feature object attributes

6. Section 92 of the correction law, as added by chapter 478 of the ... specifically state whether or not the parolee continues to suffer from a terminal condition, ...

Part of the document

|Drafted by/|Attributes |details |
| | |(new/deleted/amended) |
|Date | | |
|Jens/ |all |inserted control table |
|18. Jul. 06| | |
|Jens |cattra |amended attribute ID |
|09. Aug | | |
| |infber |see comment |
| |siused |added definition |
| |wkdywk |see comment |
|Jens |rgdata |new idea |
|11. Aug. | |implemented IMO reporting system |
| | |in detail |
|David | |added filename and page nos to |
|16 Aug | |footer |
| | |I believe the "Mariner's |
| | |Information Object" is in fact |
| | |"Mariner's Navigational Object". |
| | |If so 6 changes required using |
| | |search and replace. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |autori |Definitions, changed type, added |
| | |military |
| |calnam |Added distiction |
| |catcgo |Searched for AIS cargo types; |
| | |definitions; |
| |CATHAF |definitions |
| |catplt |Extended list; amended |
| | |definitions; |
| |CATRSC |see comment |
| |cattra |Amended list; definitions; |
| |catvsl |Aligned with AIS shptypand |
| | |extended; definitions; |
| |citynm |amended definition |
| |diplomaticRepresenta|Acronym |
| |tion | |
| |flafInformation |Acronym |
|16Oct06 |holqua |Definition |
| |infber |Deleted - Unrealistic |
| |maxair |remarks |
| |ltelev |definiton |
| |maxbrd |Definition, remarks |
| |maxbrd |Definition, remarks |
| |maxdpl |indication |
| |maxdrf |remarks |
| |maxdwt |indication |
| |maxgtn |Definition, indication |
| |maxlen |Definition, indication |
| |maxntn |definiton |
| |mindpl |Definition, resolution |
| |mindwt |Definition, resolution |
| |mingtn |Definition, resolution |
| |minlen |Definition, remarks |
| |minntn |definition |
| |mmsico |Type; definiton; format; example |
| |natcur |Definiton |
| |nmtlao |Changed aconym to nmtlow |
| |nmtlow |Definiton, |
| | | |
| |ntctim |reinserted and amended |
| |otherCurrency |Acronym, definition |
| |pltrqs |See comment |
| |prtreg |Deleted Medical requirements |
| |qualim |See comment |
| |rgdata |See comment |
| |rtfrqz |Definiton; expected input |
| |rtpref |Title; acronym; definition. To |
| | |make inclusive |
| |securityLevel |drafted |
| |siused |Attribute type |
| |wkhrdy |added |
|DA 24 Oct |rgdata |Definitions |
|06 | | |
|Northern |cataut |amended definition; amended |
|09. Nov. | |attribute type |
|2006 | | |
| |clabpb |we are not saticfied with the |
| | |definitions |
| |citynm |Attribute name extended, changed |
| | |definition. Is there any need for |
| | |city name in English? |
| |emails |amended definition |
| |maxgtn |deleted unit |
| |maxbrd |amended resolution |
| |nmtlow |amended definition |
| |rgdata |prosed a new solution; |
| | |propose to defide into two |
| | |seperate attributes based on Jens'|
| | |proposal made on 11.August |
| |rtfrqz |deleted expected input, |
| | |inserted indication, format, and |
| | |examples |
| |contry |language problems? |
| |admdiv |see question mark |
| |catvsl |definition |
| |catcgo |definitions, proposal |
| |mmsico |definition |
| |prcdre |changed to svaprc; |
| | |extended attribute name to clarify|
| | |the destingtion of the attribute |
| |CATHAF |definition |
| |CATRSC |discussion |
| |srvmed |propose to devide into two |
| | |different attributes |
| |catplt |changed the order once again, |
| | |which can be a game for the |
| | |future; |
| | |definitions |
| | |proposal for a new definition |
| |catpsv |do we need this attribute? |
| |catsup |definitions;attribute type |
| |cattra |definitions |
| |qualim |discussion |
|Jens |catmac |extended, |
|27.Nov. | | |
|2006 | | |
| |catnpu |comments to discuss |
| |CATPRA |comments to discuss |
| |dvlpmt |comments, definition |
| |diplomaticRepresenta|comment to discuss |
| |tion | |
| |flagInformation |comment to discuss |
| |headed text |comment to discuss |
| |languageInformation |comment to discuss |
| |Language |comments to discuss |
| |npsubject |discussion; see comments for NPs |
| | |object |
|Jens |otherCurrency |comment, question mark |
|28.Nov. | | |
|2006 | | |
| |othwem |discussion and new proposal in |
| | |discussion box |
| |prtreg |discussion |
| |securityLevel |structured definitions |
| |trptfc |confused |
| |traffc |question regarding format |
| |wkhrdy |comment |
| |wkdywk |comment |
| |catsvc |comments, see also comments on |
| | |object-file version 2006_11_28 |
| |ltelev |question mark