7.4.1 Préciser les conditions d'exercice par le CDR de ses fonctions ...... Comme
par ailleurs, les exercices de programmation, en retour, tendent à avoir pour ......
with a view to determining whether or not to go ahead with a feasibility study. ......
être revus et corrigés régulièrement en fonction des évolutions constatées.

Part of the document

Proposition infinitive On emploie la proposition infintive après :
Want ............., like ............,ask ..................., expect
......................., hate ....................., need
................, order ..................., prefer ...................
, wait for ..................................
Exemple : I want him to go out (Je veux qu'il sorte)
Dans ce test vous devez transformer les 2 phrases de façon à n'en faire
qu'une avec cette tournure .
Exemple : I want......he goes out .............. devient : I want him to go
1. She wants ______________________________(he reads a book)
2. We want ______________________________ (she visits London)
3. They want ______________________________ (we eat cheese)
4. He wants ______________________________ (they go swimming)
5. I want ______________________________ (you speak fluent English)
6. You wanted ______________________________ (I drive slowly)
7. She wanted ______________________________ (we go to the cinema)
8. I would like ______________________________ (they play football)
9. She expects ______________________________ (we buy a new dress)
10. He expected ______________________________ (she passes her exams)
[pic] Trouver la tournure avec une proposition infinitive, très courante en
1. I want (que tu viennes) with me. ______________________________
2. They want (que tu sois là) for his birthday party.
3. She wants (qu'il apprenne) French. ______________________________
4. We want (que tous les enfants soient heureux).
5. You want (que je lui dise tout) ? ______________________________
[pic] reconstituer la phrase. 1. daughter to Mrs help her Fox her. asked
[pic][pic][pic]2. to you Why does Joe call want him ?
[pic][pic][pic]3. my me I pocket would money. like parents to give
[pic][pic][pic]4. did to ? you What tell your do brother
[pic][pic][pic]5. my do want to children I smoke. not
[pic][pic][pic]6. ? headmaster has she to Why come asked the
[pic][pic][pic]7. drive think police you I will not fast. tell to so the
.............................................................................. [pic][pic][pic]8. me tea to you Would nice cup a like ? you of bring
.............................................................................. [pic][pic][pic]9. their Which would to do exercise them teacher like ?
[pic][pic][pic]10. to less will ? tell make noise her When children she
[pic][pic][pic]11. to the she order Why doesn't stay dog house in her ?
[pic] Construire des phrases avec « to want + proposition infinitive », suivant
le modèle :
You must come tomorrow. (I) I want you to come tomorrow.
1. You must wait for us. (We) ______________________________
2. They must listen to me. (I) ______________________________
3. We must write to our friends more often. (Our friends)
4. We mustn't be late. (The teacher) ______________________________
5. I must buy my wife a gold watch. (My wife)
6. They must learn German. (Their parents) ______________________________
7. John must mow the lawn. (John's father) ______________________________
8. She must give up smoking. (Her doctor) ______________________________
9. You mustn't play in the kitchen. (Your mother)
10. She must tell us the truth. (We). ______________________________
[pic] [pic] Utiliser To want
Le verbe want s'emploie avec les constructions indiquées ci-dessous:
+ infinitif, pour exprimer la volonté d'accomplir une action.
I want to buy a new car.

+ complément+ infinitif, pour exprimer la volonté que d'autres
accomplissent l'action:
I want you to be back before midnight.

+ gérondif, ayant un sens passif:
John's motorcycle wants servicing.

They want us to leave the house in three weeks
Dans l'exemple ci-dessus le verbe want exprime la volonté que d'autres
accomplissent l'action.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense. Use a pronoun when suggested.

