And new words, do exercises in the work book; write the letter about your nearest
trip. .... Ss. Listen to the teacher and do the exercises ...... L.F 4 / P 46: Writing.

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Date of teaching: ........../8/2013 Period 1: initial test
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge: (3 basic levels: recognisation, comprehension, application) - Vocabulary: revision vocab - Language: revision of tenses
2. Skill(s): use the skill(s) they have learnt to do the tasks required:
Listen, read, write 3. Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt. II. PREPARATIONS Teacher: Test
Students: ............... III. Anticipated problems: IV. PROCEDURE: I/ Choose the best answer (2.5 points)
1.Nga..........a letter at eight o'clock last night .
|A. write |B. was writing |C. is writing |D. writes |
2. Mrs Nga.......always.........her umbrellas
|A.were/ losing |B. has/ lost |C. will/ lose |D. is/ losing |
3.They have to............the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.
|A. separate |B.take |C. bring |D. make |
4. I'm interested in the...............contest.
|A. making-fire |B. fire-making |C. fire-made |D. made-fire |
5.The first prize.........to the Mekong Team just after the final match
|A. is awarded |B. was awarded |C. awards |D. awarded |
6 . My teacher said he .......tired and.....to go home.
|A. is/ wants |B. is / wanted |C. was / wants |D. was / wanted |
7 . I asked Nga............I could borrow her book !
|A. and |B. if |C. or |D. but |
8 . Angkor Wat is one of the largest....... in the world.
|A. temples |B. churches |C. pagodas |D. tombs |
9. Jane is always............... television.
|A. watch |B.watching |C.seeing |D.hear | 10.French food is different................ Viet Nam's.
|A. in |B.at |C.from |D.with |
II.Read then choose the suitable word to complete the passage (2.5 points)
|India Greece compiled included |
|wonder Egypt |
Centuries ago in Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of
Sidon (1)................ a list of what he thought were the seven wonders
of the world. The seven (2).................. the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon in present- day Iraq, the Statue of Zeus in Greece , and the
Pyramid of Cheops in (3).................... . The Pyramid is the only
(4)..................you can still see today . Many people claim that there
were other wonders , which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about . These included The Great Wall of China , The Taj Mahal in
(5)..................... and Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
III. Rewrite the sentences(2.5 points)
1.Someone painted the wall last night..
( The
2. My friend sent me an invitation
( I
3."I am leaving in the morning." he said
(He said
4. "Can I help you ? " she asked him.
(She asked him
5. "What are you doing?'' Lan asked me
(Lan asked
Answer key
I/ (2.5 points)
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6 . D 7 . B 8 . A 9. B 10. C II. (2.5 points)
1. compiled 2. included 3. Egypt 4. wonder
5. India
III. (2.5 points)
1. The wall was painted last night
2. I was sent an invitation by my friend
3. He said that he was leaving in the morning.
4. She asked him if he could help her.
5. Lan asked me what I was doing. Date of teaching: ...../......./ 2012 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge: (3 basic levels: recognisation, comprehension, application) - Vocabulary: read and write words or phrases: correspond(v),
friendliness(unc), impress(v), a mosque, pray(v), the atmosphere, keep in
touch(v) - Language: use sentence structures to ask and answer questions: - Revision of past simple tense. - Past simple tens with " wish" and " used to"
2. Skill(s): use the skill(s) they have learnt to do the tasks required:
Listen and read 3. Attitude: have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt. II. PREPARATIONS Teacher: Casette
Students: ............... III. Anticipated problems: -" Wish" and " used to" IV. PROCEDURE: |Teacher and Students' Activities |Board Display |
|I. WARM-UP (7' - GW) | Date: |
|T: Now let's imagine you have a foreign |................... |
|pen pal who is coming to visit you for the|Unit 1. A visit from a pen pal |
|first time. He / She is going to stay with|Lesson1:- Getting started/ Page 6 |
|you for a week. What activities would you |- Listen and read/ Page 6,7 |
|do during the visit? | |
|- Let students look at the pictures in | |
|their books and tell what and where they |Networks: |
|are. |Ha Noi Opera House |
|- Ask students if they want to take their |[pic] |
|friends to these places or not. |HCM Mausoleum |
|- Ask students what are there in their | |
|regions that attract visitors. |Temple of Literature |
|- Ask students to work in pairs to tell |One Pillar Pagoda |
|where they should take their friends to. | |
|- Ask some students tell about their | |
|opinions. | |
|-T. lets Ss play the games. | |
|-Ss. Give some places in Ha Noi. | |
|-Ss. Go to the board and gives the famous | |
|places in Ha Noi. | |
|-T. guides Ss how to write in English. | |
|-Ss. Go to the board and write them on. | |
|-Ss. May write in Vietnamese or English. | |
|Chatting: | |
|- Do you have pen pals? | |
|- Do you have any friends abroad / in the | |
|North / in the South? | |
|- Do you like to have pen pals? | |
|* Example answer : | |
|St A : ( point at picture c) I think this | |
|is one of the places I want to take my | |
|friends to. We can do the shopping or I'll| |
|just introduce them a Vietnamese market. | |
|St B : Good idea ! I believe they will be | |
|interested in it. | |
|/ think I will take my friend to Do | |
|Son/Sam Son/Cat Ba beach where we can swim| |
|and build sand castles. And then we will | |
|visit.... | |
| II.NEW LESSON |1. Vocabulary : |
|2.Pre-Reading:(10'): |- correspond(v) : Trao ®æi th tÝn |
|(Imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming |- Friendliness (unc): Sù th©n mËt |
|to stay with you for a week. What |- impress (v) : G©y Ên tîng |
|activities would you like to do during the|- a mosque (v): Nhµ thê håi gi¸o |
|visit? The pictures in the book may help |- pray(v): CÇu nguyÖn |
|you.) |the atmosphere: BÇu kh«ng khÝ |
|-T. guides Ss how to start the lesson and |- keep in touch(v): Gi÷ mèi liªn l¹c|
|choose the vocabulary. | |
|-Ss. Pull out Voc: | |
|-T. explains | |
|-Ss. Practice. | |
|-T. explains how to pronounce the voc. | |
|- Ss. Imitate the T's pronunciation. | |
|-Ss. Practice individual and choral. | |
|-T. holds the games ,Ss play the games | |
|-Each time you rub out an English word, . | |
|point to the Vietnamese translation and | |
|ask" what's this in English