered from all negative karma and
released from the cycle of rebirths, the Avatar instead chooses to return
to earth again for the duration of a human life. His purpose is to
counteract evil and bring about change for good. We will inspect what the
Bahá'í faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism and others have to
say about this subject. Bahá'í - This faith does not accept the idea of Avatars, but they do
believe in "Manifestations of God." This concept differs from the Hindu
belief in Avatars in one main respect. Bahá'ís believe that these advanced
and exalted individuals are infallible and "protected from sin." They are
"theophanies: mirrors who reflect God's glory and reveal his attributes"...
they are the "means of approach to God," being his "messengers": "bringers
of divine revelation." However, they "are not incarnations of God; they do
not embody the divine essence."1
There is no definitive list of recognized "Manifestations of God"
available. However, Bahá'í authoritative texts do appear to verify
fourteen: Adam, Noah, Salih, Hud, the Sabaean Manifestation (whose name is
lost), Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Mohammed, the Bab
and Bahá'u'lláh. The Bab, whose name means "the gate," was, in essence, the
'initiator' of the Bahá'í religion, for he announced that he was the
forerunner of the 'Promised One' (the Messiah). After he was killed, one of
the Bab's followers, Mírzá Husayn-Alí, claimed to be this Messiah (or
Mahdi) who was to come. He assumed the name Bahá'u'lláh, meaning "the glory
of God."
Buddhism-Buddha originally denied being a god. However, some of his
followers eventually deified him. Though he preached a non-theistic
worldview (it has been described as 'atheistic monism') different branches
of Bud