1. Does she want ______________________________ (go) to Spain or to Italy
at Easter?
2. These plants are drooping; they want ______________________________
3. My cousin Mary wants ______________________________ (I /go) on holiday
with her.
4. Your hair wants ______________________________ (cut).
5. Our parents want ______________________________ (we /start) a new job
6. I don't want ______________________________ (you /spend) all your pocket
money on records.
7. They didn't want ______________________________ (their children/go) to
bed late.
REPONSES: 1) to go
2) watering
3) me to go
4) cutting
5) us to start
6) you to spend
7) their children to go [pic]
Remets les phrases dans le bon ordre
Attention: want est toujours suivi par TO + une base verbale [pic]
Questions: go | wants | to | She | . | alley | bowling | to | the |
a | Why | doesn't | to | she | ? | video | want | game | buy |
go | . | the | to | I | want | concert | to |
want | ? | chocolate | Do | some | you |
the | to | to | swimming | He | . | go | wants | pool |
want | don't | . | You | a | pizza | piece | of |
go | I | to | want | to | bus. | by | school |
a | for | wants | her | breakfast. | She | banana |
buy | ? | to | What | he | want | does |
to | want | don't | ? | visit | Why | the | museum | you | [pic]
REPONSES: She wants to go to the bowling alley . Why doesn't she want to buy a video
game ? I want to go to the concert . Do you want some chocolate ? He wants
to go to the swimming pool . You don't want a piece of pizza . I want to go
to school by bus. She wants a banana for her breakfast. What does he want
to buy ? Why don't you want to visit the museum ? [pic]
Proposition infinitive
On emploie la proposition infintive après want, like,ask, expect, hate,
need, order, prefer et wait for.
Exemple : I want him to go out
Dans ce test vous devez transformer les 2 phrases de façon à n'en faire
qu'une avec cette tournure .
Exemple : I want......he goes out ..............doit devenir : I want him
to go out [pic]
1. She wants ______________________________(he reads a book)
2. We want ______________________________ (she visits London)
3. They want ______________________________ (we eat cheese)
4. He wants ______________________________ (they go swimming)
5. I want ______________________________ (you speak fluent English)
6. You wanted ______________________________ (I drive slowly)
7. She wanted ______________________________ (we go to the cinema)
8. I would like ______________________________ (they play football)
9. She expects ______________________________ (we buy a new dress)
10. He expected ______________________________ (she passes her exams)
REPONSES: 1) him to read a book
2) her to visit London
3) us to eat cheese
4) them to go swimming
5) you to speak fluent English
6) me to drive slowly
7) us to go to the cinema
8) them to play football
9) us to buy a new dress
10) her to pass her exams [pic]
Proposition infinitive
La proposition infinitive
[pic] 1) On emploie la proposition infinitive après certains verbes comme want et
Want/like +nom ou pronom complément + to -infinitif I want her to come
Je veux qu'elle vienne
(Et non I want that she comes!) I would like Jane to work better !
J'aimerais que Jane travaille mieux
(Et non I would like that Jane works better) Remarque:
[pic]« Je veux que... » ne se traduit jamais par « I want that... »
[pic] 2) Cette proposition infinitive est également employée après les verbes :
ask, expect, hate, need, order, prefer , wait for I expect her to phone me Je m'attends à ce qu'elle m'appelle I need someone to help me J'ai besoin que quelqu'un m'aide I am waiting for Mike to come back J'attends que Mike revienne
[pic]Notez que « expect » se traduit souvent par « supposer, penser,
prévoir... »
I expect her to understand Je suppose qu'elle comprendra [pic] Notez que "I can't wait " correspond souvent à "Vivement
que...." I can't wait for the holidays vivement les vacances
I can't wait to see him again vivement que je le revoie Exercice : Construire une proposition infinitive avec les éléments
indiqués [pic]
Questions: to | you | I | with | come | us. | want |
Betty | phone | He | would | to | like | him. |
want | angry. | be | don't | I | to | Jim |
her. | to | listen | would | someone | She | to | like |
am | I | call | o'clock. | expecting | two | to | Wendy | at | me |
invite | to | Smith | dinner. | us | to | Mrs | I | expect |
He | lend | book. | wants | to | me | a | you |
he | foo