
Subject area: Artistic education, also including Arts and Crafts and Music.
Cultural ...... Etude et exercices pratiques sur planche de référence. ...... The
participants are documenting their and fellow development with the camera of
their own smart phones. ...... Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-PT1-GRU13-

Part of the document

TABLE OF CONTENTS A. PER COUNTRY AT-AUSTRIA 4 Sustainable Innovation Quest -Empowerment for Local Changemakers and Social
Entrepreneurs 4
Digital publishing for active citizens - how to compose texts, edit photos
and publish on the web to become a citizen journalist 6
Move - Migration in Different Generations 8 CY-CYPRUS 10 Medieval Ceramics of Cyprus 10 CZ-CZECH 12 Protection of traditional values in middle-european space - practical
workshops at historical region of Hartenberg domain 12
Heart to art 13 DE-GERMANY 14 "Ich bin woanders" Eine Lern- und Erlebnisreise für Eltern in die
Medienwelten ihrer Kinder. "somewhere else" A learning journey and an
experience journey for parents in the media world of your children 14
DiG - Deaf in the Garden 16
Lern-SPIEL-Welten 18
Sei dabei und finde deinen Weg! / Take part and find your way! 20
Do it your self energy - Energie selbst erzeugen 22
Kochkurs: Pflanzlich kreativ - Nachhaltig kochen in Berlin 24
Jede(r) kann Kunst - Zukunftswerkstatt zum "Weltkunstlabor" Dokumenta 13
LEiSE2: Leib inklusive Seele oder "Sportlich zum ICH für Menschen mit
geistiger Behinderung" 27
Trashformers - from waste to design / von Müll zum Produkt 28 FI-FINLAND 30 HA- HA is A-HA! 30 FR-FRANCE 31 ARTetFACT ''Atelier Recyclage Transformation et Formation Arts Couleurs à
Thann'' 31
Vivre avec les personnes âgées et les aider à rester actives et citoyennes
dans leur vie 33
Confiance en soi et valorisation au féminin sur les pas des Dames
d''Occitanie 35
VIDEO: Une ressource nouvelle - L'utilisation de la vidéo dans le domaine
socioculturel 38
Stop Motion - Animation Workshop 40 GB-UNITED KINGDOM 42 Audio recording, mixing, mastering and publishing 42
WELLIES - Fun on the Farm 43
Latin American Cultures and People in Europe and the World 44
Sharpham Sounds 45
Suitcase Circus 47
Eco-literacy: Biodynamic Gardening and Sustainable Living Skills 48 HR-CROATIA 49 Ritam gluhog dlana (Deaf Palm Pulse) 49 HU-HUNGARY 50 Erdei termékek a mindennapokban 50
Fontos vagy! videoportrék a n?i esélyegyenl?ségért - Rewrite the screenplay
of your life! Revaluation of the middle-aged women''s attitude, enhance
trheir social activitiy. 51
"Craftissimo" - Indítsd be szociális vállalkozásodat! - "Craftissimo" -
Boot your social enterprise! 53 IE-IRELAND 55 ''Creative Learning without Limits'' 55 IS-ICELAND 57 Intercultural competence in a unique envirnment 57 IT 59 What a Waste! Recycle for Change 59
US and THEM: RECYCLING MARGINALITY: creation and design from recycled
materials with prison inmates. 64
Florence and Neaples and back: songs and dances of the Florentin and
Neapolitan popular tradition 66
LET''S EUROPE Citizen Journalism & Active Citizenship 68
Hidden Heritage - Discover the hidden History of Europe through old
Photography 70
"Dance with me - developing personal well being and emotional intelligence
competence through dance" 72 LU-LUXEMBOURG 73 Von der Form zum Zeichen 73 NO-NORWAY 74 value based leadership for young adults. 74
concrete tools for world changers - builders of a sustainable europe
75 PL-POLAND 76 Let''s animate & integrate! 76
Dancing with memories 78
Mind Gym for Seniors 79
Polish - Chopin''s mother tongue 80
Memo Rise - Intergenerational Memory Training 82
Decyduj?, wi?c jestem - empowerment kobiet 50+ w ?yciu publicznym 83
Check! Do you really live healthy, safely and ecologically? 85
I will Tell You a Story 87 PT-PORTUGAL 89 Dancing for Inclusion 89
GREEN: Learning New Approaches for Sustainable Alternatives 90
How to train your pen: Storycrafting and word bending for novices 92
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Get a Deeper Picture 93 RO-ROMANIA 95 From "green" to sustainable public procurement 95
Enhancing European Cooperation and Health Promotion through Strengthening
Coaching and Self Care Skills, Key Competences for Aging Adults 96
Designing and running outdoor activities for children 97 SK-SLOVAKIA 98 Living History 98 TR-TURKEY 99 Deaf Friendly Cities & International Sign Language 99
Intercultural Leadership Education 100
Promotion and Protection of Traditional Careers 101
Creating Basic Awareness of Disasters 102
New Media Literacy and Empowerment for Democracy Workshop for Adult
Learners 103
Richness of Turkish Handcraft Colors 104
A Nice Hobby: Home Repairs for Males and Females 105
Non-Formal Learning in Adult Education in Ad?yaman 106
Culture in the Kitchen 107
Model Aircraft 108
How to Make Your Own Pickle 109
Come, Learn and Dance Balkan Dances With Us! 110
Turkey''s European Union Membership in the View of Foreigners 111 AT-AUSTRIA Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-AT1-GRU13-07510 Venue: GEA Akademie, Schrems Date of the Workshop: 05/10/2012 -
Sustainable Innovation Quest -Empowerment for Local Changemakers and Social
Subject area: Active citizenship
Environment / sustainable development
Learning opportunities for people at risk of social
marginalisation Working language(s): EN Target Group + Translation: Eingeladen sind AkteurInnen des Wandels aus allen europäischen Ländern.
"AkteurInnen des Wandels" sind Menschen, die mit eigener Initiative und
Innovationskraft einen Beitrag zu einer sozialeren, ökologischeren und
nachhaltigeren Gesellschaft leisten wollen. Menschen, die etwas verändern
möchten und dafür noch Klarheit, Handwerkszeug und Mut benötigen. Daraus
entstehen Visionen und Projekte: Konkret, praktisch, in der regionalen
Umgebung und als Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl! Willkommen sind Menschen
jeglichen Geschlechts, Alters, Bildungshintergrunds und jeder Kultur und
Religion. Insbesondere ermutigen wir benachteiligte Menschen zur Teilnahme
am Workshop, die in ihren direkten Umfeldern bedrückende Missstände
erleben. Invited are "Change Agents" from all European countries. Those "Change
Agents" are persons whom wish to contribute with their initiative and
innovation to a more social, ecological and sustainable society. We are
working with People who want to change something, but still miss clarity,
tools or courage to do so. Outcome of the workshop will be visions and
projects: concrete, practical, embedded in the regional surrounding and as
a contribution to the common welfare. People of every gender, age,
educational background, culture or religion are welcome. We especially
encourage people who experience grievance within their direct surrounding
to participate in the workshop. Main activities Programme + Programme translation: Die Teilnehmenden nähern sich, unterstützt von innovativen
Entwicklungsmethoden, ihrer eigenen Vision bzw. Intention und entfalten
daraus ein nachhaltiges Projekt für den sozialen Wandel. Diese Erfahrung
bestärkt sie aktiv - in ihrer Lebensumgebung - Verantwortung zu übernehmen
und auf lokaler Ebene konkrete Projekte umzusetzen. Der Workshop integriert
dabei Know-How & Handwerkszeug, Persönlichkeitsentfaltung, sowie die
Entwicklung von Visionen und Projekten für eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft.
Dies verhilft Menschen zu mehr und zielorientierter Handlungs- und
Gestaltungsfähigkeit. Die Teilnehmenden werden während der 9 Tage in
ihrem individuellen Entwicklungsprozess unterstützt und begleitet: der
Workshop umfasst dabei thematisch aufeinander aufbauende Gruppenworkshops,
Inputs, Best-Practice-Beispiele, Coaching für die Umsetzung und Freiräume
für die Arbeit im eigenen Rhythmus. Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme:
hohe Motivation, einen eigenen gesellschaftlichen Beitrag zu leisten und
die Bereitschaft, dafür auch an der eigenen Persönlichkeit zu arbeiten. Supported by innovative methods, participants approach their own visions
and intentions in order to unfold a sustainable project for social change.
The experiences in the 8 days empower them to actively engage within their
surrounding, take responsibility and implement concrete projects on a
regional scale. The workshop integrates know-how & tools, personality
development as well as the development of visions and projects for a
sustainable society. It supports people to become more aware of their
ability of creation and action. During the 8 days workshop the participants
will be supported and accompanied in their own process of development: that
includes group-workshops, inputs, best-practise examples, coaching for
implementation and free space to work in individual pace. Requirements
for participation are: high motivation to implement an idea and the
willingness to work on ones own personality. Workshop Organiser: plenum - gesellschaft für ganzheitlich nachhaltige
entwicklung Contact details: Lindengasse 2/14
1070 Wien
Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-AT1-GRU13-07506 Venue: Graz Date of the Workshop: 01/10/2012 - 08/10/2012
Digital publishing for active citizens - how to compose texts, edit photos
and publish on the web to become a citizen journalist
Subject area: New technologies, ICT
Active citizenship
Media and communication Working language(s): EN Target Group + Translation: People from all ages (18-80) interested in new media and journalism;
Disadvantaged learners and people with fewer oportuniti